
nóng huì
  • peasant association;peasants' union
农会 [nóng huì]
  • [peasant association] 农民协会,中国民主革命时期共产党领导下的农民群众组织,以贫雇农为核心

农会[nóng huì]
  1. 不久他就放弃了教学,参加了湖南农会的工作。

    Soon afterwards he gave up teaching and joined the work of the Hunan Peasant Association .

  2. 因为农民入农会大多数每家只写一个人的名字,故会员二百万,群众便有约一千万。

    Since the peasants generally enter only one name for the whole family on joining a peasant association , a membership of two million means a mass following of about ten million .

  3. Plaut教授相信,该系统对下一代奶农会特别有吸引力。

    Professor Plaut believes the systems will the next generation of farmers .

  4. 市场经济的发展对重建中国农会提出了新的时代要求。

    Reconstructing China peasant association is the need of market-oriented economy .

  5. 但是,农会议决,今天不给他戴高帽子。

    Then the association decided not to crown him that day .

  6. 不久之后,他就参加了农会的工作。

    Soon afterwards he joined the work of the peasant association .

  7. 你以为阿伽门农会在乎他兄弟的婚姻?

    Do you think Agamemnon cares about his brother 's marriage ?

  8. 20世纪中国农会制度的变迁及启迪

    The Transition of China Peasant Association in 20th century and its Inspirations

  9. 重建农会:我国农村持续发展的新能量

    Reconstruction Peasants'Association : New Energy of Village Development in China

  10. 民国时期农会组织研究

    The Period of the Republic of China the Peasant Associations to Study

  11. 《浙江省农会报》的办刊特色及其社会作用

    The features of Zhejiang Provincial Peasants ' Association Journal and its social functions

  12. 台湾的农会发展与组织

    On the Development and Organization of " Farmers ' Association " in Taiwan

  13. 没有农会以前,乡村的道路非常之坏。

    Before there were peasant associations the roads in the countryside were terrible .

  14. 其次,探讨了农会的宪政价值。

    Secondly , I will explore the constitutional value of the peasant association .

  15. 一切事情,农会的人不到场,便不能解决。

    Nothing can be settled unless someone from the peasant association is present .

  16. 一个与世隔绝的农会,主要是荷兰人。

    An isolated farming community , mainly dutch .

  17. 什么盗匪,在农会势盛地方,连影子都不见了。

    Wherever the peasant associations are powerful , there is not a trace of banditry .

  18. 农会还能回到中国吗

    Can the Peasant Association Return to China

  19. 建设农民武装另有一个新的方面,即农会的梭镖队。

    A new way is through the setting up of spear corps under the peasant associations .

  20. 在中国,农会作为一种社团组织,在清末就已经出现。

    In China , farmers organized as a society has emerged in the late Qing Dynasty .

  21. 组织农会是亿万农民行使结社自由权的重要内容。从历史上看,中国农会经过了不同时期的发展,也曾产生过惊天动地的影响。

    There were many great effects caused by China peasant association in different periods in history .

  22. 农会势盛地方,牌赌禁绝,盗匪潜踪。

    Where the peasant association is powerful , gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished .

  23. 第一件将农民组织在农会里

    Organizing the peasants into peasant associations

  24. 亦有好些顽固党,至今还没有入农会。

    But there are quite a number of die-hards who have not joined to this day .

  25. 地主为免祸计,自动地捐款给农会的,亦颇不少。

    To avoid trouble , quite a number of landlords make voluntary contributions to the peasant associations .

  26. 一般指摘农会的人说农会做了许多坏事。

    Most critics of the peasant associations allege that they have done a great many bad things .

  27. 农会权力无上,不许地主说话,把地主的威风扫光。

    Supreme in authority , the peasant association allows the landlord no say and sweeps away his prestige .

  28. 以士绅为主体的农会是推进民间农业改良的重要团体。同时民间还采取了其他积极方式参与农业改良。

    Agricultural associations that most members are esquires are the main folk strength to practice the agriculture improvement .

  29. 农会经解散或废止登记后,应即重行组织。

    A farmers association shall be re-organized soon after the farmers association is disbanded or its registration is abolished .

  30. 外界的人只能说农会好,不能说农会坏。

    Those who are outside the associations can only speak well of them and cannot say anything against them .