
  • 网络Through the Desert;Through Desert;Desert Crossing
  1. 6名探险家都完成了穿越沙漠的艰难旅程。

    All the 6 adventurers survived the arduous journey through the desert .

  2. 这不是约旦王储第一次出现在公众视野中,以往王储骑摩托车穿越沙漠的潇洒照片也广为流传,因此还在Instagram上常常收到求婚。

    It 's not the first time the royal has turned heads , as he regularly receives marriage proposals on Instagram thanks to brooding shots of him riding through the desert on his motorbike .

  3. 不切实际的穿越沙漠计划已成泡影。

    The grandiose scheme for a journey across the desert came to nothing .

  4. 我们把轮胎放了气,以便穿越沙漠时更容易一些。

    We deflate the tyres to make it easier to cross the desert .

  5. 他们驱车600英里穿越沙漠。

    They drove 600 miles across the desert

  6. 她认为我穿越沙漠应该没什么问题。

    I should have no problem crossing the desert , she thought .

  7. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand .

  8. 她想,“我穿越沙漠应该没什么问题。”

    " I should have no problem crossing the desert , " she thought .

  9. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。经过多次尝试,她还是失败了。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries , she still failed .

  10. 从前,一个年轻人在穿越沙漠时遇到了一条清澈的泉水。

    Once upon a time , a young man came across a spring of clear water while crossing the desert .

  11. 然后它到达了一个沙漠,"我经历了这么多的困难。我穿越沙漠应该没有问题,"她想。

    Then it reached a desert , " I went through so many difficulties . I should have no problem crossing the desert , " she thought .

  12. 他们知道这是一个信号,便骑着骆驼,爬过高山,穿越沙漠和平原,沿着星星的指引,往Bethlehem方向而去。

    They know This is a signal , then is riding the camel , climbs over the mountain , the traversing desert and the plain , along star direction , Goes toward the Bethlehem direction .

  13. 或则坐船从里海去土库曼斯坦的克拉斯诺伏斯克,再从那里驱车行驶600公里穿越沙漠,到阿什哈巴德乘飞机去Kirgistan(克里吉斯坦)的比什凯克,我们的下一个目的地是在亚洲腹地。

    From there we would have to drive six hundred kilometres across the desert to Ashgabat and then catch a flight to Bishkek in Kirgistan , our next destination in central Asia .

  14. 一个穿越沙漠即将干渴垂死的男人。

    A man was crawling across the desert dying of thirst .

  15. 你需要有一辆相当坚固耐用的车子穿越沙漠。

    You need a fairly rugged vehicle to cross the desert .

  16. 他在穿越沙漠时丢了他的旅行袋。

    He lost his travelling bag when he crossed the desert .

  17. 探险家穿越沙漠的最优方案

    The best program that the explorers pass through the desert

  18. 乘车穿越沙漠旅行是乏味的。

    Traveling through a desert in a car is tedious .

  19. 有一个故事讲的是关于两位正在步行穿越沙漠的朋友的。

    A story , tells that two friends walking through the desert .

  20. 这条路绵延穿越沙漠。

    This road is stretching away across the desert .

  21. 对穿越沙漠的人来说,绿洲应该是一个天堂吧。

    An oasis is probably a paradise for people travelling across a desert .

  22. 三天来,他们步行向北穿越沙漠。

    For three days they walked in a northerly direction across the desert .

  23. 他们计划铺设穿越沙漠的石油输送管道。

    They plan to pipe oil across the desert .

  24. 你们穿越沙漠时将如何解决水的问题呢?

    What will you do for water while you 're crossing the desert ?

  25. 翌日,两兄弟还骑骆驼穿越沙漠。

    The next day , the brothers take a camel ride through the desert .

  26. 我们还来不及上前阻止,他已开始穿越沙漠。

    Before we could stop him , he had started off across the desert .

  27. 汽车应该结伴穿越沙漠,以防抛锚。

    Cars shall cross the desert in convoy in case there is a breakdown .

  28. 穿越沙漠的陆地行军。

    An overland march across the desert .

  29. 桑迪乘吉普车穿越沙漠。

    Sandy crosses the desert by jeep .

  30. 穿越沙漠的空中旅行。

    A flight across the desert .