
  • 网络nursing quality management;management of nursing quality;nursing management
  1. ISO9000质量管理体系在医院护理质量管理中的实践研究

    Application of ISO 9000 Standardized Quality Control System in Hospital Nursing Quality Management

  2. 6S管理在提高护理质量管理中的实践与应用

    Practice and application of " 6S " management in enhancing nursing quality management

  3. 目的探讨ICU护理质量管理方法,提高监护质量。

    Objective To explore the method of quality control in ICU and improve the quality of nursing .

  4. 运用PDCA循环实施门诊护理质量管理初探

    Primary Study of PDCA Cycle on Nursing Quality Control in Outpatient Department

  5. 运用PDCA循环实施手术室护理质量管理的方法和成效

    Method and effectiveness for the application of PDCA circulation on operation room nursing quality control

  6. 从新时期军事斗争准备需求出发,为加强部队医院护理质量管理建设,提高战时应急能力和救护水平,率先在护理质量管理体系中全面启动ISO标准。

    In order to enhance nursing qualities and improve the emergency and rescue abilities during the war time , Xijing Hospital initially generated the ISO9000 standards into nursing management .

  7. 结果实施ISO9000护理质量管理体系使医院的护理管理更加科学、护理服务流程更加合理、护理文书书写更加规范、护理质量明显提高,患者满意度稳步上升。

    Results ISO 9000 nursing control system gradually enabled the management of nursing more scientific , the procedure of nursing service more reasonable , the documents of nursing more qualified , the quality of nursing obviously improved , and the satisfaction degree of patients increased .

  8. 方法:1.将PDCA循环应用于化疗护理质量管理中,对比观察实施PDCA循环前后①基础护理、专科护理、技术操作的评分情况;②患者对护理的满意度情况。

    And provide a scientific basis for clinical practice . Methods : 1 . Observed the scores on primary care , specialist care , technical operations , and patients ' satisfaction of nursing before and after the application of PDCA cycle in quality Management of chemotherapy care unit . 2 .

  9. 基层医院护理质量管理问题初探

    Primarily approach to nursing quality management problems in basic level hospitals

  10. 产科护理质量管理与法律意识的关系

    Relation between nursing quality management in obstetric department and legal consciousness

  11. 累计积分考核法在病房护理质量管理中的应用

    Applications of Accumulative Scoring System in Management of Ward Nursing Quality

  12. 护理质量管理在体检中心的应用

    The application of nursing quality management in the health examination center

  13. 护理质量管理中创新思维的探讨

    Exploration into a creative mode of thinking in nursing quality control

  14. 全员参与护理质量管理方法及效果探讨

    Probe into methods and effect of personnel participating nursing quality management

  15. 持续质量改进用于手术室护理质量管理的研究

    A Study on Continuous Quality Control in Operating Room Nursing Management

  16. 护理质量管理的现状及发展趋势

    Present Status and Developing Tendency in the Administration of Nursing Quality

  17. 规范、安全、以人为本护理质量管理模式的构建与实施

    Regular Safe Human-based Nursing Quality Management Model : Establishment and Implementation

  18. 主责护士在基础护理质量管理中的作用

    Function of Primary Duty Nurse in Quality Management of Basic Nursing

  19. 完善护理质量管理体系持续提高护理质量

    Consummate the system of nursing quality management to improve nursing quality

  20. 急诊科护理质量管理与持续改进的实践

    The practice of constant improvement of nursing quality management in emergency department

  21. 目标责任制在分诊护理质量管理中的应用

    The application of goal responsibility in the quality management on triage nursing

  22. 过程控制对手术室护理质量管理的影响

    Effect of process control method on the operating room nursing quality management

  23. 各班职责流程考核在护理质量管理中的应用

    Application of duty procedures exam in management of nursing quality

  24. 新生儿病区全面护理质量管理模式探讨

    Exploration of management model of comprehensive nursing quality in the neonatal ward

  25. 护理质量管理小组在神经内科的应用与效果评价

    The practice and effect of nursing quality management group in neurology department

  26. 及时贴在护理质量管理中的应用

    The application of promptly paste in nursing quality control

  27. 浅谈手术室护理质量管理

    Simple Discussion on Quality Management in the Operating Room

  28. 风险管理在临床护理质量管理中的运用

    Application of risk management to clinical nursing quality control

  29. 护士对护理质量管理检查工作认同度的调查分析

    Survey on Nurses ' Acceptance of Nursing Quality Management

  30. 加强护理质量管理促进医院管理年的深入开展

    To strengthen nursing quality management and to promote deeper development of hospital management year