
  • Gold trader;【财】bullion dealer
  1. 这可能会促使黄金交易商谨慎地尝试重返市场。

    This may encourage gold traders to dip their toes back into the markets

  2. 据黄金交易商Tanaka和贵金属咨询机构ThomsonReutersGFMS统计,1993年日本进口的黄金总计超过160吨,其中包括对金币和首饰的大举采购;但10年后,日本进口的黄金降至约55吨。

    In 1993 , gold imports to Japan totaled more than 160 metric tons , including heavy buying of coins and jewelry , but a decade later imports had fallen to about 55 tons , according to data from gold dealer Tanaka and precious-metals consultancy Thomson Reuters GFMS .

  3. 尽管珠宝店人来人往,黄金交易商仍然非常担忧。

    Despite the crowd of shoppers in this jewelry store , gold traders are worried .

  4. 他和其他黄金交易商说,这将意味着较低的销售。

    And that , he and other gold traders say , will mean lower sales .

  5. 中标人是来自德克萨斯州的一个黄金交易商,他打算用它来为世界各地的儿童医院筹集善款。

    The bidder was a Texas gold trader who plans to use it to raise money for children 's hospitals worldwide .

  6. 过去两年,越南黄金交易商将价值数十亿美元的高档黄金饰品运往瑞士进行熔炼,以绕过政府禁止出口金条的限制。

    Vietnamese gold traders have sent billions of dollars worth of high-grade gold jewellery to be smelted in Switzerland over the past two years to circumvent government restrictions on bullion exports .

  7. 黄金交易商和物流专家表示,此次转移211吨黄金(大约1.7万条标准400盎司金条)的行动,将是近几十年来最大规模的实物黄金转移之一。

    Gold traders and logistics specialists said the transfer of 211 tonnes of gold – about 17,000 standard 400-ounce bars – would represent one of the largest moves of physical gold in decades .

  8. 据各家黄金交易商介绍,今年中国及亚洲其他国家通胀上扬,促使黄金投资猛增,原因是许多投资者转向贵金属之类的硬资产,作为财富保值的手段。

    Rising inflation in China and other Asian countries has inspired a surge in gold investment this year , according to bullion dealers , as investors turn to hard assets such as precious metals as a means of wealth preservation .

  9. 在低利率和黄金交易商(它们持有巨额存货)炒作的推动下,黄金的市场价格已经上涨了十多年。毫无疑问,伴随资产价格泡沫的正常数量的欺诈与讹传也起到了推波助澜的作用。

    The market price of gold has risen for more than a decade propelled by low interest rates , the hype of the bullion dealers ( holding large inventories ) and no doubt the normal amount of fraud and misinformation accompanying asset price bubbles .

  10. 美国达成临时协议避免了历史性的债务违约之后,本来卖空黄金的交易商们争相补仓,使得金价出现一个月来最大的单日涨幅。

    Gold enjoyed its biggest one-day gain in a month as traders scrambled to cover short positions following a temporary deal to avoid a historic US debt default .