
  1. 位于西点军校的美国铸币局西点分局正在紧锣密鼓地帮助约翰·肯尼迪总统做“整容手术”。

    At the US Mint in West Point NY workers are busy giving president JFK a facelift .

  2. 美国铸币厂每制造一枚五分硬币要花10分钱,还有,我们中一些人出于某种原因,比如怀旧和收藏,对便士青睐有加。

    Each nickel costs the US mint 10 cents to produce , also , some of us are pretty attached to pennies for whatever reason , nostalgia , and then those collectors .

  3. 星期二,在史密森尼学会美国国家历史博物馆举行的新闻发布会上,美国国家铸币局局长。

    U.S.Mint Director Ed Moy introduced the new coin at a news conference Tuesday at the Smithsonian Institution 's National Museum of American History .