
  • 网络investor
  1. 该项目的主要投资商是法国的国民信贷银行。

    The main investor in the project is the French bank Credit National .

  2. 这个歌手正在和MichaelPolansky约会,他是企业家和投资商,毕业于哈佛,管理Facebook联合创始人肖恩·帕克成立的具有开创性的癌症免疫研究所。

    The singer is dating entrepreneur and investor Michael Polansky , a Harvard graduate who runs Facebook co-founder Sean Parker 's ground-breaking Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy .

  3. 由于某些无法说明的原因,投资商们决定撤出投资。

    For some inexplicable reason , the investors decided to pull out .

  4. 股票价格将由机构投资商的出价决定。

    The share price will be determined by bidding from institutional investors .

  5. 改革开倒车已经让西方的个体投资商心生疑虑。

    The rollback of reform is already putting off private western investors .

  6. 一批投资商从政府手中买下墨西哥电信公司。

    ' Telmex ' was bought off the government by a group of investors .

  7. 在该项目刚开始时,HK由英国控股,但到了项目后期一个德国投资商拥有了HK。

    H & K was British owned at the start of the project , but was later bought back by a group of German investors .

  8. 处于早期发展阶段的其它公司未来怎样,风险投资商命运如何,都将取决于Google这次能否成功带头上市。

    The fortunes of other early-stage companies , and venture capital investors , rest on Google leading the way successfully to the stock market .

  9. 2012年,做空机构香椽公司(CitronResearch)公布报告称,该公司没有清偿能力,指责恒大集团向投资商提供虚假信息。

    In 2012 , the short-seller Citron Research published a report saying the company was insolvent , accusing Evergrande of presenting fraudulent information to investors .

  10. 哦,那Stuart有没有试着去贷款,或者…或者找投资商?

    Oh , is Stuart trying to get a loan , or-or find investors ?

  11. 本质上说,SOX需要公司主动的公开投资商需要的信息,使得他们能够做出精明的决策。

    Essentially , SOX requires corporations to make public the information that investors need to make informed decisions .

  12. 如果希望通过Web提供与桌面应用程序相似的强大功能,确实是可以实现的&但是,不像风险投资商和其他人想得是“免费获得”。

    If you really and truly want the strengths of a desktop app to be accessible over the Web , you can have that & but not " for free " as VCs and others sometimes seem to think .

  13. 而风险资本作为影响信息不对称因素的投资商一方,对风险资本对IPO抑价影响研究就显得尤为重要。

    The impact of information asymmetry as a venture capital investor side factors , the risk capital of the Impact of Underpricing of IPO is particularly important .

  14. 投资商包括像里昂信贷银行、可口可乐和日本电气公司NEC这样的超级大公司。

    Including corporate giants such as Credit Lyonnais , Coca-Cola , and the Japanese electronics company NEC .

  15. 但由于外部环境的复杂性和组织自身因素的不确定性,BT模式在具体实施的过程中也面临着很多风险,对投资商构成了一系列的威胁,对项目推进带来了严重的不利影响。

    However , BT mode faces many risks in particular practice process due to the complexity of the external environment and the uncertainty of the organization itself .

  16. 而最早成为风险投资商乐土的TMT行业,却相对受到冷落;

    And make the TMT trade with Elysian business of venture capital investment the earliest , get relatively however desolate ;

  17. 在2000年互联网热潮处于高峰之时,sort公司被出售给美国咨询集团mpower和风险投资商capitalz,戈斯则成为了英国区的董事总经理。

    Sort was sold at the height of the dotcom boom in 2000 to us Advisory Group MPOWER and venture capitalist capital Z , and Mr Goss became UK managing director .

  18. J2ME应用可运行在不同投资商的不同设备上。这在高度竞争性的手机设备行业中是特别重要的,因为存在大量的不同设备。

    J2ME can be run on different facilities of different investors , which is of special importance in the highly competitive industry of mobile phone facilities .

