
  • 网络Opel;Vauxhall;Corsa;Adam Opel AG;alpen
  1. GM后知后觉的看到了欧宝类似的品质。

    GM belatedly sees similar virtue in Opel .

  2. 陷入困境的通用汽车(generalmotors)德国子公司欧宝(opel)正考虑采取类似的方案。

    Opel , the embattled German arm of general motors , is considering a similar plan .

  3. 欧宝车内所有的OPEC的蛋白石都没有色泽。

    All the OPEC opal in the Opel is opaque .

  4. 菲亚特希望将欧宝与自己的汽车业务合并,该公司于近期收购了克莱斯勒(Chrysler)。

    Fiat wants to merge Opel with its own autos division and recently acquired Chrysler .

  5. 但PSA可能要为欧宝注入50亿美元或更多钱才能让它恢复生机。

    But it might find itself sinking $ 5 billion or more into Opel to make it viable .

  6. 有望拿下沃克斯豪尔及欧宝55%股权的竞购方之一,是布鲁塞尔投资公司rhjinternational。

    One frontrunner to buy the 55 per cent stake in Vauxhall and Opel is RHJ international , a Brussels-based investor .

  7. 雪铁龙和欧宝(opel)昨日均拒绝就合作谈判置评。

    Peugeot and Opel yesterday both declined to comment on the alliance talks .

  8. 原本通用计划在美国本土把这个车刷成土星Aura卖,要知道土星和欧宝是穿同一条裤子的。

    GM originally planned to make and sell this car here in the U.S.as the next-generation Saturn Aura .

  9. 欧宝汽车技术中心在NVH领域的试验研究技术

    NVH Test Technology in Opel-Technical Development Center Europe

  10. 标致在努力自救的过程中曾与通用汽车(GeneralMotors)旗下的欧宝(Opel)结盟,以便在采购和工程上每年削减20亿美元的成本。

    In its struggle to save itself , Peugeot arranged an alliance General Motors ' Opel , to save $ 2 billion a year in purchasing and engineering .

  11. 随着另一家中国企业北京汽车工业控股公司(BeijingAutomotiveHoldingCo。)提出收购通用汽车旗下欧宝(Opel)子公司51%的股份,这项交易也在逐渐成型。

    That deal is taking shape just as another Chinese car company , Beijing Automotive Holding Co. , is gunning for a51 % stake in GM 's Germany-based Opel unit .

  12. 对同样位于德国的汽车制造商欧宝(opel)的救助,也同样错综复杂。

    The rescue of carmaker Opel , also based in Germany , is equally tangled .

  13. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)正考虑搁置由德国政府支持的一项纾困其欧洲汽车业务欧宝(Opel)的方案,人们越来越担心,这场旷日持久的谈判可能无果而终。

    General Motors is looking at shelving a German-backed bailout of its Opel European car arm amid growing fears that long-running talks on the deal will end in failure .

  14. 欧宝的CarUnity将允许车主通过一个专为智能手机和平板电脑设计的欧宝应用,把他们的车出租给Facebook好友之类的对象。

    Opel CarUnity will allow drivers to rent out their cars - say , to their Facebook friends - via a dedicated Opel app for smartphones and tablet computers .

  15. 北京汽车工业控股有限责任公司(BAIC)正在竞购通用汽车在欧洲的欧宝(Opel)业务。

    Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation is bidding for GM 's Opel business in Europe .

  16. 目前,欧宝(Opel)和福特欧洲(FordofEurope)正分别靠通用汽车(GeneralMotors)和福特汽车(Ford)北美分公司供养着。

    General Motors ' ( GM , Fortune 500 ) and Fords ' ( F , Fortune 500 ) North American operations are supporting Opel and Ford of Europe respectively .

  17. 该公司本周早些时候称将削减欧宝(Opel)汽车在西欧的产量。

    GM earlier this week said it will pare production of Opel vehicles built in the region .

  18. 新频道将会保留以前非常受欢迎的剧集,如《特务欧宝》(SpecialAgentOso)及《万能阿曼》(HandyManny)。

    Before the new channel will retain a very popular drama series such as " spy Opel "( Special Agent Oso ) and " universal Oman "( Handy Manny ) .

  19. 直到最近,韩德胜还一直支持将欧宝55%的股权出售给Magna的交易。

    Up until recently , Mr. Henderson had been a proponent of a deal that would sell 55 % of Opel to Magna .

  20. 这家汽车制造商去年取消了出售其欧宝(opel)业务的计划,而出售旗下土星(saturn)品牌的交易也中途夭折。

    The carmaker backed out of plans to sell its Opel business last year , while a deal to offload its Saturn brand fell apart .

  21. 在欧洲,欧宝(opel)和沃克斯豪尔(vauxhall)仍在亏损,但这两个品牌已建立起强大的全球网络。

    Opel and Vauxhall in Europe are still losing money , but they round out a strong global network .

  22. 就在宝马公布这一计划的同时,通用汽车的欧洲品牌欧宝(Opel)也表示,将提供面向每个人的汽车分享服务。

    BMW announced the scheme just as Opel , General Motors ' European marque , said it would offer car sharing for everyone .

  23. 如果围绕沃尔沃、萨博(Saab)和欧宝(Opel)等公司爆发竞购战,这正是福特汽车等财务拮据的卖家所乐于看到的。

    The prospect of a bidding war for the likes of Volvo , Saab and Opel should please financially strapped sellers such as Ford .

  24. 如果让克莱斯勒向亚洲扩张,或者让蓝旗亚和菲亚特成为更广泛的欧洲品牌,与大众、雷诺(Renault)或欧宝(Opel)竞争,将是一项极其艰巨的任务。

    Expanding it into Asia , or making Lancia and Fiat into broader European brands to rival Volkswagen , Renault or Opel would be extremely hard .

  25. 就在宝马公布这一计划的同时,通用汽车的欧洲品牌欧宝(Opel)也表示,将提供“面向每个人的汽车分享服务”。

    BMW announced the scheme just as Opel , General Motors " European marque , said it would offer " car sharing for everyone . "

  26. 法国(以及欧宝(opel)和福特(ford)设有工厂的德国)的政客和工会必须摒弃这样的零和假定,即认为汽车业失去的工作岗位就是永远消失了。

    Politicians and unions in France ( and Germany , where Opel and Ford have plants ) need to shed the zero-sum assumption that every lost car job vanishes for good .

  27. 想一想通用汽车(GM)到目前为止对欧宝(Opel)的“不离不弃”吧,尽管它在欧洲可怕的过剩产能不大可能在短期内通过市场增长得到释放。

    Think of General Motors ( GM ) hanging on ( so far ) to Opel , despite horrible over-capacity in Europe that is unlikely to be filled any time soon by growth .

  28. 销售主要依赖于东欧市场的雪佛兰(Chevrolet)前三季度销量实现了增长,而利润率更高的欧宝品牌却出现销量下滑。

    The Chevrolet brand , which relies on Eastern European markets for sales , posted a sales increase , while the higher-margin Opel brand reported a sales decline .

  29. 为了解决这些问题,通用向萨博安插了美国管理人员,将一些产能转移到了德国,零部件则采取了向欧宝(Opel)采购或共同生产等方法。

    GM tried to ameliorate its problems by installing American managers , moving some production to Germany , and integrating its parts buying and engineering with Opel .

  30. 竞购欧宝时,加拿大汽车零部件生产商麦格纳(magna)似乎对这一点极为重视承诺给予职工新公司10%的股权。

    In its bid for Opel , Magna , the Canadian car parts maker appeared to take this message to heart - promising workers 10 per cent of the new company .