
  • 网络green earth;Green Globe
  1. 孔雀石是一个美丽的黑边的绿色地球石头。

    Malachite is a beautiful green earth stone with black bands .

  2. 因为那一刻,我成为了这个绿色地球上最痛苦的人,一个肩负使命的摇滚明星。

    Because at that moment I became the worst scourge on God 's green earth , a rock star with a cause . Krikee .

  3. 纳亚尔的话有一定权威,因为短短几个月前她刚刚获得颇具盛名的青少年组“绿色地球奖”(GreenGlobeAward)。

    Nayar spoke with some authority , having received the prestigious Green Globe Award in the youth category just a few months earlier .

  4. 嗯,这里有一些相当简单的好主意给想要一个绿色地球的你。

    Well , here are some pretty easy and nifty ideas for that green-earth junkie inside you .

  5. 作为绿色地球家园的一份子,让我们为了健康、环保与时尚,现在就加入到全球绿色行动中来吧!

    As a member of this global village , let us join in the global green campaign for health , for environment and for fashion !

  6. 面对世界环境恶化和资源短缺,人类社会开始了探索建设绿色地球的努力。

    Faced with the world environmental degradation and resource shortages , human society began to work hard to find a way for building a green Earth .

  7. 让我们携起手来,重新建设一个绿色的地球吧!

    Let us join hands to build a green earth to re-bar !

  8. 随着环保意识的增强,世界各地的企业都在标榜自己为创造更绿色的地球而尽的努力。

    As environmental awareness has grown , companies worldwide have touted their efforts to create a greener planet .

  9. 绿色闪光是地球大气使阳光发生折射并将阳光分解成其组成颜色的时候产生的光学效应。

    The flashes are optical effects created when sunlight is bent and broken into its component colors by Earth 's atmosphere .

  10. 绿色植物处于地球上的生物链最底端,是地球上生物的生存基础和能量来源。

    Existed in the bottom of the food chain on Earth , green plants are the biological basis of earth and the source of energy for survival .

  11. 绿色的草地是地球的绿色毛衣。

    Green grass is a green sweater of the earth .

  12. 营造绿色城市,呵护地球家园!

    Green Cities – Plan for the Planet !

  13. 当你看到图中展现的这颗如蓝绿色大理石般的地球时,

    When you see the planet looking like a blue-green marble the way it does in this picture ,

  14. 他认为绿色环保只是善待地球而已,他没有意识到绿色环保也意味着坦白。

    He thought going green just meant being good to the earth ; he didn'trealize it meant fessing up too .

  15. 你们明白么,其实你们在被来自你们的空间链接影响着,那种潜意识的影响使得你作为例子染了头发的样色比如红色或者绿色,那在地球上并不是自然的。

    Do you realize that you are influenced by your Space links , and that subconsciously for example you copy hair coloring like red and green that is not naturally found on Earth .