首页 / 词典 / good


xià hu
  • scare;frighten;intimidate;browbeat;cow;chill
吓唬 [xià hu]
  • [frighten;scare] 恐吓;使害怕

吓唬[xià hu]
  1. 他永远不会吓唬或伤害任何人。

    He would never frighten anyone or cause them any harm .

  2. 对不起,我没有吓唬你的意思。

    Sorry , I didn 't mean to frighten you .

  3. 我没有被他的话吓倒——那不过是在吓唬人。

    I wasn 't frightened by what he said ─ it was all bluster .

  4. 我不是存心要吓唬你。

    I didn 't mean to startle you .

  5. 那只不过是吓唬吓唬而已。

    It was just an idle threat .

  6. 我认为他不会开枪——我想他不过是在吓唬人。

    I don 't think he 'll shoot ─ I think he 's just bluffing .

  7. 每一个案例中,劫机者都用了假手榴弹吓唬机组人员。

    In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades

  8. 显然伊芙时不时有意吓唬她一下。

    At some time or other Eve had obviously put the fear of God into her .

  9. 虚张声势吓唬别人,让他钻入圈套,用计将他击败,没有比这更刺激的事情了。

    There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man , trap him and outfox him .

  10. 他知道索利是想吓唬他,所以他挤出笑容掩饰自己的恐惧。

    He knew that Soli was trying to frighten him , so he smiled to hide his fear

  11. 这封信不过是吓唬人罢了。

    The letter was a bluff

  12. 我能理解你为什么认为我的信是在吓唬人,但是我绝无此意。

    I can see why you believed my letters were threatening but I never meant them to be .

  13. 我要退出100米比赛的时候,一个年纪大些的孩子试图吓唬我就范。

    When I backed out of the 100 metres , an older kid tried to browbeat me into it .

  14. 约翰朝他们头顶上开枪吓唬他们。

    John fired over their heads to throw a scare into them .

  15. 在此之前,邪恶轴心继续地吓唬着我们。

    Until then , the axis of evil continues to terrorise us .

  16. 别吓唬她,她胆儿小。

    Don 't scare her ; she 's rather timid .

  17. 别害怕,他只不过是吓唬你。

    Don 't be afraid , he was just trying to scare you .

  18. 老板可能看上去有点凶,但实际上他不会吓唬人。

    The boss may look a bit fierce , but in fact he wouldn 't say " boo " to a goose .

  19. 但是婶婶似乎很喜欢吓唬他,总是在年轻人最不想见她的时候突然出现在他面前。

    But she seemed to enjoy startling him , suddenly appearing when he least expected her .

  20. 我妈以前会这么说来吓唬我:“给我穿条干净内裤!不穿的话想想要是你被公交车撞了,护士们就会看到你的脏内裤。”这估计是最糟糕的状况了吧。

    My mom used to scare1 me with this one : " Put on clean underwear2 ! If you get hit by a bus , all the nurses will see those dirty ones ! " . Always wondered which situation would have been worse .

  21. 一家华尔街公司的CEO曾想假装寻找某部门经理的继任者,希望藉此来吓唬一下这位表现不达标的经理改善业绩。

    The head of a Wall Street firm once pretended to seek a successor for an underperforming division president , hoping to scare him into improving results .

  22. 邹先生告诉湖南《潇湘晨报》,他一直是在“吓唬小偷”,实际上也不指望自己的iPhone4能回来。

    Mr Zou told Hunan 's Xiaoxiao Morning Herald he had been " bluffing " and had not expected to recover the iPhone 4 , which is worth around £

  23. 美国总统唐纳德?特朗普(DonaldTrump)或许乐于吓唬在海外投资设厂的美国汽车制造商,但他不太可能用严厉的环保法规和激励措施来颠覆他们的商业模式。

    President Donald Trump may enjoy torturing carmakers for their overseas plants but he is hardly going to upend their business models with tough environmental rules and incentives .

  24. 他经常试着吓唬我们,通过他承诺的不可能的分数等级,所以每个人都虔诚的来上课/D/不及格,当我们几乎都已As或Bs结束时。

    He tried to intimidate us too much with his promise of impossible grading so that everyone took the class credit / D / fail , when we all probably ended up with As or Bs .

  25. 在周末早上,我和我的双胞胎姐妹Emma都会悄悄去到我们爸爸妈妈经营的那家酒吧里,当他们开始打扫卫生的时候,我们就会躲在桌子底下吓唬他们。

    On weekend mornings my twin Emma and I would tiptoe down to the pub our mum and dad ran , and while they would be cleaning it , we 'd hide under the tables and frighten them .

  26. 然而,据巴黎市一位曾经试图攻克此难题的建筑师范德普登(EtienneVanderpooten)表示,喜欢随意“排解”的巴黎人并没有因此被吓唬住。

    Yet offenders are undeterred , says Etienne Vanderpooten , an architect with the City of Paris who has tried to crack the puzzle .

  27. 威廉·汉森(WilliamHanson)是《吓唬人的社交礼仪》一书的作者,他说:“用常识想都知道,在新婚夫妇大喜之日抢他们的风头是非常令人恼怒的,在这种场合做求婚这样的私事是绝不能被接受的。”

    William Hanson , author of The Bluffer 's Guide To Etiquette , said : ' As irritating as some happy couples can be on their wedding day , it is never acceptable to upstage the bride and groom by making a proposal of your own during their special day 。

  28. 别用你对技术的担忧吓唬我们。

    Don 't try to frighten us with your technological worries .

  29. 那么,那你将不得不吓唬她!

    Then * then you 're gonna have to scare her !

  30. 今天,工业政策是一个吓唬人的名词。

    These days ," industrial policy " is a loaded term .