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zhù cè
  • register;registration;enroll;sign up;post;logon;charge of registration;rego
注册 [zhù cè]
  • (1) [enroll]∶把名字记入簿册。多指取得某种资格

  • 在法学院注册入学

  • (2) [register]∶由主管部门办理手续,记入籍册,便于管理查考

  • 注册商标

注册[zhù cè]
  1. 我们学会了新网页的制作和注册方法。

    We learned how to create and register a new web page .

  2. 你来学校注册了吗?

    Have you come to register at the school ?

  3. 目前有500多名学生注册学习这门课程。

    Currently , over 500 students are enrolled on the course .

  4. 你必须在八月底前注册。

    You need to enrol before the end of August .

  5. 如果忘记了自己的注册账号就点击此链接。

    If you 've forgotten your login ID , click this link .

  6. 九月份的第一周注册。

    Enrolment is the first week of September .

  7. 这艘船是在巴拿马注册的。

    The ship was registered in Panama .

  8. 目前学校的注册人数在减少。

    School enrolments are currently falling .

  9. 注册人数终究还是没有出现如此大幅度的下降。

    There wasn 't such a big decline in enrollments after all

  10. 该域名已经被注册还是仍然可用?

    Is the domain name already registered or still available ?

  11. 他们于1927年4月7日在帕丁顿登记处注册结婚。

    They were married on 7 April 1927 at Paddington Register Office .

  12. 她注册学习当地的“女性参与管理”课程。

    She enrolled on a local Women Into Management course

  13. 到1922年,公学的注册学生数接近16,000。

    By 1922 the public schools had an enrolment of nearly 16,000 students .

  14. 这艘船的注册编号刻在前舱的左舷上。

    Her official number is carved on the port side of the forecabin .

  15. 需要进一步简化投票注册程序。

    More needs to be done to simplify the process of registering to vote

  16. 巴拿马城的公共注册处把所有公司的登记信息都存入了电脑。

    The public registry in Panama City keeps computerized records of all companies .

  17. 全国托管协会是个已注册的慈善机构。

    The National Trust is a registered charity .

  18. 游行者呼吁政府公布注册选民的名单。

    The demonstrators called on the government to publish a list of registered voters .

  19. 那些没有注册的人可能会受到严厉的处罚。

    Those who fail to register risk severe penalties

  20. 房产注册簿上也会说明房产是终身保有的还是租借的。

    The property register will also say whether the property is freehold or leasehold .

  21. 波兰大多数私营企业都未注册在案。

    Much of Poland 's private industry goes unrecorded

  22. 学费每年收取,可在登记注册时缴纳。

    A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable at enrolment .

  23. 33岁时,他在伦敦皇家艺术学院注册学习玻璃制作学位课程。

    At 33 he enrolled in a glass-making degree course at London 's Royal College of Art

  24. 8月份的注册人数突然暴涨,现在已经达到了年注册量的四分之一。

    August registrations have gone ballistic , accounting now for a quarter of the annual total .

  25. 全球新闻网络是由多个被称为新闻组的讨论组组成,任何人都可以注册加入。

    Usenet is a collection of discussion groups , known as newsgroups , to which anybody can subscribe .

  26. 在病人决定是否就诊之前,注册整骨医师会很乐意告知其收费标准。

    A Registered Osteopath will be pleased to tell you his scale of fees before you decide on a consultation .

  27. 这些新措施将加快注册过程。

    The new measures will speed up the registration process .

  28. 我们是一家中美合资企业,注册资本为1亿美元。

    We are a Sino-US joint venture with a registered capital of USD 100 million .

  29. 该商标已在专利局登记注册。

    The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office .

  30. 这所大学的注册人数比去年递增了10%。

    The registration of the university shows an increase of 10 percent over last year .