
  • 网络Economic man;rational economic man;Homo economicus
  1. 有关理性经济人的思想就正在被一个新兴的、名为行为经济学的学科给推翻。

    Ideas about " rational " economic man are being overturned by new ones from a discipline called behavioural economics .

  2. 在理性经济人的假设前提下,契约农业中各经济主体的交易行为实际上是受其追求效用或者利益最大化动机的驱使、为响应各种获利机会而进行的一系列经济活动。

    On the hypothesis of economic man , transacting behaviors are a series of economic activities which are driven by the economic subjects ' motivations of profit or utility maximization .

  3. 而人是理性经济人和社会人的集合体。

    And people is aggregates of rational economic man and social man .

  4. 西方经济学理性经济人假设之现实意义

    Significance of the Hypothesis of the Rational Economic Man to the Present

  5. 从有限理性经济人假设视角看英语语言习得

    On the EL Acquisition in a Perspective of Bounded Rationality Economic Man Hypothesis

  6. 第二,人应由传统的理性经济人向以可行能力为核心的全面自由人发展;

    Secondly , human beings must transform from the economic man to free man .

  7. 而契约中的利益相关者都是有限的理性经济人,为了实现自己的利益最大化,不会做损害自己利益的事。

    Interest groups in the contract are all " limited rational economic men " .

  8. 对理性经济人假说的几点质疑

    Oppugning the Hypothesis of Rational Economic Man

  9. 经济人理论述评&对理性经济人的质疑

    A Review of the Theory of Economic Man & A Query about Rational Economic Man

  10. 人们并不总是理性经济人。

    People are not always economically rational .

  11. 传统金融学的分析框架是建立在理性经济人假设的基础上的。

    Traditional framework of modern finance is firmly based on the assumption of economic agent .

  12. 作为理性经济人,公司追求利润最大化。

    As a rational economic man , the pursuit of profit maximization is the final aim .

  13. 所以,用理性经济人假设解释社会问题,是靠谱的。

    Why google 's theory on interest is not consistent with the rational economic man hypothesis ?

  14. 例如,作为理性经济人的投资者希望获取最大的投资收益,避免投资风险。

    As a rational economic man , investors hope to obtain maximum investment income and avoid risk .

  15. 无论是完全理性经济人假说,还是有限理性经济人假说,其本质都是经济人假说,经济人的行为动机一定是追求利益最大化。

    Whether complete rationality or limited rationality , the purpose of one is to max his benefits .

  16. 传统金融理论认为机构投资者是理性经济人,从而能够采取正确的投资策略。

    Traditional financial theory regards institutional investors as " rational economy person ", who can adopt proper investment strategies .

  17. 公共选择理论主张理性经济人假设是分析政府人行为的逻辑起点或前提。

    Public Choice Theory mainly claims that economic man is the logical starting-point or premise of analyzing government behaviors .

  18. 现实生活中,行为主体体现出理性经济人与理性道德人的双重性。

    In real life , people always embody dual character , and that is economic man and moral man .

  19. 基于理性经济人假设,当代人会采取自利的行为,而做出对未来代人不利的经济行为,所以环境资源在代际转移中存在着代际外溢性问题。

    Based on the assumption of rational economic man , the current selfish generation will take actions unfavorable to future agents .

  20. 运用经济人理论进行分析,提出道德法律化的主体条件是理性经济人。

    People the use of economic theory , the main body of legalization of morality on condition that rational economic man .

  21. 理性经济人就是自身利益或效用的最大化者,对自利最大化的任何偏离都是非理性的。

    Rational economic man maximizes his own interests or utilities . Any departure from self-interest maximization is considered to be irrational .

  22. 然后,将多元化的利益相关者抽象为理性经济人,发现他们的利益要求之间存在差异和冲突。

    Then , the diversification benefits related subject abstract for rational agent , found their interests and conflicts having the request differences .

  23. 学者从理性经济人假设为基础,逐渐引入了经济人非理性的假设。

    Scholars from " rational economic man " hypothesis as the foundation , gradually develop to the economic man hypothesis of irrational .

  24. 本文运用经济学关于理性经济人的假设和成本收益分析方法,探析了这些现象产生的原因,并提出了解决的对策。

    Based on the assumption of rational economic man and on cost analysis method , some causes are analyzed and countermeasures are made .

  25. 通过分析六个社会子系统的人性特征,提出了“复杂有限理性经济人”的人性假说。

    Through analyzing the characteristic of their human nature , we put forward the hypothesis & " Complicated Economic Man of Limited Rationality " .

  26. 现代经典金融学从理性经济人假设出发,利用一般均衡分析和无套利分析演绎出一套相当完美的金融学理论。

    Using models in which agents are rational , the modern classical financial theory explains financial markets in general equilibrium or no arbitrage framework .

  27. 政府作为有自己偏好和利益的理性经济人,将对是否严格执行法律规制进行成本收益分析。

    The government , being the rational economic man with its own preferences and interests , will make the cost-benefit analysis whether supervise strictly .

  28. 新古典经济理论认为具备理性经济人性质的区域会因自利而独力研发。

    New classical economics theory holds that the region which has rational economic man character will conduct research and development because of self interest .

  29. 本文指出贷款欺诈者是理性经济人,贷款欺诈的发生是其进行利益衡量之后理性选择的结果。

    This article points out that the fraudster is " rational economic man ", so loan fraud is their rational choice after weighing the benefits .

  30. 同时,分析了腐败的过程也是代理人(理性经济人)博弈的过程,腐败是博弈的结果。

    At the same time , it points out that the course of corruption is the course of game and corruption is the result of game .