
  • 网络Adult shrimp;adult prawn
  1. 育苗期几种消化酶的活性均远远低于成虾。

    The activity of digestive enzyme in the larvae of prawn was lower than that in the adult prawn .

  2. 万氏对虾自身合成的维生素C可满足成虾的需求,但不能满足幼虾的需求。维生素A、维生素D3和维生素E是万氏对虾饵料中必需的,维生素K是非必需的。

    Vitamin A , D and E are essential nutrients in shrimp diets but vitamin K is not .

  3. 对成虾的细菌病,建议使用的BKC浓度为0.5~1mg.L-1。

    It was suggested to apply BKC concentration of 0.5 ~ 1 ppm for treating bacterial disease of adult shrimp .

  4. 成虾养殖中也经常发生发光病,危害同样十分严重。

    Luminous disease could occur in the cultivation of adult prawns .

  5. 罗氏沼虾养殖成虾缅甸品系与泰国品系的外形特征比较

    Appearance Comparison of Adult Freshwater Prawn Between Thailand Population and Burma Population

  6. 成虾发光病病原体的分离鉴定及防治技术研究

    Prevention and Treatment of Luminous Disease of Adult Prawns

  7. 成虾的缬氨酸、异亮氨酸含量比小虾、中虾的低,而酪氨酸、苯丙氨酸、天门冬氨酸较高。

    The adult shrimp had significantly higher tyrosine , phenylalanine and asparagine content but lower valine and isoleucine levels compared to juvenile and middle shrimp .

  8. 用于虾苗培育和成虾养殖,广泛适用于海水、水虾类、类、类繁殖、殖生产。产学研合作教育培养水产养殖应用型人才

    Used for breeding of young shrimp and raising of grown shrimp , be acceptable widely for propagate and breed of shrimp 、 fish and crab in sea or freshwater . The Cultivation of Aquaculture Application Talents by the Industry-University-Research Cooperative Education

  9. 本论文重点研究了一种重要的对虾体液免疫因子&凝集素的各种性质,包括成虾血淋巴中的凝集素对各种动物红细胞的凝集效价以及其随季节、体长等因素的变化。

    The various characteristics of lectin ? one of shrimp ? s essential humoral immunological factors were researched , including haemagglutinating titre of adult shrimps ? lectins against erythrocytes from several vertebrate species and its variation followed by the changes of season , body sizes et al .

  10. 你准备点只鸭子,但那时简内特决定要些“异域特色”,所以你改成吃虾。

    You were going to get the duck , but since Janet decided to " get something exotic " you 're stuck ordering the shrimp .

  11. 在新英格兰州捕捞的大量软壳龙虾都被送往加拿大的加工厂,被制作成冻虾尾或半成品的关节肉和钳肉。

    A large amount of soft-shell lobster caught in New England is sent to processing plants in Canada , destined to become frozen tails or precooked knuckle and claw meat .