
  • 网络Nursing Unit
  1. 护理单元人性化设计研究

    The Research on Humanistic Nursing Units ' Design

  2. 大凡接触过医院建筑(护理单元)设计的建筑师,或多或少都会被其异常复杂且不断变化的功能所困扰,进而感到无从下手。

    To some extent , most architects having opportunities to get in touch with the design of hospitals ( nursing units ) have been confused with the complicated and variable functions involved .

  3. 第三部分,借鉴C·亚历山大教授所著《建筑模式语言》的研究方法,编制适应当代新医学模式的城市大型医院护理单元设计模式语言。

    Part III. The introduction of the design mode language for nursing unit design in contemporary large-scale urban hospitals , based upon the methods advanced in Architecture Mode Language by C.

  4. 接着着重介绍了护理单元的设计。

    And then , take focus on the nursing unit design .

  5. 医院护理单元功能和空间的系统研究

    Systematic Research on the Function and Space of Nursing Unit in Hospital

  6. 《军队医院洁净护理单元建筑技术标准》简介

    Building standard for the clean nursing ward in army hospitals

  7. 戴明环在护理单元质量管理中的应用研究

    The Function of the Deming Cycle in Quality Management of Nursing Unit

  8. 星级护理单元评选在基层医院的实践与体会

    Experience of practicing election of star nursing unit at the grass-roots hospitals

  9. 护理单元独立运行管理模式的实施及体会

    Independent management mode in nursing unit and its experiences

  10. 中风护理单元实施中风患者护理干预的临床后果

    The clinical outcome of the nursing intervention for paralytics applied in apoplexy nursing unit

  11. 护理单元管理新模式

    Discussion of new management pattern of nursing unit

  12. 对医院护理单元绩效考核指标的科学确定

    The Scientific Determination of an Assessment Target for the Department Effects in the Hospital Nursing

  13. 护理单元建筑设计

    Architecture design of nursing unit

  14. 护理单元空间模式研究

    Space Patterns of Nursing Unit

  15. 寒冷地区医院病房设计&缩短护理单元初探

    Ward Design in Cold Climate Region & A Tentative Idea for Reducing the Length of Nursing Unit

  16. 目的探讨培养涉外护理单元护士的多元文化护理能力的内容及方法。

    Objective To explore an effective method of cultivating multi-cultural nursing ability of nurses caring for foreign patients .

  17. 护理单元设计的好坏对病人的治疗和康复过程产生重要影响。

    The quality of nursing unit design has an important effect on the treatment of patients and their rehabilitation process .

  18. 分析总结了精神卫生中心中常见的护理单元平面形式。

    After that , this paper analyzed and summarized the common plan form of nursing unit in mental health center .

  19. 目的:探讨一个护理单元认证护士的比例与护理相关病人结果之间的关系。

    To determine whether the proportion of certified nurses on a unit is associated with the rate of nurse-sensitive patient outcomes .

  20. 医院在对科室或护理单元进行绩效考核时,应主要以实际工作量水平、成本控制情况、医疗质量指标为考核依据。

    Actual workload , cost control and medical quality were considered to be key factors in department or nursing unit performance evaluation .

  21. 本文以广东近年建设的多家综合医院为研究实例,对护理单元的细部问题进行了研究。

    The article took examples of several polyclinics in Guangdong province , and made brief study on detailed problems inside the nursing unit .

  22. 产房工作的高度风险性和应急性以及学生层次的多样性是产房带教有别于其他护理单元带教的主要特点。

    The main characteristic of the delivery room is high risk and emergency and multiplicity of students level that is different from other nursing unit .

  23. 本论文包括四部分:第一部分,分析医学模式的发展对医院建筑及护理单元产生的宏观影响,并提出本论文的研究意义。

    This thesis consists of the following four parts : Part I. Analysis of the impact of the development of medical modes on the hospital architecture and nursing unit design .

  24. 护理单元的平面布局类型、内部房间的不同组合模式、流线形式等,都直接影响医院的整体运营效率和护士的巡行效率。

    The layout type , different combinations of internal rooms and streamline of nursing unit all directly influence the whole operational efficiency of a hospital and the nurses ' working efficiency .

  25. 如果大于一个精神专科护理单元,隔离房间数目应按精神科病床总数的需要设置。

    If a facility has more than one psychiatric nursing unit , the number of seclusion rooms shall be a function of the total number of psychiatric beds in the facility .

  26. 方法自2002年1月起,对中山大学附属第一医院黄埔院区15个住院护理单元,实施潜在不满顾客报告讨论制度。

    Methods Since January 2002 , report discussion of " latent unsatisfactory consumer " was introduced in 15 nursing departments in the first Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University at Huangpu .

  27. 该文试图在建立医院分级系统的概念上以系统的科学的研究方法从两个方面对护理单元的功能和空间进行剖析。

    This paper tries to use a systematic approach to analyze the function and space of the nursing unit from two aspects with the conception of the classification system of the hospital .

  28. 结果全院护理单元迅速融入医院改革当中,培养适应改革需求的全科护士,保障医疗工作安全运行。

    Result All of the nursing units took part in hospital reform as soon as possible and trained a group of general nurses which met the demands of reform and ensured the safety of medical service .

  29. 通过对护理单元内各要素有选择地逐一分析,为日后医疗建筑护理单元的人性化设计提供一些参考,减少重复探索。

    According to analysis of some choosing elements one by one , I hope this language will be able to work as a reference and alleviate the repetition in the future architecture design of nursing units .

  30. 方法采用个别问卷调查方式,对本院20个临床护理单元每科抽取6名护理人员,神经科、综合科、骨科护理单元各抽取在岗80%的护理人员参加问卷。

    Methods By sampling investigation in our hospital , we randomly selected 6 nurses from each of the 20 departments , while in neurology department , orthopedics department and colligating department , eighty percent of the nurses were inquired .