
  • 网络Pay attention to structure;pride myself on cooking
  1. 注意结构是对称的,而节点线位移表示反对称荷载。

    We note that the structure is symmetrical and that sways represent antisymmetrical loading .

  2. 仓库规模的加大,层数的增多,荷载的加大,给仓库设计、使用提出了新的要求:必须注意结构设计和使用安全。

    Storage scale , enlarge , layer increase , and load enlarge , give to storage design , and use , make new requirement become necessary for notice structural design and working safety .

  3. 汉字识字教学的基本规律及其具体措施&根据汉字的结构特点,运用语言知识的掌握规律;汉字识字教学应注意结构重组规律的运用;

    The paper discusses the psychological essence of the Chinese character teaching , and the basic regularity and measures of Chinese character teaching Attention should be paid to the structural characteristics of Chinese characters .

  4. 在模拟自然阅读模式下,研究了被试选择性注意结构不同字符时的事件相关脑电位,直接提取出了与选择注意相关的较早内源性成分;

    Through the stuby of the event related potential of selective attention to pictographic characters of different structure in the simulating true reading model , we exacted the earlier endogenous components which directly related to selective attention ;

  5. 请注意这个结构的根元素是EncryptedKey,它包含ds:KeyInfo和ds:KeyValue元素。

    Note that the root element of this structure is EncryptedKey , which contains the ds : KeyInfo and ds : KeyValue elements .

  6. 跟着练习说话,注意句子结构!

    Follow speech and pay attention to sentence structure !

  7. 解决了只注意数据结构的无损转换,而忽略数据约束的保存问题。

    It considered not only lossless transformation of database structure , but also data constraint storage .

  8. 结论一方面应保证卫生事业费用适度增加,注意内部结构变化;

    Conclusions The financial fare needed on sanitation work should be ensured with a proper increase .

  9. 此外,它能提高学生与英语有效接触的频率,能让学生更有效注意英语结构,还能激发学生的学习兴趣。

    Besides , it raises students ' English contact frequency , makes students effectively notice English structures and activates students ' learning interests .

  10. 桥梁设计时要特别注意上部结构的横向设计以及边墩的抗扭支座设计。

    So special attention should be paid to the horizontal design of the superstructure and the pier side of the torsional bearing design . 2 .

  11. 撰写科技英语论文摘要,应注意其结构特征、语言特征、写作模式和方法。

    To write the scientific literature 's English abstracts , we should pay attention to its structural feature , language characteristic and writing mode and method .

  12. 然后注意这个结构,有一个关键词,颜色就可以区分出它了,然后括号内是个测试。

    And then notice the structure , WHILE I got a keyword WHILE , there 's that color identifying it , and in parentheses I have a test .

  13. 这主要是由于汉英语的行文习惯不同、国家标准与国际标准的差别以及没有特别注意其结构的特殊性等原因所致。

    This is mainly because of habit of writing style of Han English , difference between national standard and international standard and unaware of uniqueness of its structure .

  14. 通过对桥梁支架法施工的简支梁桥分层浇筑混凝土形成的组合构件结构形式的分析讨论,提出设计和施工中应注意的结构问题。

    Through analysis and discussion of the structural form of composite members made by concreting by course during construction of the simple-supported bridges using the bridge support , some structural problems are noted for attention during design and construction .

  15. 调整稻米结构应始终保持州内粮食供求平衡,注意质量结构的合理性,注重合理布局,重点发展优质杂交稻。具体措施主要有:加快新品种的选育和筛选;

    The adjustment of the structure of rice varieties should keep balance between food supply and demand within the prefecture , pay attention to the rationalization in quality structure of rice varieties and regional distribution , and put emphasis on the development of hybrid rice .

  16. 在未来开放条件下贵州促进工业结构升级应注意避免结构低度化,创造和提供合适的市场空间,正确处理技术引进与自主开发的关系,发挥比较优势以及规范政府职能等问题。

    In the future , Guizhou should try to avoid structure degrading in the open economy , create and offer appropriate market space , properly handle the relationship between technology importation and independent development , give full play to its comparative advantage , and regulate government functions .

  17. 降低能耗总费用是降低产品成本,提高企业经济效益的重要工作,一是要降低综合能耗,二是要注意能源结构。

    There fore in light of energy structure to reduce comprehensive energy consumption at Angang has increased by 5 . 2 times . Further reducing cost of products through reducing total cost of energy consumption for increasing economic benefits of enterprise should be emphasized in the future work .

  18. 注意,其结构是经过调整格式的,为简短起见,XSL在输出中移除了新出现的行。不过它们会作为字符串元素保留在实际的输出中。

    Note that this has been formatted , since the XSL removes new lines from the output for brevity , although you 'll notice that they are retained within the actual output as string elements .

  19. 注意,这个结构显示角色而不是个人。

    Note that this structure shows roles rather than individuals .

  20. 注意乳突状结构周围的细胞都有粘液样结缔组织核心。

    Note the cells around papillations that have a myxoid connective tissue core .

  21. 注意模块的结构都在层次1之中。

    Note that the structure of the module is all at level 1 .

  22. 所有这些都应该提醒我们注意到人口结构的力量。

    One thing all this should remind us about is the power of demographics .

  23. 然后,注意这里的结构。

    And then , notice the structure here .

  24. 钢筋安装中应注意的几个结构构造问题

    Several structural issues noticeable in steel bar installation

  25. 又要注意规模、结构、质量和效益的协调发展。

    It also should pay attention to the coordinated development of scale , structure , quality and benefit .

  26. 某些材料的受力状态,比如值得注意的钢结构,通常可以近似地用应力&应变曲线来描述。

    The behaviour of some materials , notably structural steel , can often be approximated by a stres-strain curve .

  27. 在释放金融总量的同时要注意优化金融结构,特别是要加强信贷的针对性和有效性。

    Release total amount of finance and at the same time optimize financial structure , especially strengthen pertinence and effectiveness of the credit .

  28. 要注意把产业结构调整与创名牌紧密结合起来,做强做大名牌企业,并注重对名牌产品和企业的保护;

    Moreover , the government should tightly combine industrial structure adjustment with famous brand cultivation , in order to fully develop enterprises of famous brands .

  29. 当前要特别注意调整投资结构,迅速把投资重点放在技术进步和产业升级上来。

    Right now , we must pay special attention to the investment structures with the investment to be quickly focused on the technical progress and industrial upgrading .

  30. 所以,对于腐蚀环境中承受反复荷载作用的钢筋混凝土结构,设计中应特别注意腐蚀对结构疲劳性能的影响。

    As a result , special care should be taken for reinforced concrete structures in harsh environment and subjected to repeating load to avoid corrosion fatigue failure .