
  1. 论信息产品侵权责任

    A Discussion on Information Product Tort Liability

  2. 立法确立了召回的法定作为义务,属于交易安全义务,违反该义务会引起私法上的侵权责任,该侵权责任属于结果责任,并且与一般的产品侵权责任有别。

    And breach the recall duty will cause private law tort liability which is different from general products tort liability .

  3. 笔者认为产品侵权责任领域应当确立惩罚性赔偿制度。

    The author of this paper thinks that in the responsibility of product domain the punitive compensation system should be established .

  4. 在我国质量侵权责任法律体系中,相对于产品侵权责任法和建筑侵权责任法而言,服务侵权责任法相对滞后,在相当一部分领域,法律处于空白状态。

    Compared with the law on product liability for tort and the law on building liability for tort , the law on service liability for tort relatively falls behind in the system of the law on quality liability for tort .

  5. 缺陷产品侵权责任中的产品概念,不仅应当包括经过加工、制造的,以销售为目的的动产,未经加工的初级农产品、不动产等也应包括在内。

    Product concept in defective product tort liability , should include not only after processing , manufacturing , sales for the purpose of real estate , without processing of primary agricultural products , real estate and other should also be included .

  6. 本文由引言、正文、结论三个部分组成。正文分为五章,第一章首先介绍了国际产品侵权责任的含义,以及与产品侵权密切相关的产品、国际产品、产品缺陷的基本理论问题。

    This paper consists of introduction , main body and conclusion , the main body is divided into five parts . Chapter one firstly introduces the concept of international product tort liability , and related theoretical issues including product , international product and product defects .

  7. 在研究医疗产品缺陷侵权责任认定过程中,首先需要对医疗产品及其缺陷的概念进行界定,以便更好地深入研究医疗产品缺陷法律责任。

    In the process of recognition of research and medical product defect tort liability , first had the concept of medical products to define in order to better in-depth research and medical product defect liability .

  8. 在《侵权责任法》实施后,医疗产品缺陷侵权责任的归责原则也更加多元化,构成要件和举证责任也随着多元化的进程而有所丰富。

    After the implementation of the " Tort Liability Act " . the medical product defect tort liability attributable to the principle of a more diversified , the elements and burden of proof can also be rich in the process of diversification .

  9. 本文认为,产品召回侵权责任的创设,在合同法物的瑕疵担保责任和侵权法一般产品侵权责任的基础上创设了全新的侵权责任类型,丰富了我国的产品召回责任体系。

    Th-is paper argues that the product recall to the creation of tort liability , contract law wara-nty responsibility , and general tort law tort liability based on the creation of new tort liability type , rich in China product recall liability system .

  10. 产品缺陷及其侵权责任研究

    On Product Defect and Products Liability

  11. 许可方保证不会发生被许可方被指控有关合同产品上的侵权责任。

    Licensor guarantees that Licensee shall not be claimed for product liability in relation to contract products .

  12. 取得生产许可证书后,方可进行生产。许可方保证不会发生被许可方被指控有关合同产品上的侵权责任。

    Production shall not begin before the SPL is obtained . Licensor guarantees that Licensee shall not be claimed for product liability in relation to Contract Products .

  13. 产品代言人承担侵权责任的基础在于消费者对代言人之信赖,进而产生购买及消费行为,代言人违反该信赖理应承担法律责任。

    The trust is the basic point why the product spokesman bears the tort liability , and thus results in a purchase and consumption behavior . He should be liable for the breach of the trust .

  14. 论网络环境下知识产品著作权的侵权责任

    The Responsibility of Infringement upon the Copyright of Intellectual Works in Network Environment

  15. 产品责任制度是侵权责任制度中一项特殊的侵权责任制度。

    Product liability system is a special tort liability in the tort liability system .

  16. 产品责任主要是侵权责任,但在大多数情况下也涉及违约责任与侵权责任的竞合。在责任竞合的情况

    Responsibility of product mainly is responsibility of tort , but it also involve the double of the responsibility of breach of contract and

  17. 2009年6月1日出台的《食品安全法》规定,产品代言人承担侵权连带责任。

    The " Food Safety Law " introduced in June 1 , 2009 , which stipulates that the product endorsers undertake the joint and several liability .

  18. 服务侵权责任与产品责任、建筑侵权责任构成我国三位一体的质量侵权责任制度。

    Service liability for tort , together with product liability for tort and constriction liability for tort , forms the " three-in-one " system of liability for tort in China .

  19. 另外新产品制造方法侵权举证责任倒置的规定在实践中存在一定问题和不公平。

    Moreover , the provision that the burden of proof is upside down in the patent infringement litigation of new product manufacture method has certain problem and is unfair in practice .