
zhù cè hù shi
  • registered nurse;be registered as a doctor
  1. 视频的发布者亚当BC回应评论说,自己是一名注册护士,他的妻子则是做了六年的救生员,同时也在教别人游泳。

    Replying to the comments , Adam BC , who posted the video , points out that he is a registered nurse and his wife was a life guard for six years and taught swimming .

  2. 来自美国、现居住在新加坡的注册护士简乌列维奇(janeulewicz)表示,她喜欢抽出一段时间与女儿共度。

    Jane ulewicz , a registered nurse from the us living in Singapore , says she has enjoyed taking time off to spend with her daughter .

  3. 多年来,美国一直缺少注册护士。

    For years , the U.S. has experienced a shortage of registered nurses .

  4. 结果低年资注册护士的心理健康水平低于一般人群,其SCL-90的强迫、抑郁、焦虑、人际关系、偏执因子高于常模,P<0.01。

    There were significant differences in compel , depression , anxiety , inter-person relationship , and crankiness between young the registered nurses and the normal people ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 据BLS报告,注册护士2008年的年薪是65130美元,这使得护士一份真正付出回报的事业。

    The BLS reports that registered nurses earned mean annual wages of $ 65,130 in2008 , making nursing a caring career with real rewards .

  6. 根据BLS的数据显示,注册护士的平均年薪是六万五千一百三十美金,但是如果你进入到了管理层的位置或者专供一个特定的护理专业,你肯定能够赚到更多的薪水。

    According to the BLS , the average annual registered nurse 's salary is $ 65,130 , but you can make considerably more by moving into an administration position or focusing on a particular nursing specialty .

  7. 同时,UCOL也无法接受您的“注册护士升本科”入学申请。

    Also , we will not be able to accept you into UCOL 's Bachelor of Nursing for Registered Nurses ( RNBN ) programme .

  8. 国家注册护士(经3年培训者)

    State Registered Nurse ( with 3 years ' training )

  9. 谁不能在英国注册护士?

    Who cannot be accepted for registration as a nurse in the uk ?

  10. 研究结果显示,注册护士队伍整体年龄较年轻:总量上基本不短缺;

    Results revealed that there is no obvious nursing shortage in quantity demand ;

  11. 中国注册护士能力架构的质性研究

    Framework of the Chinese registered nurse ′ s competency : a qualitative research

  12. 领照实习护士常由注册护士监督。

    LPNs are often supervised by registered nurses .

  13. 注册护士对病人:你今天吃过降压的药么?

    RN to PT : Have you taken any medication for blood pressure today ?

  14. 在隔离期间,学校的注册护士将会定期照料被隔离人员。

    During the quarantine , they will be monitored regularly by our registered nurse .

  15. 注册护士对病人:你有任何高血压病史么?

    RN to PT : Do you have any history of high blood pressure ?

  16. 也不是所有的学校都聘请注册护士。

    And not all schools employ registered nurses .

  17. 你还是个注册护士呢。

    And you , a registered nurse .

  18. 注册护士对病人:你的血压很好,在正常范围之内。

    RN to PT : Your blood pressure is good ; it 's in the normal range .

  19. 注册护士对病人:在我给血压袖带充气的时候,你会觉得有点紧。

    RN to PT : when I inflate the blood pressure cuff it 'll be a little tight .

  20. 而那些选择考取注册护士的人则能够赚到$62450的年薪。

    Those who choose to advance to registered nurse can bring home a healthy $ 62,450 per year .

  21. 研究对象的入选标准:注册护士;工作年限≥1年;知情并同意参与本研究。

    The inclusion criteria : registered nurse ; work experience ≥ 1year ; informed consent to participate in this study .

  22. 目的确定护士能力的含义及中国注册护士能力的架构。

    Objective To define the concept of nursing competency and to identify the framework of Chinese registered nurse 's generic competency .

  23. 并不是所有的学校都聘用注册护士。注册护士必须持有至少两年制的护理文凭。劳工部称,去年,注册护士的平均年收入是6.5万美元。

    And not all schools employ The Labor Department says registered nurses earned an average of sixty-five thousand dollars last year .

  24. 执照护士通常在开业医生,注册护士或其他医疗队成员的指导下,提供护理服务。

    Licensed practical nurses provide nursing care usually under the direction of medical practitioners , registered nurses or other health team members .

  25. 该行业的大部分管理职位都要求候选人持有护理专业的学士学位,并且很多学校为了满足日趋增加的需求,增设了护理学位课程的注册护士。

    Most administrative roles require a bachelor 's degree in nursing and many colleges have stepped up to the demand by offering RN to BSN programs .

  26. 而新注册护士可以指望60000美元的年薪,一个茨尔纳可以与10万美元和150000美元,她说。

    While a new registered nurse may expect $ 60,000 in salary , a CRNA can make between $ 100,000 and $ 150,000 , she said .

  27. 注册护士负责护理照顾病人,制定健康教育计划,并提供相关护理咨询服务。

    Registered nurses provide direct nursing care to patients , deliver health education programs and provide consultative services regarding issues relevant to the practice of nursing .

  28. 注册护士对病人:我现在把这个探头放到你的耳朵里,可能会有点不舒服,不过只一两分钟就好了(鼓室体温计)

    RN to PT : could your open your mouth please , please hold this thermometer under your tongue for a few minutes . ( oral thermometer )

  29. 他们当中有很多人在重症护理方面受过高级培训,获得过相应的证书,是公认的“重症监护注册护士”。

    The most numerous of these are the critical care nurses , many of whom also have advanced training and certification in critical care and are recognized as CCRNs .

  30. 注册护士对病人:在我给你测量血压之前,能告诉我你在胸腔或手臂上做过手术么?

    RN to PT : Before I take your blood pressure , could please tell me if you have any previous surgery done on either your chest or arms ?