
  1. 基于股东权益最大化的物流基地项目建设和经营策略选择

    Logistics Base Project Construction and Management Strategy Options based on Equity Maximization

  2. 财务管理目标:实现股东权益最大化

    The Aim of Fiscal Management : to Maximize the Shareholders ' Profit

  3. 股东权益最大化财务目标的选择

    Financial Objective of Equity Maximization

  4. 股东权益最大化是合乎经济全球化趋势的财务目标选择。

    Maximizing shareholders ' rights is the financial objective suit able to the trend of the economical globalization .

  5. 我国应继续坚持股东权益最大化的财务目标,深化国有企业改革。

    It is necessary to continue to cany out the financial object of maximizing shareholders ' rights and deepen national enterprises ' reformation .

  6. 上市后如何提高效益,并使股东权益最大化是摆在中国银行面前的一个大问题。

    It is a big problem facing the Bank of China how to improve the effectiveness and maximize the interests of shareholders after listing .

  7. 该部分运用不完全契约理论,从控制权角度将企业目标明确为股东权益最大化,从而为企业的产品市场竞争与资本结构决策行为明确了决策目标。

    With the application of incomplete contract theory , this dissertation clarifies the aim of maximizing shareholder 's value from the perspective of firm 's control right .

  8. 企业的经营目标是股东权益最大化,合理运用税务筹划是实现企业目标的有效途径。

    The operating goal of an enterprise is to maximize the interests of the shareholders , and reasonable use of tax planning is an effective way to achieve this goal .

  9. 充分发挥上市公司的金融特性与功能,关键是以股东权益最大化为目标,搞好生产经营与资本经营的有机结合。

    The key for the listed companies to play full role of financial character and function is to make a goal to benefit the stockholders most , and to make good combination of the production management and the capital management .

  10. 企业存在的目的是实现股东权益的最大化,也就是能不断的产生更多的企业绩效。

    The purpose of enterprise existing is to achieve the maximization of shareholders ' equity , which can produce the more enterprise performance .

  11. 但是,如果允许策略性债务违约或对绝对优先权原则偏离,股东权益价值最大化的破产决策将达到与公司价值最大化一致的结果;

    But if the strategic default or deviation from absolute priority rule is allowed , the decision that maximizes value of equity will be consistent with one that maximizes corporate value .