
  • 网络Hewitt;Hewitt Associates
  1. 翰威特(hewitt)咨询公司的《全球薪资计划报告》(globalsalaryplanningreport)显示,去年印度工资的平均涨幅为13.5%,在亚太国家中居于首位。

    Studies such as the Hewitt global salary planning report suggest that wage increases in India averaged 13.5 per cent last year , the highest among Asia-Pacific countries .

  2. 人力资源咨询公司翰威特(HewittAssociates)称,10%-12%的美国大公司为员工提供这种选择。

    According to HR consulting firm Hewitt Associates , 10-12 per cent of large American employers offer staff this option .

  3. 咨询公司翰威特(hewittassociates)表示,印度目前的年度平均薪资增幅超过14%,而中国约为8%,韩国和菲律宾则要稍低一些。

    According to Hewitt Associates , the consultancy , average salary increases in India are running at more than 14 per cent a year , compared with around 8 per cent in China and slightly less in South Korea and the Philippines .

  4. 咨询公司怡安翰威特(AonHewitt)大中华区人才主管AlanPang说,一家中国国有企业招募海归的口号是:加入我们吧,因为我们没有玻璃天花板。

    One Chinese state-owned enterprise recruits sea turtles by saying , ' Come join us because we don 't have a glass ceiling , ' according to Alan Pang , head of talent in greater China for consulting firm Aon Hewitt .

  5. 翰威特咨询公司的调查显示,今年工资上涨幅度预计为10.6%,而2009年工资上涨了6.6%。

    A survey by Hewitt Associates suggests that employers will raise salaries by10.6 % this year , compared with a6.6 % rise in2009 .

  6. 我们特别指出了我们对贵公司需求的理解、完成这个项目的方法过程以及翰威特公司与东大合作的许多细节问题。

    We also emphasize our understandings upon your needs , our methodologies for the fulfillment and some detailed issues during the co-operation between Neusoft and Hewitt .

  7. 翰威特估计,在华外企今年的平均员工自愿流动率将超过15%,恢复至危机前水平。

    Hewitt estimates that the average voluntary employee turnover rate for foreign companies in China will this year return to pre-crisis levels of more than 15 per cent .

  8. 我们很荣幸地邀请您参加怡安翰威特2011年度无锡城市全面薪酬评估结果分享会,了解无锡最新的人才市场变化以及薪酬趋势!

    We are honored to invite you to participate in2011 Aon Hewitt Total Compensation Measurement Result Sharing Meeting , to understand the latest changes of labor market and compensation trend in Wuxi !

  9. 怡安翰威特估计,去年中国的平均员工流动率略低于20%。鲁宁说,Y世代的员工流动率可能高出10%。

    Aon Hewitt estimated average staff turnover in China last year at just under 20 % , and Ms. Lu said the rate for Gen Y could be as much as 10 % higher .

  10. 这一由领英中国联合人力资源资讯公司怡安翰威特发布的白皮书显示,互联网金融行业对于高科技行业人才的吸引力最高,其次是互联网人才、金融人才。

    The paper , jointly issued by the China branch of LinkedIn and human resources firm Aon Hewitt , said the Internet finance industry is the most attractive to professionals in the high-tech industry , followed by those in the industries of Internet and finance .