
tái miàn
  • on the table;mesa;table top;flats;ante
台面 [tái miàn]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [on the table]∶桌面;多用于正式场合

  • (3) [ante]∶赌博时放在桌面上的赌资

台面[tái miàn]
  1. 本文提出了一种制作HBT采用的垂直台面结构自对准工艺。

    A HBT self-aligned technology with a perpendicular side-wall mesa has been proposed .

  2. 最后,根据颗粒的受力情况以及运动轨迹,阐述了设备可调工作参数(台面倾角θ和电机转速n)对分选结果的影响。

    Finally , according to force and the orbit , the impact on sorting result of adjustable working parameter ( mesa inclination θ and rotational speed n of electrical machinery ) of the equipment is explained .

  3. 这些台面是由不会留下污渍的材料做的。

    The surfaces are made from a material that doesn 't mark .

  4. 她把厨房的所有台面全都收拾干净了。

    She 's cleaned all the kitchen surfaces .

  5. 厨房有漂亮的黑色瓷砖地面、操作台面和碗橱。

    The kitchen has smart black tiling , worksurfaces and cupboards .

  6. 台面上又脏又乱,尽是残羹剩菜和未洗的盘子。

    Leftover food and unwashed dishes cover the dirty counters .

  7. 在撒上面粉的台面上轻揉该混合物。

    Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface .

  8. 把面团从碗中取出,放在撒有面粉的台面上。

    Remove the dough from the bowl and put it on a floured surface .

  9. 他的队友打开了酒店的窗户,大叫着“跳!”,还开了一些上不了台面的玩笑。

    His team-mates opened hotel windows , shouting ' Jump ! ' and somewhat less printable banter .

  10. 这种机器既省力,又能保持工作台面的整洁。

    This machine is designed to save you effort , and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain

  11. 这事不能拿到台面上说。

    This cannot be made public .

  12. 将元件装在沉重的钢制台面上,并将台面放在隔震支座上,即可满足这一要求。

    This accomplished by mounting the elements on a heavy steel table placed on antivibration supports .

  13. 台面结构硅基法珀型光纤MEMS压力传感器的研究

    The Study of the Optical Fiber MEMS Pressure Sensor with a Mesa Structure Diaphragm

  14. 在进行Si(100)台面腐蚀时,由于硅的各向异性腐蚀特性,凸角处呈现严重切削现象。

    The corner undercutting was quite serious because of the anisotropic etching on crystalline Si ( 100 ) wafer .

  15. 你曾在Twitter上称,如果公司股价涨得很高,你会‘把钱留在台面上’。

    You once tweeted that if your stock shoots up , you left money on the table .

  16. SCS系列多台面模块化汽车衡秤台的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis for Modular Platform of SCS Series Truck Scale with Multi-Block

  17. 他们可能不知道或者不关心WSDL和XML,以及所有他们摆到台面上的异常事件。

    They probably do not know or care about WSDL and XML , and all the quirks that they bring to the table .

  18. 台面型自对准结构AlGaAs/GaAsHBT的工艺研究

    Mesa-Type AlGaAs / GaAs HBT 's Fabricated by a Fully Self-Aligned Process

  19. 这家名为SharkletTechnologies的公司目前开发的产品用于医疗设备、家具和厨房台面等。不过,该公司计划在2013年下半年推出应用于手机的产品。

    The company , Sharklet Technologies , is working on products for medical devices , furniture and countertops , but aims to release phone products by the second half of 2013 .

  20. Li原子在台阶面的吸附扩散势表明,下台面形成捕获势、上台面形成反射势。

    The adsorption-diffusion potential of Li atom on the step surface indicated that the down terrace was capture potential and that the upper terrace was reflection potential .

  21. Chen穿过装有大理石台面的狭窄厨房,看了看窗外的景观,赞叹道,“真棒!”

    Mr. Chen walked through its narrow kitchen with marble countertops and checked out the view . ' Fantastic ! ' he declared .

  22. 本文提出了一种台面型全自对准结构AlGaAs/GaAsHBT的制造方案,对其中的欧姆接触金属系统的制备。

    This paper reports a fully self-aligned process for mesa-type AlGaAs / GaAs HBT 's.

  23. 特别地,比较详细地论述了通过vb编程工具设计的一个网络教学视频系统制作系统软件,特别地就主控制台面的设计提供了尽可能详细的软件编程过程及相关的编制程序清单。

    A more detailed procedure about how to design online teaching video production software system by use of VB programming tool is given .

  24. 周二,发展迅速的移动支付新创企业Square推出支架式硬件设备Stand,iPad装在Stand上,就能变成一款台面销售终端系统。

    On Tuesday , fast growing mobile payments startup square introduced stand , a hardware device that cradles an iPad , turning it into a countertop point of sale system .

  25. 采用一种自对准压缩台面结构制作高速1.55μmDFB激光器。

    A self aligned constricted mesa ( SACM ) high speed 1.55 μ m MQW DFB laser is developed .

  26. 4H-SiC衬底AlGaN/GaNHEMTs台面隔离技术的改进

    Improvements of mesa isolation techniques for AlGaN / GaN HEMTs on 4H-SiC substrate

  27. 2-(2-氮氧化吡啶基)苯并噻唑的合成与晶体结构不同形状台面的AlGaAs湿氮氧化规律研究

    SYNTHESIS AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF 2 - ( 2-N-OXIDE PYRIDYL ) BENZOTHIAZOLE Study on AlGaAs Wet Oxidation of Different Shape Mesa Structures

  28. 首先,利用LMS滤波器建立振动台系统的自适应模型,实现了对振动台台面加速度响应的跟踪。

    Firstly , the adaptive model of the vibrator is established by means of the LMS filter , which can track the acceleration response of the vibrator countertop .

  29. 温度为110℃、CO2分压为1.488MPa时,材料表面极易形成腐蚀产物膜,但腐蚀产物膜局部有缺陷,在流体湍动剪应力作用下,局部腐蚀主要为台面状侵蚀。

    But at the temperature of 100 ℃ and CO_2 pressure of 1.488 MPa , the corrosion product film forms easily , mesa attack corrosion occurs under action of mechanical forces of the turbulent flow .

  30. 结构材料由分子束外延制备,衬底片为(001)半绝缘InP单晶片,器件制作选用台面结构。

    The material structure was grown on ( 001 ) semi-induction InP wafer by molecular beam epitaxy , and the device was fabricated with a mesa structure .