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chuān zuò
  • give a farfetched interpretation;read too much into sth;bore a hole
穿凿 [chuān záo]
  • (1) [bore a hole]∶凿通;凿穿

  • (2) [give a farfetched interpretation]∶非常牵强地解释,硬说成具有某种意思

  • 孔子称述而不作,今不依章句,妄生穿凿,轻侮道术。--《后汉书.徐防传》

穿凿[chuān zuò]
  1. 枕骨蛛网膜颗粒压迹在CT上表现为半圆形、半卵圆形或浅弧形,少数可呈穿凿样骨质缺损,深达板障或外板。

    Characteristic findings of occipital arachnoid granulations on CT were semiorbicular or semilunar depression of occipital inner table , or a punched-out like bone defect from the inner table into the outer table .

  2. 脊柱巨细胞瘤多呈偏心性膨胀性生长,骨髓瘤呈溶骨性或穿凿样骨质破坏,MRI上形成盐和胡椒征。

    The giant cell tumor of bone were presented as eccentric , expanding bone destruction . Myeloma appeared as irregular or bit like bone destruction , MRI on the formation of " salt and pepper " sign performance .

  3. J-200B型冲击器是J系列潜孔钻具的新产品,能在各种岩石中穿凿直径200~220毫米的炮孔。

    The J-200B drill hammer is a new product in J-series of down-the-hole drills . It can drill 200-200 m. m.

  4. 在隧道穿凿的过程中常常遭遇各种不良地质体,如岩石破碎带、溶洞、突泥涌水等,瞬变电磁法(TEM)就是为了解决该问题而引入的一种隧道超前预报技术。

    During the tunneling we faced varieties of harmful geological objects frequently , such as rock fracture zones , karst caves , water outburst quick mud , then Transient Electromagnetic Method ( TEM ) is a method of advanced geological forecast of tunnel to solve the problems .

  5. 弥漫性长骨骨硬化,伴骨皮质穿凿样破坏及松质骨虫蚀样破坏;

    Diffusing long bone sclerosis with cortical bone destruction and cancellated bone erosion ;

  6. 虫生假丝酵母(C.insectorum)和穿凿假丝酵母(C.terebra)的相似性系数高达90%,这两个种应该合并为一种。

    The similarity coefficient of C. insectorum and C. terebra is 90 % , so they should be merged as one species .

  7. 构造柱间距以及拉结钢筋的设置符合规范要求,穿越管线时应预留洞口避免在填充墙上穿凿洞口。

    Configuration column spacing and tense reinforcing steel bar achieve the prescript of criterion , and avoiding to excavate hole in the infilled wall .

  8. 肋骨2例,穿凿样或膨胀性骨质破坏;

    The lesion lay in the rib in 2 cases , manifesting itself as punched out or expansive bone destruction with a sharp border .

  9. 主要用于道路建设、土石方开挖及露天开采,水利工程爆破孔、预烈孔的凿岩工序,是理想的高效穿凿设备。

    Mainly used in roadway construction , excavation rock and soil volume , opencast working , blom up holes of explosion & pre-intensity , for water conservancy projects .

  10. 这种算法较之传统的卷积码节点同步方法,具有独立于译码器,对输入数据的平均幅值不敏感,可以快速获得同步状态,并且可以自动跟踪传输过程中的穿凿方式的变化等优点。

    Compared with the conventional method , the new solution is independent on decoder , can quickly realize the synchronization , and automatically follow the variance in transmission code rate .

  11. 结果:18例中15例位于髓内,表现为骨质疏松,脊柱压缩性改变,穿凿样、膨胀性溶骨性骨质破坏及软组织肿块。

    Results 15 plasmacytic tumors were intramedullary , and their image features showed as osteopetrosis , vertebral column compression fracture , punched-out or bubbly lytic destruction of bone and soft tissue mass .