
chǎn jīnɡ
  • industry
  1. ——2012年8月28日《产经新闻》(SankeiShimbun)的访谈

    interview with Sankei Shimbun , Aug. 28 , 2012

  2. 全面改进产经界迎对灾害风险的能力,特别是非国有中小企业防御灾害风险的能力,以及大型国有企业灾害自保或参保机制的完善;

    Improving disaster risk coping capacity of business and industry , especially non-state-owned small-and medium-size enterprises and setting up disaster insurance mechanisms for large state-owned enterprises ;

  3. 也是在1月30日那天,《产经新闻》发表的一篇文章强调说,丰田的汽车召回事件已经在美国引发了对丰田的情绪性排斥。

    Also on Saturday , Jan.30 , the Sankei Shimbun newspaper ran an article stating : 'Toyota 's recall issue has triggered an emotional repulsion against Toyota in the U.S. '

  4. 方法选择160例ASAⅠ-Ⅱ级患者实施腰硬联合麻醉,包括腹式全子宫切除,剖宫产,经尿道前列腺电切(TURP)和脐以下部位普外手术各40例。

    Methods 160 ASA ⅰ ~ ⅱ patients each 40 cases undergoing abdominal hysterectomy , cesarean section , TURP and general surgical operation were selected to receive CSEA .

  5. “黑岛”牌鸭蛋系采用黑岛地区名鸭&黑岛青鸭所产鸭蛋经传统配方及科学方法相结合腌制而成。

    The duck 's egg of " Heidao " is used the famous duck of Heidao area Heidao blue duck , its duck 's egg is bloated by traditional formula and scientific method .

  6. 证人所产的未经宣誓以保证其真实的证词科学家从不预先假定未经证实的事实。

    Unsworn statements by witnesses . A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact .

  7. 动产质权可经设定而善意取得,但在构成上有其特殊性。

    The pledge of movables can be acquired with good will wonder provisions but entails its peculiarity in its constitution .

  8. 对M4家系方差分析与测产表明,经辐射引变后,能选择到比对照群体更理想的品系。

    The results of variance analysis and measured yield in M4 show that we can choose better lines in irradiated progenies than the check .

  9. 结论:在产程中经针刺昆仑穴可减轻产妇分娩痛苦,是具有可行性的无痛分娩方法。

    Conclusion : Acupuncture at Kunlun ( BL60 ) can relieve delivery pain of parturients during the delivery process and is a feasible painless method for delivery .

  10. 明清以来,民间买卖、典当、抵押土地、房屋等不动产,不经官府而订立的文书多称为契约。

    From Ming and Qing dynasty , when people trade , pawn and mortgage their real estate such as land , house , etc. , they usually contracted an agreement which does not need to be authorized by the government .

  11. 缺陷产品侵权责任中的产品概念,不仅应当包括经过加工、制造的,以销售为目的的动产,未经加工的初级农产品、不动产等也应包括在内。

    Product concept in defective product tort liability , should include not only after processing , manufacturing , sales for the purpose of real estate , without processing of primary agricultural products , real estate and other should also be included .

  12. 介绍了西安安康线长安车站供水概况,从自然地理条件、地质、构造及水文地质勘察入手,通过运用水文地质模拟计算方法,得出了水源井的产水量,经施工验证,取得较理想的效果。

    With focus on the physical geographic conditions , geology , tectonic and hydrogeology survey this paper introduces the water supply situations of Chang'an station in Xi'an Ankang Railway line and based upon analogy calculation method of hydrogeology the water yield is obtained which acquired good anticipated effect in construction .

  13. 结果所筛选的产细菌素R260菌株经鉴定为植物乳杆菌。

    Results Bacteriocin-producing R260 strain was identified as Lactobacillus plantarum by physiological and biochemical experiments .

  14. 取食含印楝素50×10-6g/mL的印楝提取物处理枝条后天牛产的卵需经19d达到其最终孵化率,3333%;

    The hatching rate of the eggs laid by the beetles , which had fed on the treated branches with a dosage of neem extracts containing 50 × 10 - 6 g / mL azadirachtin , reached 33.3 % at the nineteenth day .

  15. 剖宫产疤痕部位妊娠经阴道彩色多普勒超声图像特征分析

    Ultrasonographic Imaging of Ectopic Pregnancy in the Caesarean Scar

  16. 讨论了剖腹产指征和经阴道分娩的估计。

    The indications of cesarean section and estimations of vaginal delivery are also discussed .

  17. 国窖·1573以400余年窖龄的国宝窖池所产基酒,经长期贮存、精心勾兑而成。

    The basic liquor was produced in national pits with the pits age above 400 years , then through long-term storage , the basic liquor was produced into " National Pits . 1573 " by blending .