  19. 不久,IBM就成为该技术的重要支持者,并成为GlobusAlliance的GlobusToolkit(包含用于建立格网的开源软件)的唯一投资商。

    Soon , IBM became a key proponent of the technology and sole corporate funder of the Globus Alliance 's Globus Toolkit , consisting of open source software for building grids .

  20. 本文旨在借助全面风险管理理论,建立一个通用的风险管理系统,期望能为内资BOT高速公路项目中的投资商提供决策和有效的风险管理。

    The theory of the comprehensive risk management is used to build a all-purpose risk management system to provide a decision and a efficient risk management method for the folk investor in this paper .

  21. 根据污水处理厂BOT项目运作的实践,探讨了BOT项目投融资方式财务评估,可供BOT投资商决策时参考。

    In this paper based on the practice of BOT project , finance evaluation on invest and financing mode for BOT project is discussed , which can be used as references to BOT investors .

  22. 现在,PloughatCadsden--这所位于英国首相官方乡村别墅附近的一间乡村酒吧,据报道已经被卖给了中国投资商,具体金额不详。

    Now the Plough at Cadsden - a rural tavern near the official country retreat used by British prime ministers - has reportedly been sold to Chinese investors for an undisclosed fee .

  23. 亿万富翁投资商乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)最近在美国国会作证时表示,他认为在最近的油价飙升中,投机泡沫多于基本面供需因素。

    George Soros , the billionaire investor , recently testified to us congressmen that he believed a speculator bubble was perched atop the fundamental supply and demand reasons for the recent surge in prices .

  24. 本文分析了我国“建设转让”项目(即BT项目)建设的现状及特征,详细论述了BT项目业主、投资商、承包商、监理在BT项目建设中的风险。

    This paper analyzed the present condition and feature of the Build-Transfer Project ( abbreviation BT Project ), discussed the risk of the BT project Proprietor , Investor , Contractor and supervisory Engineer in BT project construction .

  25. 本周,总部位于中国深圳的无人机制造商大疆公司(DJI)得到了风险投资商阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)的7500万美元投资。

    This week , drone maker DJI , which is based in Shenzhen , China , said it raised $ 75 million from venture capital firm Accel Partners .

  26. 葡萄牙格拉西奥萨岛(graciosaisland)规划通过电池贮能技术,试行风能与太阳能混用,德国的投资商希望能以此彻底变革清洁能源。

    Graciosa Island , Portugal scheduled to trial a mix of wind and solar backed up by battery storage technology , which its German backers hope will revolutionise clean energy .

  27. 本着双方共羸,共同发展的宗旨,JH人兢兢业业,力求让每位投资商在本地区都能成为金牌投资商。

    Spirit of mutual benefit , The purpose of common development , JH person cautious and conscientious , So as to provide each investor in the region can become a gold investor .

  28. 由于BOT方式涉及政府、投资者、贷款银行、承包商和原材料供应商等多方的利益,所以被认为是对东道国和投资商的双赢。

    Since the way of BOT involves the interests of the government , the investor , the loan bank , the contractor , and the material supplier , it is considered as the win_winpattem to both the host country and the investor .

  29. 产品供应的扩展帮助京东吸引了更大的投资商,比如老虎环球(TigerGlobal)、俄罗斯亿万富翁尤里·米尔纳(YuriMilner)、沙特阿拉伯王子瓦利德·本·塔拉勒(AlwaleedbinTalal),以及沃尔玛超市(Wal-MartStores)背后的沃尔顿家族(Waltons)。

    The expansion , in turn , helped lure bigger investors , such as Tiger Global , the Russian billionaire Yuri Milner , Prince Alwaleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia and the Waltons , the family behind Walmart Stores .

  30. 已经涌现为新兴民用无人机市场领军者之一的中国DJI公司从硅谷风险投资商阿克塞尔合伙公司(AccelPartners)筹集到7500万美元。

    DJI , the Chinese company that has emerged as one of the leaders in the burgeoning civilian market for drones , has raised $ 75 million from Accel Partners , the Silicon Valley venture capital firm .