
  • 网络On the Road to Success;Rain in the Heart
  1. 但是当她们向前看时,她们看到了通往成功路上的障碍。

    But when they look ahead , they see roadblocks to their success .

  2. 他们绝不让任何事成为孩子成功路上的障碍,虽然他们这样做可能让孩子失去了锻炼自己适应能力的机会。

    They let nothing stand in the way of their children ’ s success , even though they may be robbing them of the opportunity to build resilience .

  3. 现在又出现了新的一类父母——扫雪机父母,他们会扫清孩子成功路上的所有障碍,但同时也因此给孩子造成很多压力,专家认为这种教育方式让孩子受害不浅。

    But now a new parenting type has been identified - and experts say ' snowplough parents ' , who clear every obstacle from their child 's path while piling on the pressure to achieve , can be every bit as damaging .

  4. 他们只是你通往成功路上的暂时的休止符。

    They are momentary pauses on the path to success !

  5. 成功路上的路障只是小小的阻碍。

    The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way .

  6. 成功路上难免挫折,也会有沮丧与失望。

    There are setbacks and you will experience difficult disappointments .

  7. 我有决心克服通往成功路上的一切障碍。

    I have the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success .

  8. 创业者的一些品质可能会成为其成功路上的绊脚石,其中最有违常理的一种——便是聪明。

    One of the most counterintuitive traits that can hurt entrepreneurs is smarts .

  9. 失败就是成功路上的垫脚石。

    Failure is a stepping stone to success .

  10. 翻译我们应战胜在成功路上可能遇到的一切困难。

    We should conquer every difficulty we may encounter on the way to success .

  11. 能有梦想是通往成功路上的第一步。

    Being able to dream is the first step on every road to succuss .

  12. 成功路上难以克服的障碍

    UnconqueraBle oBstacles to success

  13. 我知道,成功路上充满了各种各样的困难与障碍。

    I know that the road to achieve success is full of all sorts of difficulties and obstacles .

  14. 我想说的是:至少还有一个财务成功路上的大敌:缺乏目标。

    I 'd argue that there 's at least one additional enemy to financial success : lack of purpose .

  15. 把你的失败看成是通往成功路上的减速带,继续前进,不要放弃。

    Look on your failures as speed bumps in your success journey , and keep going . Dont quit .

  16. 自信对所有人来说都是成功路上不可或缺的要素。

    It is extremely important for all to be self-confident aas it is the indispensable condition to their success .

  17. 你得明白挫折和困难都是成功路上必不可少的。

    You need to understand that setbacks and obstacles are necessary . So press on and just get through it .

  18. 你所要控制的地方就是你在成功路上停滞不前的地方。

    The extent to which you control is the extent to which you stand in the way of your success .

  19. 国家体育训练中心射击设备不够,成为其成功路上的最大障碍。

    The lack of adequate shooting facilities at the National Sports Training Centre has been one major obstacle in his path .

  20. 这就是人生成功路上的三大陷阱:大意,轻信,贪婪。朋友,你记住了吗?

    This is life on the success of the three traps : the effect , credulity and greed . Friends , do you remember ?

  21. 失败:风险承担者在成功路上的普遍经历;而非鼓励轻率鲁莽行为的经济制度势必造成的结果。

    Failure : a common experience suffered on the road to success by risk-takers ; as opposed to the inevitable consequence of an economic system that encourages recklessness .

  22. 你的人生任何时候都可以重新开始!记住这一点吧,那正是你人生成功路上最大的财富。

    The greatest power that you own for your success in life is your understanding that life gives you a fresh start any moment you choose to start fresh .

  23. 当你试图躲避成功路上的绊脚石时,一定要快点拿定主意,千万不要犹疑。

    While you will have to sidestep a number of obstacles on the path to success , you will have what it takes to do so-don 't let one little doubt enter your mind .

  24. 我们希望用我们的产品成为您成功路上的一员。我相信我们能帮助您,然而坏消息是使用我们的产品后,您需要购买更多的储奶罐储藏因奶牛增产带来的更多的新鲜牛奶。

    We want to be a part of your success with our product , I know we can help you * only bad news with our product is * you may have to buy new milk tank to hold your fresh milk .

  25. 从这个角度来看,大码女装零售商LaneBryant公司正走在成功的路上。

    By that measure , plus-size retailer Lane Bryant Inc. is succeeding .

  26. 那时在争取成功的路上没有人支持我们。

    And then almost no one rooted for us to succeed .

  27. 在通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。

    On your way to succes you must keep your direction .

  28. 在成功之路上,农璐焕也有过自己的挣扎。

    On the way to success , Nong had his struggles .

  29. 我会越过通往成功的路上的所有障碍。

    I will overcome any barrier on my way to success .

  30. 愿他在成功的路上走得更远。

    May he go further on the way to success !