- 网络ore-forming solution

The ore-forming solution not only comes from the magmatic hydrothermal solution rich in REE , but also from the deep circulation warm groundwater rich in F-and Cl - but poor in REE .
Those areas covered by fracture structure frequency isopleth clusters represent the intense tectonic active areas and the ore-forming solution active places , where geochemical gradiants ( pH , Eh ) change in a wide range that is favourable for uranium metallization .
Fluor-carbonate minerals of La-Dy can be formed directly from ore-solutions , but those of Ho-Lu and Y can not .
The knowledge of the properties , especially the pH of ore forming solutions , is the key to understanding the genesis of ore forming solutions , the conditions and mechanism of ore formation .
On the establishment of eh - pH figures for complex compound systems in metallogenic solutions
During the alteration process , gold was extracted into solution as sulfur complex under the conditions of alkali and reduction , and was deposited with change of physico-chemical parameters , such as T , P , pH , Eh etc.
In conjunction with isotope and other trace element data , it is suggested that the ore-forming material was ' derived mainly from CO2-riched mantle flow in which REE and part of the metals were transported as carbonate-complexes . The ore fluids are weakly alkaline in nature .
Based on the characteristics of fluid inclusions and their composition , We deduce that as component part of the ore-forming fluid , the CO2 - CH4 - H2O system is possibly a special ore-forming fluid .
Metallogenic epoch belongs to Late-Caledonian . According to Rb Sr K At and U Pb isotopic dating , and oxygen , lead and sulfur stable isotope data along with the geologic characteristics of the ore deposit it is believed that the oreforming solution was derived dominantly form meteoric water ;
This paper sums up the geological features of these Pb-Zn deposits , compares them with MVT deposits abroad and discusses their ore material source , ore fluids , genetic mechanism and ore controlling factors .
The ore-forming solutions were mainly of the hydrothermal one alimented by meteoric water .
Ore-stage solution is of a mixed origin of magmatic water and meteoric water .
The mineralizing solutions are considered as a mixed system of metamorphic and meteoric water .
H and O isotope compositions of ores show the polygenetic origin of ore-forming solution ;
The hydrogeochemical feature of the mineralizing solution and mineralization zoning pattern of the Zhenyuan Gold Deposit
The metallogenic solution is mixed flow of magma water , subterranean heat bittern , metamorphogenic water .
Ore-forming solution and genesis of a rock crystal deposit in South hunan , indicated by fluid inclusion study
The ore is formed in the conditions of low temperature , low pressure and weak oxidation or weak reduction .
The existence of neptunian dikes is of great significance in the migration and accumulation of oil and gas , and other diagenetic fluids .
The ore forming fluids were derived from metamorphic waters . The sulfur elements were derived from old seawaters aqueous sulfates and magmatic sulfur .
The chemical compositions of main and minor elements of stibnite reveal some valued information on mineralizing solution , and reflect quality of three ore types .
The quartz is studied using an electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ), infrared spectrum ( IR ) and the electrical conductible degree of ore-bearing fluids .
The isotopic composition of oxygen shows that the origin of the ore forming solution was turn from magmatic water in early stage to circulated meteoric water in later stage .
The form is mainly { 100 } + { 210 } , indicating the higher sulfur concentration in the mineralized solution , and the obvious sulfur affinity of gold ;
Isotopic composition of rainwater end-member in early metallogenic solution is the average of H and O isotopic composition of rainwater , while rainwater end-member of late metallogenic solution is H and 0 isotopic composition of Mesozoic rainwater .
Scientific research on light stable isotope geochemistry indicates that the isotopic composition of sulphur and carbon in ore-forming solution relate to nature of ore-bearing rocks , and the character of " draw on local resources " displays very clearly ;
Open the fluid inclusion by heat explosion , extract the ore-forming solution , measure the relative density of the ore-forming solution through its electric conductivity , and apply the results to the test of mineralization and ore-search by geological analogy .
Fluid inclusion data indicate that the ore foming fluids is of the Cl - rich and SO 2 - 4 types and that cracking temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz , barite and dolomite are about 183 ℃ to 378 ℃ .
This shows that metallogenic solution of both early and late stages are mix of magmatic water and rainwater , but it does not mean that circulation of epigenic water produced by rainwater did not directly enter into metallogenic solution , it improves that rainwater portion existed in metallogenic solution .
Its geochemical feature indicates that ore forming elements mainly comes from stratum and rock of pre Devonian period and ore forming solution is complex fluid of syngenetic water , metamorphic water and meteoric water .