
  • 网络PDL;The People of Freedom;Folkpartiet Liberalerna
  1. 瑞典国会议员、自由人民党成员蒂娜・阿克托夫特(TinaAcketoft)表示,在上世纪50年代,若要看到一位瑞典男性在照顾孩子,“那简直是不可思议的”。

    Tina Acketoft , a Folkpartiet member of parliament , says ' it would have been unthinkable ' to see a Swedish man taking care of children in the 1950s . '

  2. 自由人民党的领导成员里斯波特・恩波约德(LisbetEnbjerde)去年11月份在《赫尔辛堡日报》(HelsingborgsDagblad)上发表社论称,“如今的父亲们不是手里举着大棒的原始人,而是对家庭对亲人肩负着不断增加之责任的男人。”

    The fathers of today are not cavemen with clubs in their hand , but men that take an ever increasing responsibility for home and family , ' wrote leading party member Lisbet Enbjerde in a November editorial in the Helsingborgs Dagblad newspaper .

  3. 虽然自由人民党否决了将强制假期延长至三个月的提议,但是支持这项提议的人数却在增加。

    Although the party rejected the proposal to add a required third month , the number of members in favor of the idea is rising . '

  4. 波兰的保守派预计也会在投票中表现良好,意大利总理贝卢斯科尼的自由人民党也是一样。

    Conservatives in Poland are also expected to fare well in the vote , as is Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi 's Freedom People 's Party in Italy .

  5. 在去年10月份召开的自由派的自由人民党(Folkpartiet)一年一度的政策会议上,大部分发言时间都用来谈论关于是否应该延长产假这件事了。

    The majority of the speaking time at the yearly policy meeting of liberal Folkpartiet party in October was devoted to the issue of extending paternity support .