
kā fēi shù
  • coffee tree
  1. 咖啡树蒸腾速率与环境因子的关系

    The relationship between transpiration rate of coffee tree and environmental factors

  2. 咖啡树的种子;磨碎用来做咖啡。

    A seed of the coffee tree ; ground to make coffee .

  3. 火山口附近的土壤富含营养,为咖啡树提供了充足的地下水。

    Volcanic soil is rich in nutrients and provides good drainage .

  4. 广西咖啡树两种虎天牛的研究

    Studies on two long-jorned beetles infesting coffee trees in Kwangsi Autonomous Region

  5. 咖啡树仅仅能在非常有限的气候区域内生长。

    Coffee grows well within a limited climatic range .

  6. 这种真菌阻滞了阿拉比卡豆咖啡树果实的生长。

    The fungus stunts the growth of the fruit of arabica coffee plants .

  7. 随着温度的增加,咖啡树也将迁往更高的海拔和纬度。

    As temperatures rise , so will coffee & to higher altitudes and latitudes .

  8. 咖啡树繁衍生息,到1726年,人们终于迎来了第一次收获。

    It grew , and multiplied , and by1726 the first harvest was ready .

  9. 因为,不象那种大量,商品种植园,他们要保养咖啡树。

    Because , unlike large , mechanised plantations , they have retained shade trees .

  10. 卡啡因产自植物性天然化学成分的咖啡树细胞,其过程分三步。

    Caffeine is produced in coffee plant cells from a natural plant chemical in three steps .

  11. 西非的一种小型咖啡树。

    Small tree of West Africa .

  12. 每个物种的品种排名下面,有许多品种的阿拉伯咖啡树。

    Each species has varieties ranked underneath it , and there are many varieties of arabica coffee trees .

  13. 而且,阿拉比卡咖啡树的特殊的生长条件将决定其是否能成为极品咖啡。

    Rather , the specific growing conditions of Arabica coffee plants will determine whether they are gourmet or not .

  14. 厄·德·克利深明大义,把自己的大部分宝贵的水用来浇咖啡树。

    De Clieu had his priorities right and gave most of his allowance of precious water to the coffee plant .

  15. 争夺保卫之战异常激烈,树的一条枝干被折断了,但咖啡树最终逃过了一劫。

    There was a violent struggle in which a branch was torn off , but the plant survived this horror .

  16. 它同时还摧毁了40%的咖啡树和50%的可可作物。

    The storm also wiped out 40 per cent of the coffee trees and 50 per cent of the cacao crop .

  17. 为了给咖啡树保暖,并防止海水的损害,他把树安放在甲板上的一个玻璃箱里。

    The plant was kept in a glass case on deck to keep it warm and prevent damage from salt water .

  18. 突尼斯的海盗威胁着船只的安全,船遇上了猛烈的风暴,咖啡树要被固定住才行。

    Pirates from Tunis threatened the ship , there was a violent storm and the plant had to be tied down .

  19. 靠着他人的帮助以及他过人的个人魅力,他弄到了一棵咖啡树,并把它带到了船上。

    With assistance and no little personal charm he acquired a coffee tree which he took with him on the ship back .

  20. 三年之后,咖啡树即可结出鲜红的咖啡樱桃。阿拉比卡咖啡树是全世界种植最普遍的一种咖啡树。

    This species of coffee plant known as Arabica coffee is the most commonly grown species of coffee grown throughout the world .

  21. 因此,高海拔地区的阿拉比卡咖啡树更容易出产极品咖啡。

    As a result , gourmet coffee usually encompasses coffee beans grown from Arabica coffee plants that are situated at a high altitude .

  22. 他和他的家族种植可可树和咖啡树,经营一家清洁公司,财产租赁以及为跨国公司提供物流管理服务。

    He and his family farm cocoa and coffee , run a cleaning business , lease out property and manage logistics for international companies .

  23. 阿拉比卡咖啡树长得越高,其出产极品咖啡豆的几率就越高。

    The higher the Arabica coffee plant is , the higher the chance is that it will produce coffee beans that can be classified as gourmet .

  24. 当赫苏斯·玛利亚·阿吉雷看到了他的咖啡树日渐枯萎时,他意识到,这下他的家庭失去了唯一的收入来源。

    WHEN Jesus Maria Aguirre saw his coffee bushes wither away , he knew that he had lost the sole source of income for his family .

  25. 最终,船到达马提尼克岛,咖啡树被种在了这里,树的周围竖起了带刺的篱笆,由奴隶看守。

    Finally , the ship arrived in Martinique and the coffee tree was replanted , where it was surrounded by a thorn hedge and watched over by slaves .

  26. 在秘鲁亚马逊盆地边上,种植户的咖啡树感染了一种真菌,据说这种真菌起源于一个多世纪以前的肯尼亚。

    Coffee plants belonging to growers on the edges of the Peruvian Amazon basin have been infected with a fungus said to have originated in Kenya more than a century ago .

  27. 现如今,在阿吉雷先生位于哥伦比亚中部山脉山坡上的农场里,他照料着超过1.5公顷的种满红色果实的健康的咖啡树。

    On his farm on the slopes of the country 's central mountain range , Mr Aguirre today presides over 1.5 hectares ( 4 acres ) of healthy bushes plump with red berries .

  28. 影响味道的因素是咖啡树的品种类别、生长的土壤性质、栽培园的气候及海拔、采摘成果的谨慎、以及豆子处理的过程等。

    Factors that affect the taste of coffee tree species categories , the growth of soil properties , climate and altitude of cultivated garden , picking the outcome of care , and treatment processes beans .

  29. 这是由于能遮阴的树可以减缓咖啡树的成熟,给予咖啡豆充分的成长,使其含有更多的天然糖份、更上乘的口味与较少的咖啡因。

    This is because the shade trees slow down the maturation of the coffee plant , which allows for the coffee bean to develop : more natural sugar , better flavor , and less caffeine .

  30. 根据全息生物学的理论,研究了咖啡树枝条不同部位叶片的面积、座果数量和光合速率等性状的差异。

    Differences in leaf area , amount of berry setting and photosynthetic rate between different parts of coffee branches were studied according to the ECIWO ( Embryo Containing the Information of the Whole Organism ) biology theory .