
  • 网络Division of Property Rights;diision of title
  1. 人力资本产权分割与结构分析

    On partition and structure of the human capital property rights

  2. 产权分割:竞技体育运动员人力资本产权问题的思考

    Distribution of Property Right : A Thought of Property Right in Human Capital to Elite Athlete in China

  3. 试论夫妻财产中知识产权的分割

    Partition of Information in Property Division of the Spouses

  4. 以土地收益分配比例为基础,分析了土地产权的分割状况。

    Taking the foundation of the land income allocation proportion , we has analysed the divided condition of the land ownership .

  5. 交易是经济学分析的基本单位,是通过产权的分割和再配置来分配经济租金的过程,而契约是完成交易的制度安排。

    Transaction is the basic units of economic analysis , is a process of distributing economic rent by division of property right and relocation , wherever contract is the institution arrangement .

  6. 企业可以看作是一组契约关系的连接,契约本身作为配直产权和分割租金的手段也是一个有效的治理工具。

    If regarding enterprise as connections of a series of contractural relationships , contract , as a tool to allot property rights and divide rents , is a effective governance tool .

  7. 新发布的《婚姻法解释(三)》(征求意见稿)对按揭房屋的分割也作了专门的规定,目的就是解决法院在按揭房屋产权归属分割过程中裁判尺度不一的问题。

    The interpret ⅲ of Matrimonial Law ( Exposure draft ), which is promulgated new , also stipulates specially it , in order to resolve the issue of different judge criterion , when the court divides the mortgage house .

  8. 不同的产权交易及其分割,反映出不同的权利组合,从而使交易费用和预期收益产生巨大的差异。

    Different property rights transaction and division reflect different combination of rights and thus make great differences in transaction cost and expected returns .

  9. 笔者认为我国农地产权体系可以分割为两个最重要的部分:农地所有权体系、农地承包经营权体系。

    I think China 's current farmland property right systems can be classified into two important categories : farmland ownership right system and farmland contract-management right system .

  10. 社会分工和市场经济的发展,使产权要素不断地分割、分离,并通过合同予以让渡。

    With the development of market economy and social division of labor , property is divided and separated consistently , even released by contract .

  11. 本文从分析环境资源产权的特殊性入手,对于产权弱化、产权分割、创建新产权和自愿合作基础上认知产权调整等负外部性内部化理论进行了分析。

    Analysis is made on internality of negative externality such as weaken property right , separate ownership , create new ownership and knowledge ownership adjustment based on voluntary cooperation , from the special feature of ownership of environment resources .