
  • 网络attention styles
  1. 做工作应注意方式方法。

    In doing our work , we must pay attention to ways and means .

  2. 架构主动方式的网络安全系统注意方式方法,变被动为主动;

    Constitute the passive infrastructure in network paying attention to method and style ;

  3. 反馈也要注意方式

    There is such a thing as feedback etiquette

  4. 注意方式与体育运动

    Attention For m and Sport

  5. 注意方式、警戒、选择性注意、随意后注意、注意个体差异等理论,足以解释体育运动中的一些现象。

    Note the way , vigilance , selective attention , pay attention , pay attention to individual differences at random after the theory has been sufficient to explain some phenomena in sports .

  6. 对问题学生进行教育要注意方式方法,三十六计兵法可资借鉴,这不是对付学生,而是开启新的思路。

    Educating problematical students , one should pay attention to his manner and method and use thirty-six stratagems for reference , which does not mean to deal with students but unlock new thoughts .

  7. 这就需要计划生育在基层实施过程和执行过程中注意方式方法,面对新问题、老问题要及时的转变思路和策略,推动我国计划生育政策的全面开展。

    This would require new ways and methods in the implementation process of the family planning in grassroots level , and change thoughts and strategy in time when facing of new and old problems .

  8. 注意方式、选择性注意、警戒、随意后注意、注意个体差异等,虽然都是注意的一种,但是对篮球比赛中各个因素的影响的权重存在一定的差异。

    Note the way , vigilance , selective attention , casual attention , pay attention to individual differences , although all pay attention to a , but the various factors in the basketball game there are some differences .

  9. 在美育过程中,思想政治工作者要努力提高自身的审美素质,并注意方式方法,采取科学化、系统化的方法,达到完美的效果。

    In the process of aesthetic education , ideological workers should not only try to improve their own aesthetic quality and pay attention to their working styles , but also take scientific and systematic approaches to achieve perfect effects .

  10. 慎言:要说于人于己有利的话,注意沟通方式

    Circumspection : beware the way of communication , always say good to peoples .

  11. 我们在研究教育目的时要注意思维方式的变换。

    We should change our mode of thinking when we study educational aim .

  12. 以很容易引起别人注意的方式。

    In a manner tending to attract attention .

  13. 我以发现物体可能永远不被注意的方式来呈现。

    I want to paint objects with their aspects to which might never be paid attention .

  14. 要树立管的观念,注意管理方式的运用;

    Ought to cultivate the idea of management , and adopt the appropriate mode of management .

  15. 1.注意生活方式

    Step 1 : Watch Your Lifestyle

  16. 在与同事或下属互动时,确实需要注意交流方式。

    When interacting with colleagues or subordinates , do pay attention to how you communicate with them .

  17. 在你的电子邮件签名中加入一条环保留言是一种很有效的提醒注意的方式。

    Adding a green message to your e-mail signature can be an effective way to draw notice .

  18. 注意这种方式只能放在训练的最后,不然你将没有足够的能量来继续训练制造肌肉撕裂。

    Only use this as a finishing exercise or you will not have enough energy left over to break down muscle tissue .

  19. 朴大成当庭获释后说,自己会继续写作发帖,但今后会注意表达方式。

    Piao Dacheng says after get-off on the court , oneself can continue to write hair note , but will notice to express kind henceforth .

  20. 注意定向方式对立体视觉加工的影响调控方式是航标,决定形成机制的方向;

    The Effect of Attention Orienting on Stereopsis the method of regulation and control is the navigation mark , determining the direction of the formative mechanism ;

  21. 预期的价值的一种明显的桥梁的量子数量与一些经典数量,但一定要注意的方式填补的。

    The expectation value of an observable bridges a quantum quantity with a certain classical quantity , but one must pay attention to the way of the bridging .

  22. 数字密写的目的是以图像、音频、视频等数字媒体作为掩护,把要发送的秘密信息嵌入到载体信号内部,以不引起外界注意的方式通过公共信道,特别是互联网进行传送。

    By inserting secret data into digital media such as image , audio and video , one can send a secret message imperceptibly through public channels , especially the Internet .

  23. 当然,基本的尊重和社交礼仪还是需要的。在与同事或下属互动时,确实需要注意交流方式。

    Of course , the basic respect and social etiquette are still necessary . When interacting with colleagues or subordinates , do pay attention to how you communicate with them .

  24. 方差分析法是许多人采用的方法,但此方法用于估价可靠性时,需注意分组方式和对可靠性系数的评价标准。

    One Way ANOVA is their usual choice , but the method of group discussion must be selected properly , and then the criterion of reliability coefficient must be readjusted appropriately .

  25. 我以《时代周刊》的名义迅速收下了支票,并承诺我会以没人会注意的方式将他的100%美国造,抗氧化的超能量果汁巧妙地写进我的专栏。

    I quickly accepted the check on TIME 's behalf , promising that I 'd subtly work his100 % American-made , antioxidant superpower juice into my column in a way no one would ever notice .

  26. 这一框架下,在激励范围和总福利方面,不仅注意义务方式与不设注意义务方式有差别,两种注意义务标准之间也存在明显差别。

    Under this framework , in terms of incentives range and total welfare , not only the mode with caution duty differs from the mode without caution duty but differences also exist in the two caution duty standards .

  27. 结论:军校新学员心理健康状况总体正常,但对心理健康状况较差的学员要注意管理方式,可结合心理训练提高心理素质。

    CONCLUSION : The mental health of freshmen in military commanding academies is in general on a normal level . Different methods should be used in education and management , and mental health can be improved through mental training .

  28. 结合成都市空间发展战略研究,分析了成都市水资源存在的问题,认为宏观层面上成都水资源具有相对优势,可以支撑成都大发展,但必须注意建设方式;

    Integrated with the study on Chengdu space developing strategy , in this paper , the problem about Chengdu water resource is analyzed and it is concluded that the Chengdu water resource has comparative advantage and can support its great development .

  29. 政策的贯彻执行要有组织制度保证,要注意领导方式、工作方法;要同党内的错误思想作坚决斗争,要对党员做正确路线的教育。

    To carry out the policy , we should have the guarantee of the system , pay attention to the methods of lead and work , firmly struggle with the wrong ideas in the party , and instruct the party members with right line .

  30. 如果对线程比较熟悉的话,将会注意到这种方式非常类似于线程API使用的方法。

    If you are familiar with threading , you will notice this is very similar to what you would do in a threading API .