
  • 网络Golds;spot gold
  1. 黄金现货价格盘中一度涨至每盎司830美元的高点,最终报收828.10美元,较上个交易日上涨0.5%。

    Spot gold moved as high as $ 830 an ounce , and traded 0.5 per cent higher at $ 828.10 .

  2. 在伦敦,黄金现货价格盘中一度飙升至每盎司1407美元的高点,日内涨幅达1%,自今年1月以来则累计上涨了逾28%。

    In London , spot gold surged to an intraday high of $ 1407 an ounce , up 1 per cent on the day and more than 28 per cent since January .

  3. 全球最大的黄金现货ETF、在纽约上市的SPDRGoldTrust过去两周的净流入达到28吨。

    The largest physical gold exchange ETF , the New York-listed SPDR Gold Trust , had net inflows of 28 tonnes in the last two weeks .

  4. 选用上海黄金现货价格和COMEX的黄金期货价格数据作为样本研究了最优黄金期货套期保值效率问题。

    The data used in the empirical research are weekly price of Shanghai gold price and COMEX futures price .

  5. 易纲周二此番讲话对黄金现货市场影响甚微。纽约商交所Comex三月黄金期货合约结算价下跌1.60美元,至每盎司1122美元,跌幅0.14%。

    Mr. Yi 's remarkshad little effect on Tuesday spot trading of gold , which fell $ 1.60 , or 0.14 % , to $ 1122 an ounce in New York .

  6. 总之,全面掌握黄金现货的这些特征对于投资者具有重要的指导意义。

    In a word , it has an important guiding significance for investors to master these characteristic .

  7. 黄金现货价格单方向的影响黄金期货价格,期货市场的价格引导作用不明显,这说明中国的黄金期货市场还存在一定的问题致使中国的黄金期货市场的价格发现功能不能得以有效实现。

    Spot price of gold influence the futures prices in one direction , the leading role of futures market prices is not obvious .

  8. 文章最后对各种检验方法得到的结论进行了分析,综合判断上海黄金现货市场已基本达到弱式有效,而期货市场尚未达到弱式有效。

    The paper analyzes the conclusions of various test methods , and gets a final conclusion that Shanghai gold spot market has basically reached the weak form efficiency , while the gold futures market has not achieved .

  9. 分析师们表示,随着资金向交易所交易基金(etf)流入,过去几周里黄金的现货买盘强劲。

    Physical buying has been strong over the past few weeks , according to analysts , with money flowing into exchange traded funds .

  10. 我国黄金期货与现货市场的价格变动和价格发现机制

    The Oscillation of China 's Futures and Spot Gold Prices and The Price Determination Mechanism

  11. 大陆的个人黄金投资只限于现货黄金交易。

    Individual gold investment on the mainland is limited to spot transactions .

  12. 中国黄金市场期货与现货价格关系实证研究

    Empirical Research on the Relationship between Futures and Spot Price in Gold Market of China

  13. 很多投资者目前都参与了上海黄金交易推出的黄金延期交收现货保证金交易产品Au(T+D)合约的交易。

    Many investors are engaging in the transaction of Au ( T + D ), one of the gold products trading in Shanghai Gold Exchange .

  14. 黄金租赁价格不断上涨,将导致黄金进入现货升水状态,因为黄金持有者在任何情况下都不愿出售远期黄金,目前金币售价出现较高的现货升水就证明了这一趋势。

    Rising lease rates will cause gold to go into backwardation as holders of gold may not want to sell their gold forward under any circumstances a trend currently evidenced by the high physical premium being paid for gold coins .

  15. 去年7月上海黄金交易所建议与中国工商银行联手开办了个人投资者黄金现货交易产品。

    In July last year the SGE proposed spot trading of gold by private investors in cooperation with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ( ICBC ) .

  16. 之所以选择黄金合约作为首项产品,是因为香港是全球最大的黄金现货市场之一。

    Gold was chosen as the debut contract because Hong Kong is one of the biggest physical gold markets .

  17. 这也必然决定了黄金价格形成机制的复杂性,其价格不是由某种属性特征单方面决定的,而是由黄金现货供求均衡商品属性和黄金市场投资投机货币属性两种机制共同作用的结果。

    So the gold price mechanism is complex , its price is not determined unilaterally by a certain attributive character , but by two attribute together .