- 网络EU Constitutional Treaty;The European constitution;treaty establishing a constitution for europe

The Formulation and Prospects of the EU Constitution Treaty
The European Institutional Reform in the Framework of the Treaty of Establishing Constitution for the Europe
In2005 Dutch voters confounded the elite by voting against the EU 's constitutional treaty in a referendum .
Observing the Character of the European Union from the " Draft Constitutional Treaty of the European Union "
Treaty on establishing a Constitution for Europe has been adopted at IGC in Brussels Summit after over one year 's tough negotiation .
The recent failure to pass the " Treaty of the EU Constitution " by plebiscite has once again plunged the EU integration process into another crisis .
The European integration process has come to a crisis when France and Netherlands voted against the EU Constitution Treaty in the May and June this year .
The signature of the EU constitution treaty symbolizes that the Political integration of the EU goes into a new stage . The right process manifests the EU unite striving for development .
The veto on The EU Constitutional Treaty in France and Holland manifests that the future of European Integration cannot count on treaty any more , but on the public recognition of nations members .
Since the French and Dutch no votes in 2005 , pro-Europeans have acted like the mythical boy with his finger in the dyke ; unwilling to give ground for fear of a eurosceptic flood .
The content and forming process of the Treaty of Establishing a Constitution for Europe not only embodies its " the divisibility ", but manifests its limit , namely , the transition of various member nations ' sovereignty should take the certain sovereignties as the cornerstone .
Second , the constitution of EU has the nature of treaty .
Members of the EU were gradually transferred their sovereign to the European Union , and the Constitutional Treaty of EU was cleared the boundary of power between EU and its members .
In October 2004 , member states of EU ( European Union ) in Rome signed the Treaty of Establishing a Constitution for Europe , which meant that the political integration of the EU stepped into a new stage .