首页 / 词典 / good


níng shì
  • gaze;stare;contemplation;gaze fixedly;goggle
凝视 [níng shì]
  • [gaze fixedly;stare] 不眨眼地看

  • 坐在那里凝视着春日的阳光

凝视[níng shì]
  1. 我宁可凝视繁星满天的晴朗夜空也不愿盯着电视机。

    I would rather stare at a clear , star-filled sky than a TV set

  2. 本一直凝视着窗外。

    Ben continued to stare out the window

  3. 她泪眼模糊,凝视着面前的景象。

    She gazed at the scene through a mist of tears .

  4. 她凝视窗外,沉浸在幻想之中。

    She stared out of the window , lost in a daydream .

  5. 他们多数人茫然地凝视着她。

    Most of them just stared at her in perplexity .

  6. 她凝视着外面黑沉沉的夜色。

    She peered out into the blackness of the night .

  7. 她坐在那儿,凝视着面前的那封信。

    She sat and stared at the letter in front of her .

  8. 她从凝视着的那张照片上移开目光。

    She turned from her contemplation of the photograph .

  9. 他深深凝视着她的眼睛。

    He gazed into the depths of her eyes .

  10. 他凝视着不远处的一座小房子。

    His eyes were fixed on a small house in the middle distance .

  11. 他站在那里,凝视着那幅画。

    He stood there , considering the painting .

  12. 她在他凝视的目光下感到很尴尬。

    She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze .

  13. 她站着茫然地凝视远方。

    She stood staring emptily into space .

  14. 他深深凝视着她的眼睛。

    He gazed deep into her eyes .

  15. 我迎向他凝视的目光。

    I met his steady gaze .

  16. 他凝视着她。

    He looked at her steadily .

  17. 他坐在那儿凝视着前方。

    He sat staring into space .

  18. 他与她凝视的目光相遇。

    He met her gaze .

  19. 她目光低垂,不再凝视。

    She dropped her gaze .

  20. 她转身凝视着那条河,避开他的目光。

    She turned and gazed at the river , evading his eyes

  21. 他用那双深邃的蓝眼睛凝视着我。

    He gazed at me with those intense blue eyes .

  22. 她吻了吻他,久久凝视着他乌黑忧郁的双眼。

    She kissed him and gazed into his dark , brooding eyes .

  23. 丹在自己的船舱里朝舱外凝视着。

    Dan was in his cabin , staring out of a porthole .

  24. 她把椅子转过来,向外凝视着屋后的草坪。

    She swivelled her chair round and stared out across the back lawn

  25. 他坐在藤椅上,若有所思地凝视着炉火。

    Sitting in his wicker chair , he gazed reflectively at the fire

  26. 她凝视他片刻,然后转过脸去。

    She stared at him a moment , then turned away

  27. 她凝视着他的眼睛,一脸诚恳。

    Her eyes stared into his with an expression of absolute honesty .

  28. 他双眼凝视着她,令她全身瘫软,不能动弹。

    His eyes bored into her , paralysing her , robbing her of movement

  29. 他站在窗前,忧郁地凝视着外面。

    He stood at the window , moodily staring out

  30. 她说话的时候,眼睛凝视着丈夫的脸。

    As she spoke , her eyes rested on her husband 's face .