
  • 网络Giving Pledge
  1. “捐赠誓约”3年前由微软(microsoft)联合创始人比尔盖茨(billgates)和投资者沃伦巴菲特(warrenbuffett)发起,旨在促进人们对慈善行为展开辩论、并鼓励富人将钱财捐给有益的事业。

    The giving pledge , established three years ago by Bill Gates , co-founder of Microsoft , and Warren Buffett , the investor , was designed to promote a debate over philanthropy and encourage rich individuals to give money away to worthwhile causes .

  2. 比尔.盖茨的朋友和捐赠誓约的联合创办人,沃伦.巴菲特也做出了公开声明承诺在有生之年和死后逐渐拿出自己99%的资产贡献给慈善事业。

    Close friend of the Gates and Giving Pledge co-founder , Warren Buffett has made a public commitment to gradually give away more than 99 per cent of his wealth over his lifetime or in his will .