
chénɡ piàn kāi fā
  • tract development
  1. 香港、澳门、台湾地区的公司、企业和其他经济组织或者个人投资从事成片开发,参照本办法执行。

    Tract development with investment by firms , enterprises and other economic organizations or individuals from the regions of Hong Kong , Macao and Taiwan shall be governed with reference to these Measures .

  2. 区域是指城市级以下的园区、街区或成片开发区。

    Region refers to the following city-level park , street or a film zone .

  3. 试论土地成片开发

    Views on land development

  4. 土地信托融资成本低,募集方式灵活,利率比较灵活,适合用于城市新区土地成片开发等大型项目。

    Land trust , as a low-cost and flexible interest rates way , is favorable for those projects of developing city subdivision .

  5. 成片开发应确定明确的开发目标,应有明确意向的利用开发后土地的建设项目。

    Development of whole areas of land shall have explicit goals and there shall be construction projects that are explicitly intended to make use of the developed land .

  6. 近年来,通过大范围成片土地的开发利用,使区域内的经济实力和经济结构得到了较大的提高和改善。

    In resent years , the strength and structure of economy has increased and improved obviously through the exploitation of large scope of region .