
  1. 上海二手车交易市场(ShanghaiUsedCarTradeMarket)助理市场经理盛峰(音译)表示:生意好过新车代理。该市场拥有一座巨大的三层停车场,每天聚集着70名经销商。

    This is a better business than having a new-car dealership , says Sheng Feng , assistant marketing manager of Shanghai Used Car Trade Market , a large three-storey car park where 70 dealers gather daily .

  2. 上海位于中国东部,是二手车交易市场中最为活跃的市场之一。

    Shanghai , which locates in Eastern China , involves active marketing trades in second-hand car industry .

  3. 因此,基金肯定会吸引那些无所顾忌且技能拙劣的人,正如这些人被吸引到二手车交易市场一样(这是柠檬市场最初的例子)。

    For this reason , the business is bound to attract the unscrupulous and unskilled , just as such people are attracted to dealing in used cars ( which was the original example of a market in lemons ) .

  4. 来自安徽省的郭梦雅,在她同乡的进城务工青年中属于佼佼者,她在上海的一家二手车交易市场做销售工作,每月收入上万元。

    Guo Mengya is a top performer among the young people in her home village in Anhui province , who swarm to cities for work . She earns more than 10000 yuan per month at a secondhand car dealer in Shanghai .

  5. 我国二手车市场主要参与的主体:二手车交易市场、二手车鉴定评估机构、拍卖企业、二手车经销企业、经纪企业和从事二手车买卖的个人。

    The major participators of Used-car market in China are : used car trading market , used car appraisal agencies , auction companies , second-hand car selling companies , brokerage companies and individuals .