
  1. 本文对中国的农产品成本核算指标体系进行了较系统的研究。

    This thesis studies index system of the costs and returns account of agricultural products in China .

  2. 中国农产品成本收益核算指标体系演变及改进研究

    Study on the Evolvement and Improvement of the Index System of the Costs and Returns Account of Agricultural Products in China

  3. 重在论述了生产系统LLCC与产品成本、价格等指标的技术经济关系及其分析机理,为生产系统的投资决策提供了重要的手段。文中对可行性研究工作的进一步完善具有一定的参考价值。

    The proposed methods in this paper are very important for investment decision analysis and evaluation of production systems .