
  1. 戴姆勒表示,将把公司股本增加10%,aabar将以每股20.27欧元的价格购入全部增发股票,使这家政府部分拥有的海湾国家公司成为戴姆勒最大股东。

    Daimler said it would increase its share capital by 10 per cent and Aabar would pay 20.27 per share for the entire offering , which will make the part-state owned Gulf company its largest shareholder .

  2. 第五,我们将在24个月内使有形股本增加50%。

    Fifth , we will increase tangible equity by 50 per cent within 24 months .

  3. 二级股本增加了未公开储备、贷款损失准备金、重估价帐户以及其它奇怪的债务和混合型证券。

    Tier two capital throws in undisclosed and loan-loss reserves , revaluation accounts and other quirky debt and hybrid securities .

  4. 由于股本增加而利润下滑,其净资产收益率从11.8%跌到了10.6%。

    So its ROE , driven by higher capital and lower profits , actually dropped from 11.8 % to just over 10.6 % .

  5. 全球私营部门股本增加,往往会提升几乎所有企业实体的资本净值(以市价计算)。

    A rise in global private sector equity will tend to raise the net worth ( at market prices ) of virtually all business entities .

  6. 从2013年6月到2014年6月这12个月里,高盛的股本增加了16亿美元,而同期,该公司的盈利则从84亿美元跌至76亿美元。

    In the 12 months from June 2013 to June 2014 , Goldman added $ 1.6 billion in capital . Its 12-month trailing earnings during that period , however , declined from $ 8.4 billion to $ 7.6 billion .

  7. 在解决了银行资本净值短缺的问题后,股本增加将支撑比目前数额更大的银行放贷、提高抵押品(债务以及股本)的市值,还可能重启奄奄一息的债务市场。

    Greater equity , after addressing the shortage of Bank net worth , will support more bank lending than currently available , enhance the market value of collateral ( debt as well as equity ) , and could reopen moribund debt markets .

  8. 无论是国企、私企、抑或是合资企业,基于股本增加的战略联盟都将是未来企业改革值得参照的范本,而拥有强大地区影响力的国内企业也将从合营伙伴处获益良多。

    Whether an enterprise is state-owned , privately-owned , or joint-ventured , we predict that strategic alliances , largely in the form of shareholding , will be the norm in the future and Chinese enterprises with strong regional influence will be favored JV partners .

  9. 今天,人民币对美元汇率不断升值,中国股票市场规模的不断壮大,上市公司和股本数不断增加。

    Today , the exchange rate of RMB to US dollar increases continuously , the price scale of China Stock market price strengthens , the number of listed companies and the capital stock increases .

  10. 一项研究显示,今年上半年,随着亚洲及其他地区全盘收购机遇减少,私人股本公司大幅增加了对中国和印度企业的少数股权投资。

    Private equity firms ramped up the level of minority investments in Chinese and Indian companies in the first half of the year amid a fall in buy-out opportunities in Asia and beyond , according to a study .

  11. 2010年我们可能会看到私人股本投资活动迅速增加。

    We 're likely to see private equity activity rapidly increase in 2010 .

  12. 他要找的是那些提供高回报和(或)股本回报率逐渐增加的股票。

    He looks for stocks that offer high and / or rising return on equity .

  13. 第四,增加股本,绝不是说要将股本增加到100%。

    Fourth , more equity cannot mean 100 per cent equity .

  14. 一项针对某些最大规模交易进行的研究表明,将私人股本集团描述为工作破坏者和资产剥离器是一种误解。此项研究表明,实际上私人股本行业更有可能增加、而不是大幅削减工作岗位。

    The characterisation of private equity groups as destroyers of jobs and asset-strippers is misplaced , according to a study of some of the biggest deals , which shows that the industry is in fact more likely to add jobs than reduce axe them .