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juān zhù
  • contribute;donate;give;offer;benevolence;pitch in
捐助 [juān zhù]
  • [pitch in] 用财物帮助;资助

捐助[juān zhù]
  1. 三是吸收更多的社会捐助。

    Third , it can absorb more social offer .

  2. 你想捐助吗?

    Do you wish to contribute ?

  3. 如蒙捐助,定将报以衷心的感谢。

    All donations will be gratefully received .

  4. 慈善捐助你捐得多吗?

    Do you give much to charity ?

  5. 我给了一点微薄的捐助。

    I gave a small donation .

  6. 尽管正值经济困难时期,美国人依然在做慈善捐助。

    Americans are still giving to charity despite hard economic times .

  7. 堪萨斯城地区的教会为此事捐助了35,000美元。

    Kansas City area churches kicked in $ 35,000 to support the event

  8. 慈善商店和义卖活动欢迎大家捐助能穿的衣服。

    Charity shops and jumble sales welcome usable clothes

  9. 长期以来,大型的上市公司和私营企业一直在为保守党捐助资金。

    Large public and private companies have long been contributors to Tory party coffers .

  10. 富人比穷人对慈善事业的捐助更多些;这种观点是一种谬见。

    It 's a fallacy that the affluent give relatively more to charity than the less prosperous

  11. 有幸成了富人的人有义务捐助忍饥挨饿的人。

    Those who are lucky enough to be wealthy have a duty to give to the hungry .

  12. 那所学校中的很多小学生完全依赖公众捐助就学。

    Many pupils in that school depend entirely on donations from the public .

  13. 他们捐助食物和衣服救济贫民。

    They have offered food and clothes for the relief of the poor .

  14. 我们受托接受给红十字会的捐助。

    We are authorized to receive contributions for the red cross .

  15. 如果你捐助1000英镑,我们就吸收你入会。

    If you contribute £ 1000 , we 'll cut you in .

  16. 他吝于捐助慈善事业。

    He is never lavish in giving money to charity .

  17. 他们对慈善事业慷慨捐助。

    They made a generous donation to charity .

  18. 不必要他捐助什么,从他那里你得不到什么。

    It 's no good asking him for a contribution , you 'll get no joy from him .

  19. 进行三位名单上预期捐助人作本季第一次邀请捐献

    Make the first solicitation of the three scheduled this quarter .

  20. 我们捐助灾区。

    We made a contribution to the disaster area .

  21. 例句虽然我给那家慈善机构的捐助微不足道,但这对我来说意义重大。

    Although what I donated to the charity was just a drop in the ocean , it meant a lot to me .

  22. 富有的人——有一些是我们这里的观众——也捐助了巨额资金到这些反监禁的活动中在严重分离的国会司法系统变革的工作也是唯一一个能让左派和右派走到一起的工作

    wealthier people -- some of you are here in the audience -- pumping big money into decarceration initiatives In a deeply divided Congress , the work of reforming our criminal justice system is just about the only thing that the right and the left are coming together on .

  23. 这些是在最新的世界捐助指数(WorldGivingIndex)中排名最高的国家。

    Those are the highest ranking developed countries in the latest World Giving Index .

  24. 实验经济学的领军人物约翰李斯特(JohnList)最近进行了一项旨在揭示人们捐助动机的实验。

    John List , a leading light in the field of experimental economics , recently carried out an experiment designed to tease out some of the motives for giving .

  25. 两人初步接触亚马逊邀请其为项目捐助Kindle的请求一开始被礼貌地回绝了。

    A preliminary approach to Amazon for a donation of Kindles was initially politely refused .

  26. MSF在PHA、捐助机构和政府之间发挥了桥梁作用。

    MSF acts as a bridge between PHA , donors , and the government .

  27. 同样,当您将物品寄出后,请发短信到13311576336告知,说明所捐货物名称、数量、品牌、捐助人姓名或土猫ID。

    After sending the goods , please send an SMS to13311576336 to inform us the donated goods'name , quantity , band , your name or Lucky Cats ID.

  28. 世界粮食计划署(WorldFoodProgramme)已经发出特别紧急呼吁,希望各国政府在未来4周内捐助至少5亿美元,以避免在食品价格飙升的情况下削减食品援助。

    The World Food Programme has launched an extraordinary emergency appeal to governments to donate at least $ 500m in the next four weeks to avoid rationing food aid in response to the spiralling cost of food .

  29. 但在Kickstarter网站上发起的众筹项目未能达到4.5万美元的目标,《滚石》(RollingStone)杂志报道了此事,为他带来了一些新的捐助,但最后还是没有筹到足够的钱。

    But a Kickstarter campaign fell far short of the $ 45000 goal , even after an article in Rolling Stone brought in fresh donations .

  30. 到目前为止,美国是该基金最大的捐助国,已承诺捐资30亿美元。与此同时,日本提供了15亿美元资金,欧盟(EuropeanUnion)一些国家则分别承诺捐资10亿美元。

    The US is the biggest donor to the fund so far , pledging up to $ 3bn , while Japan has offered $ 1.5bn and several EU countries have committed $ 1bn each .