
  • 网络Injection tube;Filling pipe
  1. 本文从不同方面对BF2~-注入MOS管低剂量率辐照效应进行了深入的研究。

    The radiation effects of MOS devices implanted BF2 at low dose rate are investigated in some different respects in this paper .

  2. 采用健康成熟的雌性家兔,经子宫角部将聚氨酯铋注入输卵管内,经半年试验表明:45%与55%聚氨酯铋具有可靠的节育效果。

    In this study , fallopian tubes of healthy , female adult rabbits were occluded with Bismuth Polyurethane . The agent was injected into fallopian tubes through oviductal isthmic near uterine corner . The results show that Bismuth Polyurethane of 45 % and 55 % has reliable contraceptive effects .

  3. 然后把通电时发光的气体注入这些玻璃管中。

    They fill these tubes with gases that glow when electrified .

  4. 将CBHRP分别注入母鸡输卵管蛋白分泌部的前半段和后半段,以研究其神经分布的差异。

    In order to explore the differences of innervation in the anterior and the posterior segments of albumin secreting part of the uterine tube ( ASPUT ), CB HRP was injected into the wall of the anterior and the posterior segments separately in hens .

  5. 强流离子注入机加速管的聚焦特性研究

    Study on focusing characteristic of acceleration tube in high current implanter

  6. 注入离子漂移管技术测量原子团簇结构

    Injected Ion Drift Tube Technique for Measuring Atomic Cluster Structures

  7. 注入光敏三极管输出特性再研究

    Further research on the output property of injection phototransistor

  8. 注入光敏三极管的基本特性和分析

    Fundamental Characteristics and Analysis of Injecting Phototransistor

  9. 结论:颅骨钻孔、脑室血肿腔内注入尿激酶置管持续外引流是治疗脑室内出血的有效方法。

    Conclusion it was cure intraventricular hemorrhage , available approach that cranial drill hole , infuse urokinase into ventricle haematoma intracavity and put tube persistent outside drainage .

  10. 本文提出了一个基于嵌入式注入方式的管脚级故障注入工具HFI4的设计方案,并重点讨论了设计过程中遇到的方向控制、同步控制、结果回收等几项关键技术的解决方案。

    This paper presents the design scheme of HFI-4 , an embedded pin-level fault injector . In the process of design , key techniques are discussed , including direction-control , synchrocyclotron-control and results-feedback .

  11. 方法:对86例输卵管妊娠患者行腹腔镜保守性手术后随机分成两组:A组采用甲氨蝶呤(MTX)注入患侧输卵管近端残腔;B组除用MTX外,并于术后口服米非司酮。

    Methods : 86 patients with tubal pregnancy who underwent laparoscopic conservative surgery were randomly divided into two groups : A group ( 44 patients ) with local injection of MTX alone , B group ( 42 patients ) with MTX local injection and consequently oral Mifepristone .

  12. 中性束注入系统液氦输送管真空多层绝热研究

    Research on Vacuum Multilayer Insulation of LHe Transfer Pipe for NBI System

  13. 结论超声介入注入甲氨喋呤治疗输卵管妊娠,适用于早期未破裂输卵管妊娠患者,其定位准确,用药量少。

    Conclusions Interventional ultrasound with MTX injection applies for treating early unbroken TP .

  14. 星状浅淋巴管和少量区域浅淋巴管经小凹和裂隙注入小叶间淋巴管。

    The star superficial lymphatics and a faw regional superficial lymphatics discharge into the interlobular lymphatics through the foveae and cracks .

  15. 同常规工艺相比,应用氦离子注入形成腔面非注入区技术使管芯的最大输出功率提高了8%。

    Compared to conventional LDs , the mean maximum output power level of He ion implantation LDs is improved by 8 % .

  16. 本文介绍了注入光敏器件的物理基础、注入光敏三极管的基本结构和特性。

    Abstract The physical fundamentals of the injecting photosensitive device , the basic configuration and characteristics of the injecting phototransistor have been introduced .