
zhù yì yì wù
  • duty of care
  1. 法院在审理C2C平台提供商承担商标侵权责任的案件时,基本思路是审查C2C平台提供商是否尽到了事后注意义务。

    While the court is adjudicating the trademark infringement cases , the basic pattern is to examine if the C2C platform providers have taken the duty of care afterwards .

  2. 国外亦存在C2C平台上商标侵权严重、商标权人维权困难的问题,欧盟法院对此进行的探索证明C2C平台提供商承担事前注意义务是可行的。

    In foreign country , C2C platform trademark infringements and problem of trademark rights protection also exist . The exploration of the European Court of Justice does prove the feasibility.C2C platform should bear the duty of care in advance .

  3. 另外,从提供商的行为模式以及现运行的管理措施来看,C2C平台提供商事实上也具有承担这一事前注意义务的技术手段。

    In addition , because of providers ' behavior patterns and management measures currently running , the C2C platform provider actually has the techniques to search .

  4. 信义义务(注意义务和忠实义务)是控制股东应履行的基本义务。

    Fiduciary duty is the basic duty for the controlling shareholders .

  5. 债权人也有注意义务。

    Creditors , too , have a duty to take care .

  6. 基本义务是:注意义务和忠实义务。

    And his basic duties are to be careful and faithful .

  7. 证券公司在证券经纪业务中的注意义务

    The Duty of Care of Securities Company in Stock Brokerage Business

  8. 信赖义务包括注意义务和忠实义务。

    Fiduciary duty includes duty of care and duty of loyalty .

  9. 侵权法上注意义务比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Duty of Care in Delicts Law

  10. 论医疗服务中护士的注意义务

    On the Duty obligation of Nurse in the Medical Service

  11. 论犯罪过失中注意义务的实质标准

    Substantial Standards of Duty of Care in Determining Criminal Negligence

  12. 论在侵权法中确立注意义务的可能性

    On the Possibilities of Duty of Care 's Establishment in Tort Law

  13. 董事注意义务与经营判断规则

    Duty of Care of Directors and Rules for Business Judgment

  14. 信赖原则与注意义务。

    (ⅱ) trust principle and the obligation of paying attention .

  15. 第四部分,一般安全注意义务理论的制度分析;

    Part IV offers an analysis on the system of the obligation ;

  16. 违反注意义务判断标准的类型化分析

    Classifying Analysis on the Judging Criteria of Breach of Care

  17. 但是这些医师注意义务的法律制度也存在问题,给司法实践带来不便。

    But these legal system exist problems inconvenience to the judicial practice .

  18. 主要从注意义务和注意能力两方面进行论述。

    Mainly from the duty of care and attention ability two are expounded .

  19. 英美法过失侵权中的注意义务

    Duty of Care in Negligent Tort of Anglo-American Law

  20. 完善稿件登记制度重视合理注意义务

    Perfecting the System of Manuscript Register and Stressing the Duty of Proper Attention

  21. 一般侵权行为中的注意义务

    On Duty of Care in the Tort of Negligence

  22. 中国公司法对注意义务缺乏明确规定。

    Duty of care is not clearly regulated by Corporation Law of China .

  23. 权责衡平:董事注意义务&经营判断原则关系论

    Balance of Power and Responsibility : Director 's Duty of Care-Management Judgment Principle

  24. 控制股东的注意义务及民事责任

    Controlling Shareholders ' Duty of Care and Civil Liability

  25. 医疗侵权责任中的过失&论医师的注意义务

    Negligence in the Medical Tort Liability & The Doctor 's Duty of Care

  26. 对此,中外刑法理论界有四种观点,其否定过失责任的根据应以限定违反注意义务说为宜。

    As to this , Chinese and foreign criminal theory circle have four view .

  27. 论拍卖师的注意义务

    On the duty of care of an auctioneer

  28. 第三人侵权中经营者的注意义务探析

    On the Operators ' Duty of Care in the Infringement of the Third Party

  29. 从注册会计师的注意义务看独立审计准则的法律地位

    Legal Status of the Independent Auditing Standards Viewed from Duty of Care for CPA

  30. 注意义务是医护人员在医疗服务过程中的一种法定义务。

    The duty of care is a legal obligation in the medical treatment service .