
  • 网络ROASTING;Coffee roasting
  1. 在纽约等地开有咖啡馆的咖啡烘焙公司LaColombe创始人托德·卡尔米切尔(ToddCarmichael)认为,不应该死盯着份量这一个因素。

    Todd Carmichael , a founder of La Colombe , a coffee roasting company with cafes in New York and other cities , is not so hung up on the ounce factor .

  2. 在这笔投资的帮助下,弗里曼在奥克兰建设了一个规模更大的咖啡烘焙场和商用烘焙坊。

    With the investment , Freeman built a larger coffee Roastery and commercial baking kitchen in Oakland .

  3. 查韦斯同时宣布计划将国家两个最大的咖啡烘焙商收归国有,并指责他们供货不足。

    Mr Ch á vez also announced plans to nationalise the country 's two biggest coffee-roasters , blaming them for shortages .

  4. 这个小型的咖啡烘焙店起步于美国西雅图,名字来源于美国文坛杰出大师赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的经典著作《白鲸》中那个爱喝咖啡的主人公的名字。

    The small Seattle-based coffee roaster took its name from the coffee-loving first mate in Herman Melville 's novel Moby Dick .

  5. 去年第四季度星巴克的利润大跌69%,但佛蒙特绿山咖啡烘焙公司的收益却上涨了56%。

    But while the powerhouse 's profits fell 69 percent in the fourth quarter of last year , revenue at Vermont 's Green Mountain Coffee Roasters climbed 56 percent .

  6. 林塞·博尔捷,美国绿山咖啡烘焙公司的首席采购,在谈及“卡斯蒂罗”能否担任恢复产量重任时,形容咖啡产业对此是“如坐针毡”。事实上,“卡斯蒂罗”做到了。

    Lindsey Bolger , head coffee buyer for Keurig Green Mountain , a roaster in the United States , said the industry was " on pins and needles " about whether the Castillo would work .

  7. 全新的上海星巴克咖啡烘焙工坊及臻选品鉴馆计划于2017年开放,并且可以从2014年12月开放的公司总部的西雅图店中获取灵感。

    Scheduled to open in late 2017 , the new Starbucks Roastery and Tasting Room in Shanghai will be inspired by the first location that debuted in December 2014 in the company 's hometown of Seattle .

  8. 咖啡烘焙工坊坐落在世界最繁华的商业街之一的南京西路上,入驻于即将完工的兴业太古汇。兴业太古汇是上海最新的集零售、办公、酒店于一体的建筑。

    Located along Nanjing Road W. , one of the world 's busiest shopping destinations , the Roastery will be part of the soon to be built HKRI Taikoo Hui Project , Shanghai 's newest premium world-class retail , office , and hotel area .

  9. 进口的咖啡经过烘焙、调配及包装成为制成品。

    The coffees are roasted , blended and packaged as finished products .

  10. 职位描述:首席烘焙师的主要职责的负责咖啡的烘焙生产。

    Job Description : The lead roaster has the primary responsibility of managing the production of roasted coffee .

  11. 一旦咖啡已经被烘焙过,就没有人会知道里面有什么。

    Once the coffee has been roasted , there 's no knowing what 's inside .

  12. 当咖啡豆被烘焙过,其中不稳定的油脂将极易被氧化,并损害到咖啡的质量。

    Once a coffee bean is roasted , the volatile oils contained within the bean become vulnerable to oxidizing , which will damage the quality of the coffee bean .

  13. 但是咖啡豆经过烘焙、研磨、存放在某个人的厨房橱柜之上、被制成咖啡、加入牛奶和糖之后,你真能告诉我你能品出差别?

    But after the beans have been roasted , ground , kept on somebody 's kitchen shelf , made into coffee , and then milk and sugar have been added can you really tell me that you can taste a difference ?

  14. 在2011年Joyride起步,作为每一天向办公室和咖啡馆提供新鲜烘焙咖啡的质量提升设备。

    Joyride relaunched in 2011 as a business that provides cafe-quality equipment to offices and delivers freshly roasted coffee every day .

  15. 这个嘛,步骤二是研磨咖啡豆。我烘焙了三种不同的豆子。

    Well , step two is grinding the coffee beans . I 've roasted three different types of beans .

  16. 从咖啡的种植、烘焙、采购到门店的设计、经营,以及顾客的参与,星巴克都有其独特的一套。

    From coffee planting , baking and purchasing , to the stores design and operation , and the consumers participation as well , Starbucks follows its unique way to the success .

  17. 你要知道,这个术语与咖啡的原产地以及咖啡的烘焙地毫无关联。

    It is important for you to understand that these terms have no relationship to where the coffee is grown or roasted .

  18. 因为是低温烘培,所以希腊咖啡没有一般黑咖啡豆烘焙后所产生的毒素问题!

    Being baked at low temperatures also gives an added bonus that is it contains much less of the toxins that are usually present in black coffee .

  19. 比如瑞士,虽然那里并不产咖啡豆,但那里的咖啡豆烘焙工艺却是世界顶级的。

    For instance , Switzerland is one of the best country for coffee roasting , but it is not a coffee producing country .

  20. 但要一杯好咖啡,除了精咖啡杯心的烘焙和精巧的操作技巧以外,咖啡杯也充当着极其重要的角色。

    But a good cup of coffee , in addition to fine coffee cups Heart baking and other sophisticated operating skills , coffee cup also serves as an extremely important role .

  21. 当您购买极品咖啡时,向咖啡专家咨询咖啡独特的烘焙方式决对是有益无害的。

    When purchasing gourmet coffee , it never hurts to ask a coffee expert about the specific roasting of that coffee .

  22. 近日,星巴克咖啡宣布,将在2017年在上海开设海外首家咖啡烘焙工坊以及臻选品鉴馆。

    STARBUCKS Coffee Company announced that it will bring its first international Starbucks Roastery and Reserve Tasting Room to Shanghai in 2017 .

  23. 它提供的咖啡就是展现自己与众不同的第一道风景线:其咖啡豆来自时尚左岸地区(LeftBank)的Coutume咖啡烘焙店,LeRicher对每个细节都精益求精,这在巴黎的餐厅越来越司空见惯,但在周边咖啡屋仍属凤毛麟角。

    The coffee provides the first clue that something is different : made with beans from the fashionable Left Bank roaster Coutume , it reveals an attention to detail increasingly common in bistros but still rare in the neighbourhood caf é .