
  1. 本文重点分析并计算了这三个阶段人民币国际化所需要的黄金储备量。

    This paper mainly analyzes and calculates the required RMB gold reserves in these three phases .

  2. 2009年4月,当中国突然承认黄金储备量自2003年以来已增加了454吨、达到1054吨时,金价应声上涨。

    In April 2009 , gold prices rallied when China suddenly acknowledged its gold reserves had risen by 454 metric tons since 2003 , to 1054 tons .

  3. 一个国家的地位和经济影响力大部分取决于其国库里的黄金和银的储备量。

    A country 's worth and economic clout was largely to its holdings of gold and silver in the national treasury .

  4. 自黄金非货币化后,各国央行调整黄金储备。其调整的目的分为二类:一类是把黄金作为商品,降低黄金储备量;

    After the gold has been demonetized , the central banks of many countries began to adjust gold reserve .