
  • 网络Investment ratio;proportion of investment
  1. 清算后的财产,根据甲、乙双方投资比例进行分配。

    The liquidated assets shall be distributed in accordance with the proportion of investment contributed by Party A and Party B.

  2. 机构投资者投资比例的增加以及它对第一大股东的制衡能力增强,都有利于提升公司的价值。

    Corporations have larger proportion of investment from institutional investors and corporations whose institutional investors have more power to balance the first largest shareholder both can enhance the value of company .

  3. 在利润率R0下的最佳组合证券投资比例系数的计算方法债券投资中单复利比较与应用

    Vestment of the Best Combination under the Interest RateR_0 Comparison between Simple Interest and Compound Interest and its Application in Bonds Investment

  4. 结果表明,搜索化德尔塔方法能够确定最优的投资比例,在此比例下,投资组合的VaR值达到最优。

    The results show that Delta-Search Method can identify the best investment rate . Under this rate , VaR value of investment portfolio is the best .

  5. 然后,运用条件极值和拉格朗日函数,针对在特定收益率下使风险达到最小的经济命题建立模型,并结合实例,利用MATLAB软件加以计算,得出最佳投资比例。

    Then , with condition , extremum and Lagrange function aim at under specific yield to make risk reach minimum economic proposition to establish model . And combine example , calculate using MATLAB software and reach investment proportion .

  6. 本文讨论Markowitz均值&方差模型中各个资产投资比例改为各个资产的数量(手数),且要求在整数这一约束条件下,构造一个二次整数规划模型。

    This thesis discusses the Markowitz model that asset combination investment will be changed into quantity of asset ( hands ) . And each assets adds an integer number to the constraints . Then a quadratic integer programming model is constructed .

  7. 该模型以市场指数的RSI(40)指标作为系统风险的度量,用引入无风险资产的单指数模型计算组合中各资产的投资比例。

    That model use the index sign of RSI ( 40 ) of the market index as the generous character of the system risk , use the single index model of with the non risk property to calculate combination the inside the investment comparison of each property .

  8. 在发达国家,平均的投资比例是21%。

    In developed economies the average investment ratio is 21 % .

  9. 一种医院投资比例计算方法的研究

    The Study of One Kind of Computation Method in Hospital Investment

  10. 也就是在给定的证券集中选择哪些证券以及每种证券的投资比例问题,它们是相互关联的两个问题。

    These are two problems that are connected with each other .

  11. 我国公共教育投资比例研究

    Study on the public ratio of investment in education of China

  12. 最优投资比例系数的确定方法研究

    Study on the Ascertainment Method of the Coefficientof Optimization Investment Proportion

  13. 油气勘探开发投资比例与储量接替率关系探讨

    Relation between investment proportion and reserve replacement ratio during oil-gas exploration

  14. 我国保险资金最优投资比例问题研究

    A Study on the Optimum Investment Proportion of Insurance Funds in China

  15. 我国当前消费、投资比例关系研究

    Research on the Ratio Relationships between China 's Present Consumption and Investment

  16. 区探、预探、评价、滚动投资比例;

    The proportion of regional , preliminary , appraisal and progressive exploration investment ;

  17. 应按转让者与受让者的全部投资比例分配超额利润余额。并对评估基准日、折现系数的计算进行修改。

    And the circulation for evaluation base day and coefficient should be revised .

  18. 勘探科研与勘探工程投资比例;

    The proportion of research and engineering exploration investment ;

  19. 保险公司投资比例问题研究

    A Study on the Investment Proportion of Insurance Company

  20. 客户端硬件投资比例大。

    The investment in hardware of client is high .

  21. 凯雷被迫将拟议中的投资比例削减至50%。

    Carlyle was forced to cut its planned investment to 50 per cent .

  22. 双方投资比例是多少?

    What be the investment proportion of both parties ?

  23. 教育投资比例的国际比较

    Proportions of Educational Investment : An International Comparison

  24. 我国城市住宅建设投资比例与投资需求量预测

    The Prediction of the Urban Housing Construction Investment Proportions and Investment Demand of China

  25. 教育投资比例的数学模型

    Mathematical model for the proportion of educational investment

  26. 勘探开发投资比例。

    The proportion of exploration and exploitation .

  27. 最低投资比例约束下的证券组合模型及有效边界解析式

    Portfolio Model and Its Explicit Expressions of Portfolio Efficient Frontier with Minimum Investment Proportion Constraint

  28. 保险资金直接入市的投资比例与策略研究

    A Study on Proportion and Strategy of Insurance Funds Directly Investing in the Stock Market

  29. 第三产业内部的房地产业等投资比例过大也是值得关注的问题。

    The real estate industry and others have a large proportion is also an issue .

  30. 对消费率问题的研究一般可以归结为对消费与投资比例关系的研究。

    The researches on consumption rate are regarded as the studies of the proportion to consumption .