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zhù shì
  • look attentively at;gaze at;give sb. the eye;have one's eye on;watch with concern;observe;watch;eye;stare
注视 [zhù shì]
  • [gaze at;look attentively at;watch with concern] 注意地看

  • 瞿然注视。--清. 方苞《左忠毅公逸事》

注视[zhù shì]
  1. 你在与中国人谈话时,是否可以长时间地注视着对方的眼睛呢?

    Can you look attentively at the eyes of a Chinese when talking with him or her ?

  2. 当眼睛注视投影像面中心时,轴外点最大需要0.35D的调节量,由此造成的分辨力损失最大为3.5′。

    When the eyes gaze at the center of the projected image , the accommodation shifts of points in the full field of view are less than 0.35D . And the loss in resolution due to accommodation shifts is less than 3.5 ′ .

  3. 我们注视着船只在越来越浓的暮色中返航。

    We watched the boats come back in the gathering gloom .

  4. 观众注视着剧情逐渐地展开。

    The audience watched as the story unfolded before their eyes .

  5. 他专心注视着屏幕,只是心不在焉地点了点头。

    He nodded absently , his attention absorbed by the screen .

  6. 他认真地注视着她的脸,捕捉每一丝细微的表情变化。

    He watched her face intently to catch every nuance of expression .

  7. 他注视着那所房子里的动静。

    He watched for signs of activity in the house .

  8. 密切注视路的前方。

    Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead .

  9. 我注视着她步履艰难地穿过田野。

    I watched her plodding her way across the field .

  10. 他走上台时所有的目光都注视着他。

    All eyes were on him as he walked on to the stage .

  11. 我们注视着波浪涌向海滩。

    We watched the waves rolling onto the beach .

  12. 他们注视着公共汽车消失在远方。

    They watched the bus disappear into the distance .

  13. 政府正在密切注视着形势的发展。

    The government is keeping a close watch on how the situation develops .

  14. 我们注视着下一步要发生的事情。

    We watched to see what would happen next .

  15. 他注视着那所房子里的动静。

    He watched the house for signs of activity .

  16. 她睁大眼睛惊讶地注视着他。

    She stared at him in wide-eyed amazement .

  17. 我们都惊异地注视着马可。

    We all gazed at Marco in amazement .

  18. 他一往情深地注视着她。

    He gazed at her with pure adoration .

  19. 他们注视着她的每一个动作。

    They were watching her every movement .

  20. 她惊异地注视着他。

    She gazed at him in amazement .

  21. 她一脸茫然地注视着他。

    She looked at him uncomprehendingly .

  22. 她默默地注视着他。

    She contemplated him in silence .

  23. 那只猫警惕地注视着他。

    The cat eyed him warily .

  24. 她一直在注视着他。

    Her eyes followed him everywhere .

  25. 他们警觉地注视着我们。

    They eyed us with alarm .

  26. 她情不自禁地注视着他。

    She watched him compulsively .

  27. 女孩们注视着,脸上挂着调皮的微笑,显得愈加活泼。

    The girls watched , little teasing smiles animating their faces .

  28. 克莱尔一直注视着他,直到他消失在拐角。

    Claire stared after him until he disappeared around a corner .

  29. 他在老师锐利目光的注视下完成了作业。

    He did the work under the eagle eye of his teacher

  30. 梅格注视着卧室中镜子里的自己。

    Meg stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror .