
  • 网络Natural unit
  1. 能进行语言信息分析的自然单位。

    One of the natural units into which linguistic messages can be analyzed .

  2. 自然单位制

    The system of natural units

  3. 利用改进的brick-wall模型推导出自旋为2的引力场对动态Vaidya-Bonner黑洞熵的贡献,在自然单位制中其值为A/2;

    The contribution of gravitational field of spin 2 to the entropy of Vaidya-Bonner black hole is calculated by using thin film brick-wall model proposed by Zhao Zheng et al .

  4. 无量纲化自然单位法特征量

    Dimensionless Quantity Method , Natural Unit Method , Characteristic Quantity

  5. 物理方程中自然单位、无量纲变换及常数的压缩与恢复

    Natural Unit , Dimensionless Transformation , Reducing and Regaining Constant of Physical Equation

  6. 采用自然单位和无量纲变换都是科研上常用的方法。

    Both natural unit and dimensionless transformation are usual methods used in scientific research .

  7. 电磁量的自然单位和物理学的新效应

    Natural Electromagnetic Units and New Effects in Physics

  8. 善于动脑筋的读者,可能提出电子的电荷作为第三个自然单位的明显的候补者。

    The thoughtful reader might propose the change of the electron as an obvious candidate for the third natural unit .

  9. 本文给出寻找无量纲变换的一种具体作法,通过物理方程常数的压缩与恢复得出自然单位与无量纲变换相一致的结论。

    With reducing and regaining constant , it is showed that natural unit and dimensionless transformation are the same in physical equation .

  10. 封物量词的次范围进行分类研究,分为自然单位量词、借用单位量词和制度单位量词三种。

    Form words on the scope of classification of sub-divided into " natural units quantifier ", " to borrow units Classifier " and the " system unit of measure word " three .

  11. 但基于行政单位的人口统计数据难以与基于自然单位的环境数据相匹配,必须通过建模对人口数据进行空间化分布。

    But the population census data collected based on the administrative units do not match the environmental data collected based on the natural units . So studies on the population spatial distribution are necessary by modeling and estimating the population data .

  12. 笔者认为只有间接正犯中的行为者才有资格被称为间接正犯的犯罪主体,可以是负有刑事责任能力的自然人和单位。

    The subjective of indirect criminal are natural persons and unites .

  13. 犯罪主体包括自然人和单位;

    The subject consists of natural person and unit ;

  14. 离开了自然人,单位将不会产生任何意志,也不会实施任何行为。

    Without natural persons , the unit hasn 't any volition and any action .

  15. 以利他主义的认识论困境为基点,探讨自然选择的单位问题。

    Starting with the epistemology dilemma of altruism , it explores the unit problem of natural selection .

  16. 以自然班为单位共分为两组:控制组和实验组。

    The students of each class belong to two groups : the control group and the experimental group .

  17. 本罪的犯罪主体是特殊主体,自然人和单位皆可构成。

    Criminal subject of this crime is a special subject , which consists of natural person and the units .

  18. 犯罪主体为特殊主体,专指具有支付劳动报酬义务的自然人及单位。

    The subject of a crime is a special subject , natural and units have to pay labor remuneration obligations .

  19. 以局部均衡理论对自然人与单位共同犯罪中的量刑准则进行探讨。

    The punishing rule applied to the co-crime of natural person and judicial party by the rule of local balance .

  20. 村落是乡村女性生产、生活的基本空间,本文就是选择了自然村为单位对乡村女性的道德伦理生活进行研究。

    In this article , village is selected as a unit to research into the morality level of the country females .

  21. 在我国环境犯罪的主体包括自然人和单位,单位环境犯罪时必须具备一定的条件,才能认定,否则只能认定为自然人环境犯罪。

    The subject of environmental crimes in our country , including natural persons and units , unit environmental crime must have certain conditions .

  22. 术语是在自然语言词汇单位的基础上形成的,自然语言词汇的功能及这些功能如何在言语中实现,对术语的功能研究来说具有十分重要的意义。

    The function of lexical unit of natural language and how to realize the function are very important for the research of terminology function .

  23. 其犯罪主体是一般主体,包括自然人和单位,不包括其上游犯罪主体;

    The subject of the crime is a general one , including natural person and unit , except for the subject of the original crimes of the crime .

  24. 一旦公司与其他自然人或单位之间订立任何与收购或兼并相关的合同,报价或询问,公司应立即通知申报公司。

    The Company will immediately notify the Reporting Company regarding any contact between the Company , and any other person or entity regarding any such offer or proposal or any related inquiry .

  25. 主体构成方面自然人和单位均可构成;主观方面是故意,犯罪目的是将劳动报酬据为己有或为己所用。

    The natural and units can be the aspects of subject both ; and the subject is deliberately ; and the criminal purpose is to occupy the labor remuneration or use it for themselves .

  26. 因遗弃致被遗弃者死亡的,处十年以上有期徒刑或无期徒刑。3.扩大遗弃罪主体,犯罪主体包括自然人和单位。

    If abandonment behavior lead to the abandoned died , place above ten years imprisonment or life imprisonment . Three , Expanding the body of the abandonment crime , which including natural person and unit .

  27. 对银行或者其他金融机构工作人员内外勾结共同实施贷款诈骗行为的定性问题、自然人与单位诈骗贷款共犯问题以及贷款诈骗罪共犯的定罪数额问题进行了讨论。

    On the bank or other financial institution staff collusion jointly implement the qualitative problem of loan fraud , natural person and unit mortgage fraud accomplice and crime of loan fraud crime amount problem are discussed .

  28. 首先,在罗列分析各种不同观点的基础上,将被害人界定为:被害人是指其合法权益或权利遭受犯罪行为直接侵害的自然人、单位和国家。

    Firstly , based on juxtaposing and analyzing a variety of points of views , victim will be defined as the natural person , a unit and nations whose legal rights and interests are directly offended by criminal deeds .

  29. 结果疫情波及天生桥库区周围2个乡镇15个自然屯或单位,发生腺型鼠疫病人42例,发病率为1.10%,隐性感染率2.78%,第2代发病率2.76%。

    Results Epidemic outbreak of plague occurs among the 15 villages in 2 towns with 42 cases of glandular plague . Incidence rate of the disease is 1.10 % , concealed infective rate 2.78 % and the secondary attack rate in families 2.76 % .

  30. 职务犯罪不仅包括自然人主体,单位也可以构成职务犯罪。

    The subject of this crime includes individual as well as unit .