
  • 网络Last Stand
  1. 特别是,阿鲁姆和罗克萨发现,大学生没有发展批判性思维、分析推理能力和其他更高层次的能力,而这些技能可以使他们在当今的知识经济中茁壮成长,使国家在复杂挑战和动态变化中屹立不倒。

    In particular , Arum and Roksa found , college students were not developing the critical thinking , analytic reasoning and other higher-level skills that are necessary to thrive in today 's knowledge-based economy and to lead our nation in a time of complex challenges and dynamic change .

  2. 甲骨文(Oracle)和国际商务机器公司(IBM)是最后几家屹立不倒的公司,在争夺软件合作企业和/或并购对象方面打了个势均力敌。

    Oracle and IBM are the last ones standing , going head-to-head after enterprise software partners and / or acquisitions .

  3. HB银行在一百多年的发展中屹立不倒,重要的因素是一向秉承“为客户提供卓越快速的服务”的宗旨。

    HB BANK going through more than a century with excellent tracks , one reason is " the fast and excellent service " that it always promised to its customers .

  4. 造就一些在我死后依然屹立不倒的东西;

    To make something that is still standing when I die.13 .

  5. 我的生活很执著,想青松一样屹立不倒。

    My life is dedicated , to survive , like pine .

  6. 两年过去了,欧元仍屹立不倒。

    Two years on , the euro is still standing .

  7. 但即使他竭尽全力,也不可能永远屹立不倒。

    But try as he might , he cannot hold on forever .

  8. 但在暴风骤雨的现今,欧元还能屹立不倒吗?

    But can the euro withstand today 's hurricane ?

  9. 经历了近五千年的风风雨雨,巨石仍然屹立不倒。

    After nearly 5,000 years Stonehenge is still standing .

  10. 那么在这波转型彻度完成后,谁将会继续屹立不倒呢?

    So who will remain standing in the aftermath of the current shift ?

  11. 还是建筑物在地震中屹立不倒呢

    or a building that didn 't fall down in the first place ?

  12. 完全过时了,但依然屹立不倒。

    Completely out of date but still standing .

  13. 我在当时写的文章中问道,它能长期屹立不倒吗?

    Could it last , I asked in the articles I wrote at the time .

  14. 建筑师在薄纸上绘制出的建筑蓝图,建成后竟能经地震而屹立不倒;

    An architect draws designs on flimsy paper , and her buildings stand up through earthquakes .

  15. 愿你有一个坚强的信念,屹立不倒

    May you have a strong foundation

  16. 即使在时装领域,高跟鞋会暂时过气,在情色领域,它也始终屹立不倒。

    Even when heels temporarily went out of fashion , they retained a prominent place in erotica .

  17. 过去高盛的文化不仅仅围绕赚钱,因为这一点不足以使一个公司在这么长的时期里屹立不倒。

    It wasnt just about making money ; this alone will not sustain a firm for so long .

  18. 这是属于北京的奥运会,而它所留下的遗产将如长城一般屹立不倒,万世永存。

    This is your Olympics that as a stone of the Great Wall , will remain for ever .

  19. 但是在微软技术俱乐部的日子是我印象中一座屹立不倒的雕像。

    However , Microsoft Technology Club is a day I have the impression that a statue and stand firm .

  20. 直到400年前,这些形成于5100年前的9条沙滩山脊仍然屹立不倒。

    The nine ridges still standing appear to have formed from 5100 years ago until about 400 years ago .

  21. 展望未来,一个具有生机活力的企业将在市场屹立不倒,并永保青春。

    Looking to the future , a vitality of the enterprises will survive in the market , and forever young .

  22. 怎样在激烈的竞争中屹立不倒,对于国际汽车巨头和中国自主汽车品牌来说都是一个亟待解决的问题。

    How in the fierce competition survive for the international automobile giants and the Chinese autonomous vehicle brand is an issue .

  23. 结果是,美国不仅成了唯一屹立不倒的超级大国,它还享有观念霸权。

    The result was that the US was not just the only superpower left standing . It also enjoyed intellectual hegemony .

  24. 王室监护权法实施不到300年,但是现在依然屹立不倒。

    The royal family custody law may now be over 300 years old but , officially , it 's still standing .

  25. 伦敦不能把自己作为一个金融中心的屹立不倒,押注在纳税人继续心甘情愿为国内银行纾困上。

    London cannot stake its survival as a financial centre on the continued willingness of UK taxpayers to bail out its banks .

  26. 盯住美元的联系汇率制历经通胀、通缩和房地产市场的繁荣与衰败,依然屹立不倒。

    The currency peg to the US dollar has survived inflation , deflation , and booms and busts in the property market .

  27. 仅从目前仍屹立不倒这一事实来看,野村在某种意义上就已胜过许多同行。

    In one sense , the bank has already done better than many rivals by the simple fact of being still in existence .

  28. 随着经济进入成熟期、独生子女政策造成的人口结构问题开始显现,中国将如何做到屹立不倒,则另当别论。

    How it will stand up as the economy matures and faces the adverse demographics inflicted by the one-child policy is another matter .

  29. 战火可以毁坏容颜,却一定有爱的博大与伟岸在尘世永远屹立不倒!

    Images of the war can be destroyed , it must have love in the Wei-an extensive and stand up well against the earth forever !

  30. 但令人难以置信的是,据说这座看似脆弱的石拱门已有1500多年的历史,而它至今仍能屹立不倒。

    What 's incredible about it , though , is how something so large and seemingly frail could still be standing after nearly 1500 years .
