
  • 网络Stock investors;stock holder
  1. 这对股票投资者尤其短期交易者具有指导意义。

    It has directive significance to the stock investors especially short-term traders .

  2. 但是在经济增长这个问题上,股票投资者的头脑有点糊涂。

    But stock investors are muddle-headed about economic growth .

  3. 苹果(Apple)股票投资者有理由担心政府将对资本收益加大征税力度。

    Owners of Apple shares would have good reason to fear higher taxes on capital gains .

  4. 中国股票投资者个股投资风险SD模拟机构投资者是当今资本市场一个比较活跃的市场主体。

    The SD Simulation on Investing Single Stock Risks of Chinese Investor ; Institutional investors is a active group in modem capital market .

  5. 中国股市令人想起狄更斯(CharlesDickens)的作品。内地股票投资者既经历着最好的时代,又经历着最坏的时代。

    Chinese equity markets are displaying echoes of Dickens as investors in mainland stocks are experiencing the best of times and the worst of times .

  6. 他的论点是,过去一个世纪内GDP的真实增速不过3.5%,因此股票投资者实际获得的6.6%的回报“泡沫很多”。

    His position is that since GDP for the last century grew at a 3.5 % real rate , stockholders were effectively " skimming off the top " to achieve their actual 6.6 % return .

  7. 相反,今年早些时候股票投资者转而买入包含台湾和韩国的Ticks,同时大举抛售巴西和俄罗斯的股票,如图表一所示。

    Instead , equity investors were buying into the Ticks , which feature Taiwan and ( South ) Korea , alongside China and India , ignominiously dumping Brazil and Russia in the process , as the first chart shows .

  8. 创立于1970年的美国证券投资者保护协会(sipc)拥有一笔储备资金,可为股票投资者提供至多50万美元的保障。

    The Securities Investor Protection Corporation , created in 1970 , has a reserve that covers securities customers for up to $ 5 00000 .

  9. 雅各布提出了1800万美元的股票投资者在舱面上,包括等高风险投资伙伴,第一轮投资,科斯拉风险投资公司,RRE风险投资公司和风险投资村。

    Jacobs has raised $ 18 million in equity for On Deck from investors that include Contour Venture Partners , First Round Capital , Khosla Ventures , RRE Ventures and Village Ventures .

  10. 金融学教授特伦斯•欧迪安(TerranceO'Dean)的研究显示,股票投资者一般会卖掉已经赚钱的股票,并保留那些成绩较差的股票&虽然从税负效益角度来看,他们本应采取与之相反的策略。

    Research by Terrance O'Dean , a professor of finance , suggests that stock-market investors tend to sell shares that have made money and keep poor performers , even though tax efficiency suggests the opposite strategy .

  11. 股票投资者或许会反驳说,去年夏季正是买入的良机。

    Equity investors might respond that last summer was a buying opportunity .

  12. 我国股票投资者投资风险管理研究

    Study on Investment Risk Management of Chinese Stocks Market Investors

  13. 但股票投资者认为,他们可以自己分析出这一点。

    But equity investors reckoned they could figure that out for themselves .

  14. 于是,西安宝润转而求助于西方的股票投资者。

    So China integrated energy turned to equity investors in the West .

  15. 当两者的差异缩小时,股票投资者开始寻找逃离的方式。

    As the spread narrows , equity investors start looking for the exits .

  16. 股票投资者不应该执迷于经济增长。

    Equity investors should not obsess over economic growth .

  17. 股票投资者心理与理念研究

    The Study of Psychology and Philosophy of Stock Traders

  18. 股票投资者选择买卖时机的数学模型

    A mathematical model to choose times for stock investor

  19. 多麽容易,是它为债券持有人观察什麽股票投资者是在做什麽?

    How easy is it for bondholders to observe what equity investors are doing ?

  20. 而在外国市场,股票投资者往往会受到自身对中国的法规、经济与会计实务看法的影响。

    Now is a good time to start asking how the company should be valued .

  21. 它对国家经济的发展,股份制企业和股票投资者都具有无法替代的作用。

    It has an irreplaceable role in national economic , joint-stock companies and stock investors .

  22. 该研究对101名股票投资者在为期四周的模拟交易中的表现进行了监控。

    The study monitored 101 stock investors in a simulated trading exercise spanning four weeks .

  23. 股票投资者看来越来越相信他们的股票将有大幅稀释的可能性。

    Stock investors seem increasingly resigned to the possibility that their stakes will be heavily diluted .

  24. 股票投资者根本没遇上什么黄金时代,股市在他任期内表现得一塌糊涂。

    Rather than being a golden age for stock investors , his tenure was a disaster .

  25. 结果,股票投资者现在不指望政府会拯救他们。

    As a result , equity investors today do not expect the government to rescue them .

  26. 对股票投资者而言,也会有支持,但他们要为此付出多大代价呢?

    Lister says . 'For equity investors , it will be there , but at what cost ?

  27. 对股票投资者而言,这种对中国经济弱点的另一种看法会得出一些艰难的结论。

    This alternative take on China 's economic vulnerability leads to some difficult conclusions for equity investors .

  28. 然而,当日交易者进行的投机性期货交易加大了市场波动性,给股票投资者带来了风险。

    However , speculative futures trading by day traders is posing risks to stock investors by increasing volatility .

  29. 采调查分析法,对上海的股票投资者进行了有关投资行为特点和个性心理牲方面的调查研究。

    This paper reported the result of an investigation of Shanghai stock-holder 's investing behavior and personality traits .

  30. 眼下,股票投资者正为美元走软和大宗商品价格上升感到欢欣鼓舞。

    For now , the weaker dollar and rise in commodity prices is being cheered by equity investors .