首页 / 词典 / good


xú xú
  • slowly;gently;with slow and dignified steps
徐徐 [xú xú]
  • (1) [slowly]∶速度或节奏缓慢地

  • 红旗徐徐升起

  • 徐徐更谓之。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • (2) [with slow and dignified steps] ∶以缓慢而尊严的步伐

  • 徐徐而来

徐徐[xú xú]
  1. 火车噗噗喷气,徐徐驶去。

    The engine puffed slowly away .

  2. 汽笛一响,列车就徐徐开动了。

    Blowing its whistle , the train moved out , slowly at first .

  3. 门开了,人们开始徐徐通过。

    The doors opened and people started filtering through .

  4. 火车徐徐驶入车站。

    The train drew into the station .

  5. 向岸海风在他身边徐徐吹过。

    The onshore wind blew steadily past him .

  6. 她放慢脚步,徐徐而行。

    She slowed to a steady walk .

  7. 一面红旗徐徐升起。

    A red flag slowly goes up the pole .

  8. 太阳正徐徐地沉入地平线下。

    The sun is gradually sinking below the horizon .

  9. 一缕轻烟徐徐升入空中。

    A thin column of smoke climbed into the sky .

  10. 窗户打开了,一阵和风徐徐吹来。

    The window opened and in came a gentle breeze .

  11. 白云在天空中徐徐游动。

    White clouds are slowly floating in the sky .

  12. 太阳在空中徐徐升起。

    The sun climbed steadily in the sky .

  13. 伞兵徐徐飘落。

    The paratroopers descended slowly through the air .

  14. 我来到检票口时,北京来的火车正在徐徐进站。

    As I reached the ticket barrier , the Beijing train was just drawing in .

  15. 每逢星期日,在懒洋洋的维尔默斯多夫(Wilmersdorf),规模巨大的东南亚露天食品市场“泰国公园”(ThaiPark),会在枝繁叶茂的普鲁士公园(PrussianPark)内徐徐展开。

    Every Sunday , in the sleepy western district of Wilmersdorf , a giant open-air Southeast Asian food market known as Thai Park unfurls across leafy Prussian Park .

  16. 怀俄明大学(UniversityofWyoming)水文学博士研究生布兰登·奥弗斯特里特(BrandonOverstreet)在这片冰面上小心翼翼,将他的安全带系到冰层中的一个锚上,朝着一条向下流入巨大深坑的河流的边缘徐徐前进。

    Brandon Overstreet , a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming , picked his way across the frozen landscape , clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crept toward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole .

  17. 他们正向南徐徐航行时,发现了一条小货船。

    As they were crawling southward they spotted a small freighter .

  18. 这时车已徐徐的转出大门。

    The road was jammed with rickshaws at the hospital gate .

  19. 有的还未厌倦那船一样的徐徐的划行。

    Some had not yet wearied of their gentle boat-like paddling .

  20. 穆雷说他试着使迈克逊徐徐戒除该药物。

    He said he tried to wean Jackson off the drug .

  21. 火车徐徐开动时,他上了车。

    When the train started moving slowly , he climbed aboard .

  22. 船徐徐停住,便有许多人上岸去。

    Slowly the ship moored , and people began to disembark .

  23. 鲜艳的五星红旗徐徐升起。

    The bright five-star red flag slowly went up the pole .

  24. 他弯下双膝,徐徐爬到窗下,抬起头向室内望去。

    He crawled to window , raised his head and looked in .

  25. 火车在轰鸣声中徐徐启动。

    The train slowly steamed off , making a lot of noise .

  26. 我离开学校时,夜幕正在徐徐降临。

    Darkness was creeping up as I left the school .

  27. 徐徐拌入奶煮滚。

    Slowly stir in milk , bring to the boil .

  28. 又徐徐回到寂寞的地方,寂寞地。

    Again , slowly draws back to the lonely cell .

  29. 夜幕徐徐降临,现在屋里只剩下他们俩了。

    Slowly night begins to fall , and the pair remains alone .

  30. 列车在两旁的档树中徐徐行驶。

    The train crept along gently , amid ash trees .