
  • 网络product development strategy
  1. 重点分析了A公司实施的针对广大中低端市场(M3)的产品开发策略与市场渗透策略,以及增强销售机构效率的渠道政策变革与内部组织机构变革。

    The product development strategy focus on grand middle-low end market ( M3 Market ) and market penetration strategy are stressed . As well as the channel policy reform and internal organization reform , which are for the sake of enhance sales organization efficiency .

  2. 你认为哪些因素影响公司的产品开发策略?

    What do you think affect a company 's product development strategy ?

  3. 基于TPC及DLC理论的汉中旅游新产品开发策略

    The Development Strategy of New Tourism Product Based on TPC & DLC Theory in Hanzhong City

  4. 因此,DMU是一种远优于现有方法的产品开发策略。

    Therefore DMU is a strategy of product development far superior to existing methods .

  5. 在此基础上,从客户细分、产品开发策略、营销策划、营销宣传、营销渠道、营销支撑系统六个方面分析了SC移动增值业务营销存在的五大问题。

    Then it analyzes and summarizes five questions of value added service marketing of SC Mobile from customer segmentation , product policy , marketing planning , marketing publicity , marketing channels and marketing support system based on the above analyses .

  6. 基于技术生命周期的机械产品开发策略

    Developmental Strategy of Mechanical Product Based on the Technology Life Cycle

  7. 沪杭甬居民旅游偏好及产品开发策略

    Travel Preferences of Residents in Shanghai-Hangzhou-Ningbo Area and Tourism Products Developmental Strategies

  8. 基于时间竞争的新产品开发策略

    New Product Development Strategies Based on the Competition over Time

  9. 基于动态能力的后发企业新产品开发策略研究

    Research on new product development strategies of latecomer firms based on dynamic capabilities

  10. 本文分析了大规模定制模式下企业应该采取的产品开发策略;

    The strategy of product development for MC which enterprises should take is analysed ;

  11. 金健米业新产品开发策略研究

    The Study on Strategy of New Product Development for JinJian Rice Industry Co. , Ltd

  12. 化工产品开发策略探讨

    Probe into Chemical Product Development Strategy

  13. 浅谈产品开发策略

    On the strategy of Product Development

  14. Internet/Intranet环境下基于分布式广义知识库的产品开发策略

    On Product Development Strategy Based on Distributed General Knowledge Base under the Environment of Internet / Intranet

  15. 试谈西部中小民营企业的新产品开发策略

    Briefly on the Exploring Strategies of New Products of Middle and Small Privately run Enterprises in the West of Our Country

  16. 为了迎接未来的挑战,各国学者提出了许多新的产品开发策略、生产模式和先进制造技术。

    In order to meet intending challenge , many scholars have put forward various product developing strategies , produce modes and advanced manufacture technologies .

  17. 从新产品开发策略定位、新产品开发组织结构安排和新产品开发流程管理3个层次讨论了产品开发的成功之道。

    The road to successful development of new products is discussed from the angle of strategy position , organization arangement and program management involved in developing new products .

  18. 以科技领先为产品开发策略,将眼光定位于行业一流水平上,积极抢占未来竞争的至高点。

    To the leading technology for product development strategy , positioning the industry to look first-class level , to actively seize the highest point of the next competition .

  19. 第三具体民俗旅游产品开发策略上,尝试引入了诸多开发模式,以新的视角去进行民俗旅游产品创新。

    In the third concrete ethnic tourism product development strategy , the attempt has introduced many development patterns , carries on the ethnic tourism product innovation by the new angle of view .

  20. 从而探讨贵州邮政集邮业务新产品开发策略,为管理层提供实际数据和恰当的竞争策略,具有很重要的战略意义。

    In order to explore new business product development strategy , and provide the actual data and appropriate competitive strategy for the management . That will be of a very important strategic significance .

  21. 家具公司的家具设计创新也有其发展的轨迹:在企业的品牌的建立,设计管理机制,产品开发策略,国际贸易网络,专业化配套生产等方面。

    And the furniture design 's innovation of the furniture company also includes it the track of development : The establishment in the brand of business enterprise , design management mechanism , product development strategy , international trade network , specialized production facilities etc.

  22. 并在市场定位策略的基础上,为企业制定搬迁后的发展战略,包括降低成本策略、新产品开发策略、关系营销策略等,目的是为企业能够在竞争激烈的市场中占领一席之地。

    Based on the market positioning strategies , this paper sets down a series of development strategies for companies to develop after the removal , including cost-reduction strategy , new product development strategy , relationship marketing strategy , aiming to occupy a place in the fierce competition .

  23. 分析了吉林省生态旅游资源的特点,初步探讨了生态旅游资源与生态旅游产品的开发策略。

    Propes into the development tactics of ecotourism resources and ecotourism products .

  24. 基于知识的产品开发组织策略选择

    A Knowledge-Based Analysis for Strategy Selection of Enterprise , s Product Development

  25. 中国传统文化产品市场开发策略研究

    A Study on the Strategy of Developing Market of Chinese Traditional cultural products

  26. 企业进行新产品开发需要策略的指引。

    When an enterprise develops its new products , it requires strategies to guide .

  27. 基于消费者体验的儿童产品开发设计策略研究

    A Research on the Design Strategy of Children Product Development Based on Consumer Experience

  28. 本论文从制药企业的角度阐述了新产品开发的策略。

    This paper mainly focuses on the strategy of new product development in the perspective of pharmaceutical manufacturers .

  29. 分层模式为软件体系结构提供了总体的基础结构,以支持项目的产品线开发策略。

    Pattern gave the overall , fundamental structure to the software architecture to support the project 's product-line development strategy .

  30. 这与产品的开发策略,研发投入,产品设计相对滞后等发面有着很大的关系。

    The product development strategy , investment in research and development , product design and relative lag etc have great relations .