
  1. 对区域货币效率的Granger检验与自回归分析

    Granger test and autoregressive analysis on monetary efficiency in region

  2. 我国经济转轨时期货币政策效率分析

    Analysis on Efficiency of Monetary Policy in the Economic Transition Period

  3. 我国货币政策效率的障碍性因素分析

    Factors of influencing China 's monetary policy efficiency and their countermeasures

  4. 股票市场发展与货币政策效率

    Stock Market Development and Monetary Policy Efficiency

  5. 转轨经济中的商业银行特征与货币政策效率

    The Characters of Commercial Banks and Efficiency of Monetary Policy in the Transition Economy Currency Policy under Circumstances of Deflation

  6. 国际实践证明,资产证券化有助于增强金融资产流动性、优化融资结构以及提高货币政策效率。

    A series of foreign practices have approved that asset securitization can enforce the fluidity of financial asset , and optimize financial structure .

  7. 因此,研究股票市场发展对货币政策效率的影响具有重要的现实意义和理论意义。

    It is of great practical and theoretical importance to study the influence of the stock market development on the monetary policy efficiency .

  8. 要提高货币政策效率,首先必须创造条件,疏导传导渠道。

    In order to improved the efficiency of monetary policy , the first we must do is to create condition and mediate transmission channel of monetary policy .

  9. 第4章是本文的最后一章,通过论文前述分析得出了一些政策建议,希望这些建议能对提高我国股票市场传导货币政策效率有所帮助。

    Chapter 4 is the last chapter , through the above - mentioned analysis of the thesis , I put forward several policy suggestion on improving transmission efficiency of monetary policy .

  10. 在经过不同国家和地区货币政策效率的对比分析后,得到的结论是:富有弹性的汇率制度与较严格的资本管制,更能提高财政、货币政策的效率。

    Contrasting the effects of different occasions , we draw a conclusion that under more flexible exchange rate system and stricter capital control , we can make our Monetary Policy exert more effectively .

  11. Shibor基准地位确立及对我国货币政策传导效率影响研究

    A Research on the Establishment of Shibor 's Benchmark Rate Status and the Impact on the Conduction Efficiency of China 's Monetary Policies

  12. 在从交易过程探讨了货币对经济效率的贡献之后,第3章着重分析了货币经济中金融成长过程的效率与风险。

    After a discussing of the contribution of money to economy efficiency .

  13. 这不仅降低了货币政策传导效率,而且进一步拉大了地区间经济发展的差距。

    It reduces the effectiveness of monetary policy and widens the gap of regional economic development .

  14. 香港特区政府首席行政长官曾荫权说,为促进新货币发行的效率和效力,特区政府已经开发出了一些新的纸币发行技术。

    Hong Kong Monetary Authority Deputy Chief Executive Choi Yiu-kwan said the authority has been exploring new note-issuing techniques to boost efficiency and effectiveness .

  15. 而利率尚未完全市场化,以及宏观经济环境客观因素的制约等,降低了货币政策传导效率。

    Interest rates have not yet been fully market-oriented , and the objective factor of the macroeconomic environment reduces the transmission efficiency of the monetary policy .

  16. 笔者就提高信贷市场的货币政策传导效率建议如下:一要实行稳健的信贷政策,完善信贷政策的操作及实施机制;

    The suggestions for raising the efficiency of credit market 's currency policy conduction are : to practice steady credit policy , perfect the operation of credit policy , and practice mechanism ;

  17. 它从根本上改变人们的生活,极大地提高了货币流通的效率,节约了货币流通的成本,从而对法律的发展产生不可估量的影响。

    Electronic currency has fundamentally changed our life , greatly improved the efficiency of the currency circulation , saved the cost of currency circulation and had an inestimable impact on the development of the law .

  18. 提高利率对货币政策的传导效率

    On Transmission Efficiency of Raising Interest Rate for Monetary Policies

  19. 货币联盟依赖于效率与稳定。

    Monetary Union is based on efficiency and stability .

  20. 交互影响和反馈条件下我国货币政策工具控制效率检验

    Controlling Efficiency Test for China 's Monetary Tools : A Perspective of Interaction and Feedback Effect

  21. 货币政策的操作效率、效果有了很大的改善,中央银行动用货币政策工具的频率和操作的力度也在不断加强。

    Operational efficiency and effect of monetary policy have got a great improved . The frequency and the intensity of the monetary policies operated by the Central Bank have also been strengthened .

  22. 股票市场的蓬勃发展势必会通过某些渠道影响货币政策的执行效率,而不同性质的货币政策的运用也会对股票市场产生不同的影响。

    The stock market boom is bound to affect the efficiency of the implementation of monetary policy through certain channels to , and different use of monetary policy should have different effects to the stock market .

  23. 如何维持本国经济的稳定,以及如何提高国内金融系统配置货币资源的经济效率等问题的理论阐述和政策含义已经是国内经济理论界和政府部门关注的重点。

    Elaborating the principle and policy implication of how to maintain economy stability and improve the efficiency of national financial system to allocate resources has became the focus of research for both economic field and government departments .

  24. 总量货币理论对于货币政策有效率的实施起着至关重要的作用,而货币政策有效率的实施对经济的发展产生直接的影响。

    Total monetary theory for the implementation of monetary policy efficient plays a vital role , and the implementation of monetary policy efficient for economic have a direct impact .

  25. 股市越发展越应该考察股市的货币政策效应,这是提高货币政策效率的必然要求。

    The more stock market develop the more we should research the stock market monetary policy effect , which is the inevitable requirement for improving the efficiency of monetary policy .

  26. 研究发现,金融一体化促进了金融市场的融合和一体化,畅通了欧元区货币政策传导的渠道,改善了货币政策传导的效率。

    Study found that financial integration promotes convergence and integration of financial markets , the euro zone monetary policy transmission smooth channels , improve the efficiency of monetary policy .

  27. 同时金融一体化使欧元区金融结构呈现出新的特征,改变了货币政策传导的相对方式,同时也提高了货币政策传导效率。

    At the same time to make the euro area financial structure of financial integration presents new features , changes in the relative transmission of monetary policy , while also improving the efficiency of monetary policy transmission .

  28. 但由于我国正处于经济转型时期,存在着一些阻碍货币供应量扩张的结构性因素,导致货币政策传导受阻,降低了货币政策的传导效率。

    Because our country is in economic transition period , there exist some structural factors holding back the expansion of monetary supply and causing some obstacles in the conduction of monetary policies , which lowers the efficiency of monetary policies .

  29. 研究货币政策在产业层面上的双重非对称效应,能够提高货币政策的针对性和货币政策的效率,更好的调整经济结构,因而具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。

    Research on dual asymmetric industrial effects of monetary can improve the relevance and efficiency of monetary policy , leaving the economic structure to a better shape , which has great theoretical and practical significance .

  30. 但是,目前我国的金融市场发展滞后,货币市场和资本市场一体化程度不高,不能实现对货币政策的有效传导,造成了我国近几年来货币政策的低效率。

    But at present the development of finance market is rather slow , the integration of currency market with capital market is in low degree and monetary policies can not be carried out effectively which has caused low efficiency of monetary policy .