
  • 网络shareholder suit;shareholders action
  1. 股东诉讼制度的构建对公司治理具有特别重要的意义。

    It has very important significance to construct shareholder suit system .

  2. 构建股东诉讼制度,有助于实现股东平等的司法保护,并完善公司治理结构,有助于唤醒投资者股东意识,可使国家将私人诉讼作为对公司行为公权力监管的有益补充。

    The establishment of the shareholder suit system will help to safeguard shareholders ' equality rights , consummate the company management structure , awaken shareholders'consciousness of being investors and make government pay more attention to the private supervision .

  3. 《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)报道称,在六月底,惠普收购的Autonomy公司传来好消息,公司在三起股东诉讼中均已达成和解。

    At the end of June , HP had good news on the Autonomy front when it reached settlements in three shareholder lawsuits , the Wall Street Journal reported .

  4. 这两位新闻集团(newscorp)高管正面临司法调查、民事诉讼、警方调查、股东诉讼与监管考验,他们已经在大西洋两岸召集了一个“律师军团”,帮助应付这些麻烦。

    The News Corp executives are facing judicial inquiries , civil cases , police investigations , shareholder lawsuits and regulatory tests and have assembled a small army of lawyers on both sides of the Atlantic to help fight them .

  5. 论股东诉讼制度与我国公司治理结构之完善

    Study on Shareholder 's Action and Perfect Corporate Governance in China

  6. 相关指控已在美国引发了股东诉讼。

    The accusations have also sparked shareholder lawsuits in the US .

  7. 股东诉讼制度包括股东直接诉讼和股东派生诉讼。

    Shareholder action system comprises shareholder direct action and shareholder derivative action .

  8. 股东诉讼一般分为股东直接诉讼和股东派生诉讼两种,我国现行《公司法》只规定了股东直接诉讼制度,而且极不完善。

    Shareholders ' suits involve direct suit and derivative suit .

  9. 刍议我国公司股东诉讼权利的完善

    On the Perfection of Shareholder 's Lawsuit Right of Our Country 's Company

  10. 还可以规避股东诉讼引起的债务风险。

    There is also escape from the hazard of liability from shareholder suits .

  11. 刍议我国股东诉讼制度的缺陷及完善

    On Defects and Improvement of Shareholder Action System

  12. 论证券民事责任与股东诉讼方式

    On Securities Civil Liability and Shareholders ' Litigation

  13. 解决纠纷救济权利是民事诉讼制度的基本功能,股东诉讼也不例外。

    The remedy of shareholder 's right is a fundamental function of shareholder litigation system .

  14. 完善股东诉讼制度

    Perfecting the Litigation System of Shareholder

  15. 做其他事情则有可能让公司面临包括股东诉讼以及失去政府合同等风险。

    Doing anything else would expose it to risks that include shareholder lawsuits and lost government contracts .

  16. 同时法律约束机制也需要进一步完善股东诉讼机制。

    At the same time the legal restraint mechanism also needs to supplement the shareholder lawsuit mechanism .

  17. 在程序法方面,本文对涉及要约收购中中小股东诉讼的常见问题进行了讨论。

    For the Procedural law , the article discusses the Common problems of minority shareholders litigation in Takeover offer .

  18. 在法律约束机制中完善股东诉讼机制(包括股东直接诉讼机制和股东派生诉讼机制);

    Introduces the shareholder lawsuit mechanism in the legal restraint mechanism ( derives lawsuit mechanism including shareholder direct lawsuit mechanism and shareholder );

  19. 学界已有的讨论大多集中于股东诉讼制度的某个方面,本文则大致搭建起了完整的股东诉讼制度的理论框架。

    Most of existing study concentrated on certain aspects of shareholders ' suits system , but this article forms whole system info .

  20. 第四节建议给予小股东诉讼救济措施的便捷。

    In Chapter 4 , that the convenient judicial remedy system should be given to minority shareholders in their actions is suggested .

  21. 此外,私有化让企业摆脱了过度监管的束缚、费用高昂的股东诉讼和季度财报的沉重负担。

    In addition , going private allows companies to escape from excessive regulation , costly shareholder suits and the tyranny of quarterly reporting .

  22. 再提起一宗诉讼必定增加律师费,而且将只有等到诽谤指控得到审理之后,才能就股东诉讼达成和解。

    Adding another lawsuit would have increased legal fees and delayed settlement of shareholder lawsuits until after the libel charge had been dealt with .

  23. 一个健全的股东诉讼制度可以解决公司内部利益冲突,维护股东和公司利益,完善公司治理结构,充实公司法内容,在国有企业进行公司化改制后更可起保护国有资产的特殊作用。

    Shareholders ' suits system can protect shareholder and corporation , improve on corporate governance structure , enrich company law and safeguard national property .

  24. 我国现有的的股东诉讼制度极其粗略,不具操作性,近年来这一问题已引起越来越多的关注。

    Current shareholders ' suits system is so simple that it cannot be applied in practice . Now it is a burning issue of the day .

  25. 一些人认为,高管的可有可无,说明了董事会行为的更大转变,他们越来越害怕监管部门的打击、刑事犯罪调查、媒体的监督和股东诉讼。

    Some see the dispensability of top executives as part of a wider shift in behaviour by boards that are increasingly fearful of regulatory crackdown , criminal investigation , media scrutiny and shareholder lawsuits .

  26. 同时,小股东诉讼成本过高,即使胜诉了所得的赔偿有的还不足以弥补诉讼费用。

    At the same time , small shareholder litigation cost so much , that what won in lawsuit even the indemnification of the income is still not enough to make up the litigation expenses .

  27. 第四部分,对股东诉讼制度的起源与发展做了深入研究,并对股东诉讼的两种方式:股东直接诉讼和股东间接诉讼进行了细致地分析。

    In this part I make a deep research about the origin and development of Lawsuit System for Shareholders . And analyze the two lawsuit ways ( Direct Lawsuit and Representative Lawsuit ) in detail .

  28. 第一,从立法方面应加强对股东诉讼的实体和程序方面的完善,第二,应制定相应的司法解释,加强实际中具体规定的可操作性。

    First , in the aspect of legislation it should strengthen shareholder lawsuit ' entity and procedure improvement , second , we should make relevant judicial interpretations to strengthen the specific provisions of operability in reality .

  29. 证券民事责任与股东诉讼方式在维护股东利益和上市公司信用中具有特殊的功能,可以弥补行政责任和政府监管的不足。

    Securities civil liability and shareholders ' litigation play a special function in protecting the interests of the shareholders and the credit of the listed companies . They can make up for insufficient administration or government supervision .

  30. 监事会中革除弊端,提高监督力度.在外部公司治理机制方面,强调经营者的注意和忠实义务,发挥银行、机构投资者的作用,完善股东诉讼制度,健全资本市场,培育经理人市场。

    With regard to exterior corporate governance , we should emphasize manager 's duty of notice and loyalty , exert the function of banks and institution investors , perfect shareholder 's litigation , standardize capital market , and cultivate manager 's market .