
  • 网络Registry;RCB;registrar-general;registry office
  1. 至少让我们知道在过去八个月里是否曾偷偷跑到婚姻注册局。

    At least tell us if you 've secretly hiked up to the registry of marriages in these last eight months .

  2. 我们开始明白了他是如何犯罪的:他支付3英镑,在土地注册局网站获得房契信息;然后模仿签名,为自己伪造了授权书;之后将房契转到自己名下。

    We began to work out how he had committed his crime : he had paid 3 to access the deeds online on the Land Registry 's website , had copied the signatures to give himself fake power of attorney and had transferred the deeds over to his name .

  3. 我们的律师建议我们去土地注册局。

    Our lawyer suggested we go to the land registry office .

  4. 这是英国中草药注册局的网站。

    This is the website of the Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine .

  5. 国家农业及禽畜化工品注册局〔澳洲〕

    National Registration Authority for Agriculture and the Veterinary Chemicals [ Australia ]

  6. 如果我们的商标与它太相似,商标注册局和法院就会惩罚我们。

    If ours is too similar , the trademark registry and the courts are going to nail us .

  7. 最终,政府不得不阻止通过土地注册局网站轻易获得地契与贷款信息。

    Eventually the government had to block easy online access to title deeds and mortgage information through the land registry website .

  8. 注:注册局只能处理以指明表格提出及已缴付有关费用的续期申请。

    Note : the board can only process an application for renewal made in a specified form with the prescribed fee paid .

  9. 在我的表兄弟帮助下,我检查了我的父亲物产并且参观了广州物产注册局。

    With the help of my cousins , I have inspected my fathers property and visited the property Registration Bureau of Guangzhou .

  10. 被拘捕的还有国家工商总局外商投资企业注册局副局长刘伟。

    Also detained is Liu Wei , a deputy director for foreign investment at the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , an organization that monitors corporate day-to-day business operations .

  11. 中央机构主要是四司一厅,另设有直辖机构如律学馆、官报、商标注册局、实业学堂等。

    Central organization mainly contained four Si and one Ting , equipped with some direct jurisdiction organizations , such as law school , official news agency , trademark registration bureau , and industry school and so on .

  12. 房屋经理注册管理局

    Housing Managers Registration Board

  13. 每个地方规定可能不一样问注册地工商局呀!

    Every place provision may be different ask register the ground industrial and commercial bureau ah !

  14. 欧洲工商业名录出版商协会旅行代理商注册处〔工商局〕

    European Association of Directory Publishers Travel Agents Registry [ Trade and Industry Bureau ]